Through flows swiftly the disgusting vomitive mechanism research result which to the pinellia the heart soup treatment chemotherapy causes .
通过对半夏泻心汤治疗化疗引起的恶心 呕吐机制研究的实验结果表明。
ResultsTMZX granules obviously increased the urine volume of mice and rats prolonged the incubation period of pigeon and decreased the vomitive times of pigeon .
能延长硫酸铜和顺铂致家鸽 呕吐的潜伏期,并能减少硫酸铜和顺铂所致家鸽的 呕吐次数。
The area postrema ( AP ) is the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the vomitive reflex and also receives inputs from the vagal sensory fibres of the stomach .
延髓最后区是 呕吐反射的化学感受触发区,也接受胃的迷走感觉纤维传入。
Come up against vomitive patient should its head side direction at the same time in case puke returns respiratory tract drifting a person to cause asphyxial .
碰到 呕吐病人,应将其头部侧向一边,以防呕吐物返流人呼吸道引起窒息。