Wind : Itchy skin Body pain aversion to cold . Wandering pain floating pulse .
风:皮肤痒、身痛、恶寒、 游走 痛、脉浮。
The spiritual wandering either in the urban or in the countryside the pain for the poor to make a living the mania of middle class consuming the fission of spirit in the market economy era are real urban experiences driven by the process of urbanization .
亦乡亦城的精神 漂泊,都市底层的生存之 痛,中产阶层的消费迷狂,市场经济时代的精神裂变,都是都市化进程席卷下真切的都市体验。
My wandering must have caused you great worry and pain .
我 四处 流浪一定让你 担了不少心。