His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual .
他演戏的方法是 内心 世界 的 流露,而不是知识的表现。
A very low frequency of transmittance to visceral tissue was confirmed in pigs but not in sheep .
确认了猪,但不是羊,会发生非常低频率的( 基因片段) 内脏组织 转移。
Visceral a person 's health the young then that the disease will disappear naturally .
一个人的 脏腑健康了,年轻了,那么这个人的疾病也就自然的消失了。
This will have incredible visceral action and complex rich characters .
影片中会包含一些不可思议、 发自 内心的行为和丰富多样的人物形象。
I never overcame a visceral antipathy for the monarchy .
我从未能够消除 内心对君主政体的反感。
But for Florence a visceral dread a helpless disgust as palpable as seasickness is overwhelming her .
但对佛罗伦萨而言,一种和晕船一样明显、 发自 内心的恐惧和无助的恶心正席卷全身。
So we really should try to get rid of the excess visceral fat cells .
因此,我们确实应该清除过剩的 内脏脂肪细胞。
I had an extraordinary visceral response he writes of seeing the site for the first time .
“我有一个特别的, 发自 内心的反应,”这是他对于第一次看见遗址的描写。
Plastic surgery such as liposuction can remove subcutaneous fat but not visceral fat .
像抽脂手术可以除掉皮下脂肪,但对 内脏脂肪无效。
The Experimental Study of Capsaicin 's Effects on Gastric Motility in Visceral Hypersensitivity Rats
辣椒素对 内脏高敏感大鼠胃动力影响的实验研究
There are two types of fat : visceral and subcutaneous .
脂肪分两种: 内脏脂肪和皮下脂肪。
Had a major impact on the control of malaria Chagas disease visceral leishmaniasis and other tropical diseases .
对控制疟疾、南美锥虫病、 内脏利什曼病和其它热带疾病产生了重大、积极的影响。
The influence of laparoscopic Miles surgery for rectal carcinoma on stress response and visceral proteins
腹腔镜直肠癌Miles手术对机体应激反应和 内脏蛋白的影响
But environmentalism offers no economic theory only a visceral dislike of any economic calculus .
但环保论没有提供经济理论,只有对所有经济理论的 本能厌恶。
That 's according to ? University of Michigan scientists studying the health risks of abdominal fat also called visceral fat .
那是根据密西根大学科学家研究了腹部脂肪的健康风险,也称为 内脏脂肪。
The initial short-term reaction from traders and Wall Street will be visceral fear and worry about jail time .
交易员和华尔街刚开始的反应,应该是对蹲大牢 发自 内心的恐惧和忧虑。
The autonomic nervous system is also called the visceral vegetative or involuntary nervous system .
自主神经系统又称 内脏神经系统,营养神经系统或不随意神经系统。
This chemical is toxic in large amounts ; it damages the visceral ( internal ) organs such as the heart lungs liver and kidneys .
大量的这种化学物质是有毒的;对 内脏(内部的)器官例如心脏,肺脏,肝脏和肾脏是有损害的。
The Relation between Accumulation of Visceral Fat and Serum Uric Acid and Metabolic Syndrome
Nah just a few broken bones and a visceral cleft .
没有,只是断了几根骨头和 内脏裂开。
Do these visceral responses also known as physiological arousal hurt or help us ?
这些 生理反应被称为心理唤醒,对我们来说它们是有害还是有益呢?
Reflective processing can enhance or inhibit behavioral processing but has no direct access to visceral reactions .
反思处理过程可以增强或者约束行为处理过程,不过它和 本能反应没有直接联系。
Visceral fat is the type of fat that causes an apple-shaped body .
Autonomic nervous system is the neural regulation of visceral function devices may also be known as the plant or visceral nervous system .
自主神经系统是指调节 内脏功能的神经装置,也可称为植物性神经系统或内脏神经系统。
This is Africa at its most visceral and I promise it will change you for the better .
这是最 真实的非洲,我保证它会让你变得更好。
This pain is visceral and is therefore felt centrally and usually in the umbilical area .
这种疼痛是 内脏性的,所以感觉 腹部中央疼痛,通常在脐部位。
Present Situation of Visceral Leishmaniasis and Prospect for its Control in China
我国内 脏利什曼病的现状和对防治工作的展望
Functional gastrointestinal disorders : abnormality in motility or visceral sensitivity ?
胃肠功能性疾病:是胃肠动力障碍?还是 内脏感觉异常所致?