Even such a war criminal as Chiang Kai-shek knows that without negotiations it is impossible to cease hostilities and restore peace ; on point Sun Fo is far behind Chiang kai-shek .
连蒋介石那样的 战争 罪犯,也知道停止战争,恢复和平,没有商谈是不可能的,孙科在这点上比蒋介石差远了。
People should not think that there is something ridiculous about a war criminal suing for peace nor should they think that such a bid for peace is really disgusting .
人们不要以为 战犯求和未免滑稽,也不要以为这样的求和声明实在可恶。
He doesn 't need or deserve to see them and Some people may call him a war criminal but this man is a HERO .
总统先生不应该看到这些、也许有人会说他是个 战争 罪人,但是我觉得他是个大英雄。
The war criminal laid hands on himself to escape punishment .
这个 战犯畏罪自杀了。
Good ! Here this war criminal Sun Fo has made a voluntary confession and a frank and truthful one too although he has not been arrested or caned .
好了,孙科这一名 战争 罪犯,没有被捕,也没有被打,即自动招供,而且忠实无误。
Two alleged Congolese militia leaders have denied war crimes at the start of their trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague .
两名被指称的刚果国民军首领在海牙国际 刑事法庭审判开始的时候就否认了 战争罪行。
Pu Yi was jailed but although condemned by the Chinese as a war criminal he too was treated relatively lightly .
作为“ 人民 的 战犯”,溥仪虽然被拘捕,但待遇还不算太差。
For now the world 's diplomats will have to get used to shaking hands with a wanted war criminal when they deal with the president of Sudan .
目前而言,当和苏丹总统打交道的时候,世界上的外交家们得不得不要适应与一个被通辑的 战争 罪犯握手。
The war crime and so on the international criminal offense threatens humanity 's peace and the security seriously .
战争罪等国际 刑事犯罪严重威胁人类的和平与安全。
As is generally known Sun Fo is listed as a war criminal because he has all along supported Chiang Kai-shek in launching and continuing the war .
人们知道孙科之所以成为 战犯,是因为他一向赞助蒋介石发动 战争,并坚持战争。
The old war criminal was at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad
这个老 战犯终於被人从他在国外的藏匿处查获
In this cult-thriller Laurence Olivier plays a war criminal turned dentist who tortures Dustin Hoffman by drilling through his dental nerves without anaesthetic .
在这部惊悚片中,劳伦斯奥利弗(LaurenceOlivier)饰演的牙医曾是一名 战犯,他用牙钻钻动着达斯汀霍夫曼(DustinHoffman)的牙神经,却不给他使用麻药。
He was a Nazi war criminal .
他是个纳粹 战犯。
From the scope of pardon the types of crime should include war crimes economic crimes and some minor criminal cases . The types of punishment for pardon include free property and qualifications but also the death penalty .
从特赦的适用范围来看,犯罪类型应主要包括 战争犯罪、部分经济犯罪和轻微 刑事 犯罪,适用刑罚类型不仅可以是自由 刑、财产刑和资格刑,还应包括死刑。
But the whole universal system of collective security could be undermined if it were invoked so soon again particularly after the highly questionable invasion of Iraq in 2003-and would leave those involved liable to prosecution for war crimes before the International Criminal Court in the Hague .
但是,如果这么快就再次引用先例,整个世界共同安全体系可能被渐渐破坏,特别是2003高度可疑地入侵伊拉克后,而且会导致涉入国容易因 战争罪被海牙国际 犯罪法庭起诉。
UN officials hope to classify attacks on UN and humanitarian personnel as war crimes prosecutable by the International Criminal Court .
联合国官员希望将攻击联合国人员及人道主义人员的行为归为 战争罪行,可由国际 刑事法庭起诉。
On the Connotation of War Crime and the Subject of Criminal Responsibility
论 战争罪之内涵及其 刑事责任主体
Once . I called Donald Rumsfeld a war criminal the night before the midterm election .
有一次,在中期选举之前的晚上我管唐纳德·罗姆斯非尔德叫 战争 罪犯。
And you must be a greater fool in not recognising the war criminal that is Hirohito .
你不承认裕仁天皇是 战争 罪犯,更傻。
Secretary Clinton is also scheduled to hold high-level talks on Sudan but will not meet President Bashir who has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court .
克林顿国务卿还计划就苏丹问题举行高级别会见,但是将不会会晤已经被国际 刑事法庭判决犯有 战争罪的巴希尔总统。
We are being held by a war criminal !
我们被一个 战犯抓住了!
Israel released Nazi war criminal 's diary
以色列公布前纳粹 战犯的日记
This essay plans to compare International Criminal Tribunal in the former Yugoslavia ( ICTY ) and International War Crimes Tribunal in Rwanda ( ICTR ) with International Criminal Court ( ICC ) and then discusses how to coordinate international and national jurisdictions .
从对前南和卢旺达两个法庭与国际 刑事法院的管辖权的比较,分析国际性法院如何与国内法院的管辖权进行协调,以及 何者更为优先的问题。
He was too senile to stand trial as war criminal .
他太老了,身心衰弱以至无法作为 战犯接受审讯。
Indeed the Radicals'leader is an indicted war criminal awaiting trial in The Hague .
实际上,该党领袖是一名受到起诉的、正在海牙(TheHague)待审的 战犯。
The US administration recently branded him a war criminal .
美国当局最近认定他为 战犯。
Which country elected a World War II fascist war criminal ( Class A ) as a peacetime leader ?
二战后哪个国家选举了甲级 战犯作为领导人?
美[wɔr ˈkrɪmənəl]英[wɔ: ˈkriminəl]