Mentally challenge everything not vocally particularly the assumptions that are built into the situation .
在精神上质疑一切而不是 口头 上特别是那些对形势的预设。
Describe what you see what you 're doing your afternoon plans or what you 'd like to make for dinner vocally instead of keeping it locked up in your head .
说说你看到的东西、你在做的事、下午的计划,或者想做什么 晚餐而不是只在大脑中 思考。
Someone who communicates vocally in a very loud voice .
进行交流 时 用很大声音的人。
Vocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression .
Instead of being busy figuring out how to solve their problems men should show their acknowledge-ment vocally or through nodding and brief eye contact .
男人应该 多多表示对她们的赞同,多点头,多 做眼神的接触,而不是急着去寻找解决问题的办法。
Nan Fang-shuo a political commentator said : It would be difficult for Beijing to oppose too vocally the visit given its purpose of providing spiritual relief to disaster victims .
政治评论员南方朔表示:北京方面将难以过于 大声地反对这次访问,因为其目的是给予灾难受害者心灵抚慰。
If a company goes to the trouble of having a chairman whose job is to mediate with investors and the outside world he must visibly and vocally support the chief executive .
如果一家公司特意设置了一个 非执行董事长的职位,由其负责与投资者和外界 打 好 关系, 那么,他就必须 公开 出言支持首席执行官。
Abusing vocally ; expressing contempt or ridicule .
言语 上 的 侮辱;表现出轻视和奚落。
He could be vocally very vicious towards people he considered stupid .
他对那些他认为愚笨的人在 言词 上 会十分刻毒。
Nothing here that explains why you 're so stridently and vocally anti-immigration .
上面没有提到你这么 反移民的原因。
Integrated vocally teaching method is the teaching method that according to the regulation of singing bands physiology 、 psychology 、 emotion together .
整体性 声乐教学方法,就是从发声歌唱的 运动规律出发将生理条件、心理调控、情感表现等结合起来的综合教学方法。
Some recite pi to many decimal digits and some present vocally the long ancient poems learnt by heart to the visiting guests of the family . However is it really helpful to the children 's lives ?
不少孩子 会把 圆周率背到小数点后很多位,有的孩子能够在客人面前背长长的古诗,但是这些对他的一生真的有用吗?
Many US businesses have vocally opposed any agreement to cut emissions without strong commitments from China fearing they would be undercut by rivals in a country with lax environmental standards .
许多美国企业已 明确 表态,如果中国没有做出强有力的承诺,它们将反对任何减排协议,担心与一个环保标准宽松的国家内的对手相比,自己在竞争中将 处于劣势。