visual inquiry

[ˈvɪʒuəl ɪnˈkwaɪri][ˈviʒuəl inˈkwaiəri]


  • This paper gives the software design of television signal inspection system the software system with Visual Basic is developed . The system software of television signal inspection consists of software by server by customer and with form inquiry software .

    给出了电视信号监测系统的软件设计,用 VISUALBASIC工具开发系统软件,电视信号监测系统软件由服务器软件、客户端软件和 查询 报表软件三部分组成。

  • This paper summarizes the CQL language and introduces the definition of morpheme semantics syntax and pragmatics of CQL . Meanwhile the paper gives the design method of CQL editors compilers and visual inquiry results .

    本文介绍了CQL语言的语素、语义、语法及语用的定义,同时给出了CQL编辑器、编译器和 查询结果 可视化的设计方法。

  • Integrated Visual C + + 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 management and inquiry of system is realized and many craft parameters message for example workpiece material lathe cutting tools and liquid carry on unified management and real-time inquiry .

    利用 Visualc++6.0和SqlServer2000的结合,实现系统的管理功能和 查询功能,对工件材料、加工机床、切削刀具和切削液等工艺参数信息进行统一管理和实时查询。

  • We start from the prevention and cure of SARS different visual field inquiry into the medical science public health policy economics sociology humanities with the complexity a visual field in the disease prevention and cure and the standpoint of the health with important function .

    文章从SARS防治的不同 视野入手, 探讨了医学、公共卫生政策、经济学、人文和复杂性科学各个视野在疾病防治和健康方面的观点和重要作用。

  • Utilizing the Microsoft Visual Basic program language and Microsoft Access database management system the query system of gaskets is developed . This query system possesses file management inquiry and help function .

    利用Microsoft visualBasic编程语言和MicrosoftAccess数据库管理系统建立了标准垫片 查询系统。

  • In computer the compressed images are decompressed in Visual Basic software and combined to a common video file and it is convenient for information inquiry .

    在电脑端,图像回放采用 VB软件编程解码,并把解码后的多个单帧图像转化为一个通用视频.avi格式文件,方便图像信息 查询

  • The article has introduced the foundation of systematic figure file management module data gathering and dealing with module inquiring statistics module and information output module and has realized the basic function of the figure scan transmitting visual inquiry and the figure output .

    文章同时介绍了系统的图形文件管理模块、数据采集及处理模块、查询统计模块、信息输出模块的建立,实现了图形浏览、图形的导入、图形的 可视化查询、输出的基本功能。

  • Based on generalized icons visual inquiry function has been established which combines the recognition mode of computer with that of human eyes . System inquiry is closely connected with people vision so that information and knowledge can be visually inquired .

    基于广义象建立 可视 查询功能,把电脑与人的眼脑识别模式相结合,将系统查询与人们的视觉紧密联系在一起,可以直观地查询信息和知识。

  • The data inquiry module provides a visual and humane interface inquiry forms data vision forms and the detailed information forms as well as the browse function .

    数据查询模块提供一个 可视化、人性化界面,设置 查询窗体、显示数据窗体和详细信息窗体,并具有浏览功能。

  • A universal program of random multi-condition inquiry for databases in Visual Foxpro

    VISUALFOXPRO任意数据库通用复合随机 查询程序

  • Aiming at the current problems with water and steam thermodynamic properties inquiry software a visual and modularized inquiry software based on a database was developed . Utilizing the whole range of parameters for the properties of water and steam the software can simulate manual inquiry processes .

    针对目前 查询水蒸汽性质软件存在的问题,将全范围水和水蒸汽性质参数库与模拟人工查询程序相结合,开发了基于数据库的查询软件,并实现了 可视化、模块化、网络化。

  • A special data acquisition software is compiled by Visual Basic 6.0 . The software containing the functions of controlling DAQ card data processing drawing real-time curve and database inquiry has high practicability .

    针对喷射式制冷实验的特点,利用 VISUALBASIC6.0编制专门的数据采集软件。并使其具有控制数据采集卡、数据处理、绘制实时动态曲线和数据库 查询功能的实用性较强的软件。

  • This designed a inquiry system of laser cutting 's parameters by Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL server 7.0 we can get the best parameters in this system .

    VISUALBASIC6.0和用SqlServer7.0设计了激光切割工艺参数数据 查询系统。能实现对常用材料的激光切割工艺参数进行查询。

  • Visual inquiry and analysis system of monitor information of slope and their application

    边坡监测信息 可视化 查询分析系统及其应用

  • Mitchell is one of the most scholars in the field of visual culture studies . He is famous for pictorial turn . Critical Inquiry edited by Mitchell is also famous and popular .

    米歇尔是 当代 视觉文化研究领域的重要学者之一,并因提出图画转向而闻名,他主编的《批评 探索》受到学术界的普遍认可和关注。

  • The visual information inquiry for construction and management of Three Gorge Project

    三峡工程施工和管理信息的 可视 查询