voting booth

[法] 投票室

  • Your stink will smell up every voting booth in this city .

    你的臭 名就会传遍整个城市。

  • Freedom of choice in the check-out aisle is not so very far from freedom of choice in the bookstore or cyberspace or the voting booth .

    收款台通道的自由选择与在书店、虚拟空间或 投票 站里的自由选择差不多。

  • Within 50 years we might even find ourselves standing next to the next generation of vacuum cleaners in the voting booth .

    不到50年之后,我们甚至可能同新一代吸尘器站在一起 投票

  • First the economy is changing continuously as citizens freely express their economic preferences directly in the marketplace and indirectly in the voting booth .

    首先,随着美国公民在市场上以直接方式和在 投票 站里以间接方式表达出来的经济倾向性,美国经济在不断变化。