wash off

[wɑʃ ɔf][wɔʃ ɔf]

(使)清除掉, 清洗掉

  • Wash products off your face as soon as you get home instead of waiting until bedtime .

    回家立即 清洗脸部而不是等到睡觉时。

  • ' You 're wrong about the crumbs 'said the Mock Turtle : 'crumbs would all wash off in the sea .

    你可说错了!”素甲鱼说,“海水会 面包屑 冲掉的。

  • This paper described how to wash off the pipeline of model 835-50 amino acid analyzer when power cut accident have taken place in analysis procedure .

    本文介绍了日立 835-50型氨基酸分析仪分析过程中遇到停电时,仪器管路的 冲洗方法。

  • Rub down the door and wash off the dust before applying the varnish .

    在上清漆前,要彻底打磨这扇门并 尘土 清洗

  • I let some lemonade fall on my clothes and I 'm not sure if I can wash it off .

    我把柠檬水洒在衣服上了,不知道能否 洗掉

  • You must wash it off you can 't use perfume anymore .

    你必须 洗掉,而且,经后再也不能用香水了。

  • How do we know that the bone just didn 't wash off the street ?

    我们怎么知道这些骨头不是从街道 冲掉 下去的呢?

  • And make sure to reapply sunscreen Dauer reminded . After 20 minutes in saltwater even waterproof sunscreens wash off to a large extent .

    她提醒人们确保遮光剂的反复使用,在盐水即使是水池中待上20分钟,大部分遮光剂 就会 洗掉

  • Unlike lotion Body Butter will not wash right off .

    不像化妆水,身体黄油不需要 马上

  • They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive proliferate or do any harm .

    热水 可以 增殖中的病毒从喉头 清洗入胃,在胃里病毒不可能生存,或者通过增殖扩散对人体产生任何伤害。

  • This golden boy 's gotta go wash ink off his boobs .

    宝贝儿子得先去 胸口的墨汁 洗掉

  • As a 20-minute slathered - up dip in the sea is enough to wash off 25 % of the ingredients into the water 4 to 6 tonnes of UV sunscreen are released annually into the sea affecting 10 % of the world 's coral reefs .

    浸泡在海水中20分钟就会有25%的防晒霜成分溶入水中,也就是说,每年海水中会溶解 4000~6000吨紫外线遮阳剂,受影响的珊瑚礁达到了世界珊瑚礁总量的10%。

  • Don 't worry about the dirty marks . they 'll wash off easily .

    不要担心那些污迹,它们很容易 洗掉的。

  • Massage into the skin and remove with damp cotton wool or wash off with water .

    轻轻地按摩皮肤,然后用湿毛巾 擦掉,或 用水 清洗

  • John : I am terribly sorry ! What can I do to help ? Here 's some water to wash it off .

    约翰:我真的很抱歉!我能帮上什么忙吗?这里有水可以 洗掉

  • Direction : Apply to body in bath massage evenly and wash off with water . Caution : External use only .

    使用方法: 沐浴时,取适量本品均匀涂抹于身体上,适当按摩 用水 即可

  • Sergeant I want two constables to wash that off .


  • The actor is bidden to undress and wash off his powder and paint ; he will be needed no more .

    演员奉命卸装, 洗去粉墨胭脂,再也用不着他

  • And he kisses my forehead too so that the little brook would hardly wash it off !

    他还亲吻了我的额头,连小河的流水都 啦!

  • No thick black ink like that won 't wash off easily .

    不行,那样的黑墨水不容易 洗掉

  • The only problem is those sweeping waves always wash off the weakest member of the crew .

    唯一的问题是,那些巨大的波浪要 冲走一些队伍中最弱的成员。

  • Pollutant discharge of urban road runoff does not follow the regulation of Wash off model .

    路面径流污染物排放不符合 冲刷模型描述的排污规律。

  • Wash off soap or remaining dirt .

    冲洗 肥皂沬或残存泥垢。

  • When complete with the bath wash off the remaining mud with a washcloth in the shower and finish with a salt scrub .

    当完成沐浴后, 洗掉剩下的泥巴,以一个盐摩砂结束。

  • That meant that Stephen Blackpool 's chances were better to wash off his injustice .

    这就意味着斯蒂芬?勃拉克普尔比较易于 洗刷自己的不白之冤了。

  • Glazed porcelain and pottery is fired pottery is more coarse texture with a little water absorption if the glaze falling that part is easy to wash off contamination ;


  • The results show that the content of calcium in dimethylbenzene insoluble water soluble and oil soluble fractions are 1.6 % 61.4 % and 37.0 % respectively . Most of organic calcium compounds are adsorbed in alumina firmly and difficult to wash off .

    结果表明,克炼减渣中二甲苯不溶性钙占1.6%,水溶性钙占61.4%,油溶性钙占 37.0%

  • Wash material off the skin with soap and water .

    洗净材料 关闭用肥皂和水 清洗皮肤。

  • Residents are also prohibited from using a hose to wash off paved surfaces and must use a hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle when washing their cars .

    该法令同样禁止居民利用水管来 冲刷光滑的路面,以及规定居民必须使用带有自动闭合喷嘴的水管来清洗车辆。

  • That way you can rinse them so food will be easier to wash off later but still wait until you have a full load to run the cleaning cycle .

    这样,他们就可以以清水 洗净,容易使食物会过后来但等到你已满载办好清洗周期。