Genuine VP ellipsis construction does not exist in English .
英语中不存在真正的 动词 短语省略。
Before that she was chief marketing officer and executive VP of card products for discover financial services .
更早之前,她在DiscoverFinancialServices担任首席市场官和负责卡片产品的执行 副 总裁。
And finally a VP of engineering .
最后, 聘请了一名工程 副 总裁。
The CEO definitely approved a project budget of $ $ $ requested by the VP of business .
CEO明确地批准了由业务 副 总所请求的项目预算 $$$。
But then the company hired a VP of operations .
但后来,这家公司聘请一名运营 副 总裁。
A VP once told me that he had already attained the highest position hed ever reach at Microsoft .
一位 副 总裁曾经告诉我,他已经做到了他在微软能做的最高职位。
The administrator can increase or decrease the number of CPU VPs as needed by the database server .
管理员可以根据需要通过数据库服务器增加或减少CPU VP 类的数量。
Fifth period Trueman and the VP come in asking for you .
第五节课的时候崔曼和 副 校长来找过你。
ObjectiveTo express and obtain the fused protein thermolabile hemolysin ( TLH ) of vibrio parahaemolyticus ( VP ) .
目的表达和纯化融合表达的副溶血弧菌不 耐热溶血毒素。
Research on the Particular VP for the English Generation of Chinese-English Translation System
汉英机译系统英文生成中特殊 动词 短语的处理研究
On process level the variable VP is defined
在流程级别,定义了变量 VP
Please include details on ensured long-term repeatability of PPAP and DVP & R results .
请提供满足长期重复性的 PPAP、 vp和R结果的详情。
MSC VP : Runs threads for the miscellaneous tasks .
MSC VP:为其他混合的任务运行线程。
Company CEO ( to company IT VP ): I think you need to revamp our IT strategy .
公司的CEO(对公司IT 副 总)说:我认为你需要重新修改我们的IT策略。
Sarah Palin is chosen as John McCain 's VP candidate .
莎拉·佩林被选为麦凯恩的 副 总统候选人。
A VP class is responsible for a specific set of tasks .
一个 VP类负责执行一组特定任务集。
The rule Parse - Vp will now trigger .
规则 PARSE-vp现在将触发。
Token word Kan usually appears behind verb and VP mainly expresses a kind of trying tone .
语助词看经常出现于动词或 动词 结构的后面,主要表示一种尝试的语气。
At runtime the variables VP and VM have only one instance per process instance .
在运行时,每个流程实例只能具有变量 VP和VM的一个实例。
For example the capped partition E has PrU = 2 and VP = 4 .
例如,capped分区E有PrU=2和 VP=4。
Semantic and Pragmatic Study on the MvP in the Structure of MvP + VP + NP
PIO VP : Runs internal threads to write to the physical log on the disk .
PIO VP:运行内部线程从而写入磁盘上的物理日志。
NP and VP are essential components of a sentence comprising the subject and predicate .
名词词组和 动词 词组是句子中最重要的词组, 因为它们构成了句子的主语和谓语。
The 65-year-old VP had a physical today .
65岁的 副 总统今天接受了身体检查。
The VP and I knew you two were close .
副 校长和我都知道你们曾经很亲密。
Multiple instances of the event handler may be active while variables VP and VM have only one instance .
事件处理程序可能有多个实例处于活动状态,而变量 VP和VM只能具有一个实例。
SOC VP : Handles polling tasks for the TCP / IP Berkeley sockets method of communication .
SOC VP:为通信的TCP/IPBerkeley套接字方法处理轮询任务。
Each VP belongs to a VP class .
每个 VP属于一个VP类。
And then a VP of finance .
接着,又 聘请了一名财务 副 总裁。
美[ˌvi:'pi:]英[ˌvi: ˈpi:]
abbr.Vice President 副总统Verb Phrsase 动词短语