Subgroup A predominate but subgroup B may cause more severe illness than subgroup A considering clinical symptoms and signs .
u4ee5 A u4e9a u578bu4e3au4e3buff0cu4f46Bu4e9au578bu5f15u8d77u7684u4e34u5e8au8868u73b0u66f4u4e25u91cdu3002
The additive subgroup generated by a multilinear polynomial
u4e00 u4e2au591au91cdu7ebfu6027u591au9879u5f0fu751fu6210u7684u53efu52a0 u5b50u7fa4
The quality of images in the subgroup B was markedly improved compared with the control group and the subgroup A ( P < 0.05 ) .
Bu7ec4u7684u626bu63cfu65b9u6cd5u4e0eu5bf9u7167u7ec4u53ca A u7ec4u76f8u6bd4uff0cu56feu50cfu8d28u91cfu660eu663eu63d0u9ad8uff08P<0.05uff09u3002
Laser capture microdissection ( LCM ) is a novel technique that can be applied to obtain pure targeted cell subgroup or even a single cell quickly and precisely under the microscope thus the problem of tissue heterogeneity in molecular analysis can be tackled successfully .
u8fd1u5e74u53d1u5c55u8d77u6765u7684u6fc0u5149u6355u83b7u663eu5faeu5207u5272uff08LaserCaptureMicrodissectionuff0cLCMuff09u6280u672fu53efu4ee5u5728u663eu5faeu955cu76f4u89c6u4e0bu5febu901fu3001u51c6u786eu5730u83b7u53d6u6240u9700u7684u5355u4e00u7ec6u80de u4e9a u7fa4uff0cu751au81f3 u5355u4e2au7ec6u80deuff0cu4eceu800cu6210u529fu89e3u51b3u4e86u7ec4u7ec7u4e2du7ec6u80deu5f02u8d28u6027u95eeu9898u3002
Let F ( G ) be the Fitting subgroup of a group G.
u4ee4Fuff08Guff09u8868u793au7fa4Gu7684Fitting u5b50u7fa4u3002
According to Kabat classified method the deduced amino acid sequence of F 7 VH gene belonged to the mouse Ig VH subgroup u2171( A ) and was resulted from V H D J H3 rearrangement .
u6839u636eKabatu5206u7c7bu65b9u6cd5uff0c F7VHu57fau56e0u63a8u5bfcu7684u6c28u57fau9178u987au5e8fu5c5eu4e8eu5c0fu9f20Igu7684VHu57fau56e0u7684u2161uff08 Auff09 u4e9a u7ec4uff0cu662fu7531VHuff0dDuff0dJH3u91cdu6392u4ea7u751fuff1b
Fuzzy Subgroup Generated by a Fuzzy Subset
Fuzzyu5b50u96c6u751fu6210u7684Fuzzy u5b50u7fa4
The naloxone treatment group consisted of a low dose naloxone subgroup and a large dose naloxone subgroup .
u7eb3u6d1bu916eu6cbbu7597u7ec4u53c8u5206u4e3au5c0fu5242u91cf u7ec4u53cau5927u5242u91cfu7ec4u3002
Cartain Conclusion of the Normal Index of subgroup of a Finite Group
u6709u9650 u7fa4 u5b50u7fa4u6b63u89c4u6307u6570u7684u82e5u5e72u7ed3u8bba
The low subgroup is a classtic sedimentary formation formed in the early tension environment based on a passive continental margin and the upper subgroup is a volcano-sedimentary formation in an active margin .
u5176u4e2duff0cu4e0b u4e9a u7fa4u662fu5728u88abu52a8u5927u9646u8fb9u7f18u57fau7840u4e0au5f62u6210u7684u65e9u671fu4f38u5f20u4f53u7cfbu7684u788eu5c51u6c89u79efu5efau9020uff0cu4e0au4e9au7fa4u4e3au5927u9646u8fb9u7f18u7684u706bu5c71u6c89u79efu5efau9020u3002
These two groups were further divided into two subgroups based on exist of unconsciousness . Subgroup A refers the unconsciousness patients unable to have dinner while in subgroup B patients with swallow dysfunction were consciousness .
u4e0au8ff0u4e24u7ec4u53c8u6309u75c5u4ebau662fu5426u6709u610fu8bc6u969cu788du5206u4e3a Au3001Bu4e24u4e2a u4e9au7ec4uff0c Au7ec4u4e3au610fu8bc6u969cu788du65e0u6cd5u8fdbu98dfu8005uff0cBu7ec4u4e3au610fu8bc6u6e05u4f46u6709u541eu54bdu529fu80fdu969cu788du8005u3002
Suppose that H is a nilpotent Hall u03c0 subgroup of a finite group G . Then H has normal complements if and only if ( 1 ) N G ( H ) / C G ( H ) is a u03c0 group ;
u8bbeHu662fu6709u9650u7fa4Gu7684u5e42u96f6Halu03c0uff0d u5b50u7fa4uff0cu5219Hu5b58u5728u6b63u89c4u8865u7684u5145u8981u6761u4ef6u662fuff081uff09NGuff08Huff09uff0fCGuff08Huff09u662fu03c0uff0du7fa4uff1b
Characterization of respiratory syncytial virus subgroup A and B in infants with acute lower respiratory tract infection from winter 2004 to spring 2005
2004uff5e2005u5e74u51acu6625u5b63u6025u6027u4e0bu547cu5438u9053u611fu67d3u60a3u513fRSV u4e9a u578bu7684u68c0u6d4bu53cau5206u6790
XTR is a new public key system based on a method to represent elements of a subgroup of a multiplicative group of a finite field .
XTRu662fu4e00u79cdu65b0u7684u57fau4e8eu6709u9650u57dfu7684u4e58u6cd5u7fa4u7684 u5b50u7fa4u4e2du5143u7d20u8ff9u7684u7d27u81f4u8868u793au7684u516cu94a5u5bc6u7801u4f53u5236u3002
The author discusses the commutator subgroup P u2032 of the normal Sylow subgroup P of a minimal non-nilpotent group and determine a set of generate elements of the commutator subgroup P u2032 .
u8ba8u8bbau4e86u6781u5c0fu975eu5e42u96f6u7fa4u7684u6b63u89c4Sylow u5b50u7fa4Pu7684u6362u4f4du5b50u7fa4Pu2032uff0cu786eu5b9au4e86u6362u4f4du5b50u7fa4Pu2032u7684u4e00u4e2au751fu6210u5143u96c6u3002
This paper studies the structure of normal cyclic subgroup of a finite direct prod-uct .
u672cu6587u8ba8u8bba u4e86u6709u9650u76f4u79efu7684u6b63u89c4u5faau73af u5b50u7fa4u7684u6784u9020u3002
The proposition 3 and examples indicated the differences and relations between the normal subgroup on a group G and a Fuzzy group .
u672cu6587u8ba8u8bbau4e86u5b83u7684u51e0u4e2au6027u8d28uff0cu5176u4e2du547du98983u53cau4f8bu6307u51fau4e86u5b83u4e0eu7fa4Gu7684u6b63u89c4Fuzzy u5b50u7fa4u4e24u8005u4e4bu95f4u7684u533au522bu4e0eu8054u7cfbu3002
For a maximal subgroup M of a finite group G the normal index of M is the order of a chief factor H / K where H is minimal in the set of supplements of M in G.
u6709u9650u7fa4Gu7684u6781 u5927u5b50 u7fa4Mu7684u6b63u89c4u6307u6570u662fu6307Gu7684u4e3bu56e0u5b50Huff0fKu7684u9636uff0cu5176u4e2dHu4e3aMu5728Gu4e2du7684u6781u5c0fu6b63u89c4u8865u3002
He authors give one sufficient condition for a - abnormal subgroup containing a - projector and give the structure of finite group in which nilpotent coradicals of normalizers of non-unit Sylow subgroups are subnormal .
u7ed9u51fau4e86Fuff0du4f2au6b63u89c4 u5b50u7fa4u5305u542bu6295u5c04u5b50u7684 u4e00 u4e2au5145u5206u6761u4ef6uff0cu5728u6b64u57fau7840u4e0au7ed9u51fau4e86u897fu6d1bu5b50u7fa4u6b63u89c4u5316u5b50u7684u5e42u96f6u4e0au6839u5728u7fa4u4e2du6b21u6b63u89c4u7684u6709u9650u7fa4u7684u6784u9020u3002
Diagnosis of Avian Leukosis Virus Subgroup A and Avian Leukosis Virus Subgroup J Infection in Breeding Chicken
Based on the V-partition coupling coefficients from a group to its subgroup a general relationship between the reduced matrix element of irreducible tensor operator of a group and that of its subgroup is obtained .
u672cu6587u8fd0u7528u5510u6556u5e86u7b49u5f15u5165u7684u7fa4u5230 u5b50u7fa4Vu7cfbu6570uff0cu9996u5148u5bfcu51fau4e86u7fa4u7684u4e0du53efu7ea6u5f20u91cfu7b97u5b50u7ea6u5316u77e9u9635u5143u4e0eu5176u5b50u7fa4u7684u4e0du53efu7ea6u5f20u91cfu7b97u5b50u7ea6u5316u77e9u9635u5143u95f4u7684u7b80u5355u5173u7cfbu5f0fu3002
It is proved proved that a soluble p group which satisfies the maximal condition is nilpotent and a maximal subgroup of a p with finite index is normal .
u8bc1u660eu4e86u6ee1u8db3u6781u5927u6761u4ef6u7684u53efu89e3pu7fa4u662fu5e42u96f6 u7fa4uff1bp u7fa4u4e2du5177u6709u6709u9650u6307u6570u7684u6781u5927 u5b50u7fa4u662fu6b63u89c4 u5b50u7fa4uff1b
The Maximal Subgroup of a Group
u7fa4u7684u6781u5927 u5b50u7fa4
On rough subgroup of a group
u5173u4e8e u4e00 u4e2au7fa4u7684u7c97u7cd9 u5b50u7fa4
In subgroup A it was 1.96 u00b1 0.27 u00b1 0.36 and ( 2.10 u00b1 0.41 ) after the 1st time the 5th time the 10th time measurement P > 0.05 ;
A u7ec4u7b2c1u3001u7b2c5u3001u7b2c10u6b21u6d4bu91cfu540eu7ec6u83ccu6570uff08 CFU/cm2uff09u4e3a1.96u00b10.27u30012.04u00b10.36u30012.10u00b10.41uff0cP>0.05uff1b
In terms of the standardization properties of the basic vectors in irreducible representations of group G and subgroup g a new method for calculating directly the V and W coefficients of subgroup g has been put forward .
u672cu6587u6839u636eu7fa4Gu548c u5b50u7fa4gu7684u4e0du53efu7ea6u8868u793au57fau5411u91cfu6807u51c6u5316u7684u6027u8d28uff0cu63d0u51fau4e86u76f4u63a5u8ba1u7b97u5b50u7fa4gu7684Vu7cfbu6570u548cWu7cfbu6570u7684u65b0u65b9u6cd5u3002
Isolation and identification of subgroup A avian leukosis virus from chickens of a local breed
u5730u65b9u54c1u7cfbu9e21u4e2d u4e00u682a A u4e9a u7fa4u9e21u767du8840u75c5u75c5u6bd2u7684u5206u79bbu548cu9274u5b9a
Among the patients in group u2170 the mortality of the subgroup A was 4 4 % and 36 4 % in subgroup B. Conclusion : The venous thrombolysis therapy can lower the mortality and improve the prognosis in elder patients with AMI .
u7ed3u8bbauff1au9759u8109u6eb6u6813u6cbbu7597u9ad8u9f84AMIu53efu964du4f4e u75c5u6b7bu7387uff0cu51cfu5c11u5fc3u529bu8870u7aedu53d1u751fuff0cu6539u5584u9884u540eu3002
Subgroup Circle Method A New Method for Computing One Dimensional DFT
u5b50u7fa4u5faau73afu6cd5& u4e00 u79cdu8ba1u7b97u4e00u7ef4DFTu7684u65b0u65b9u6cd5
Objective : Cancer stem cells ( CSCs ) have been identified as the tumor in a unique subgroup with a start of tumor growth and maintenance of tumor self-renewal capacity .
u76eeu7684uff1au80bfu7624u5e72u7ec6u80deuff08CSCsuff09u88abu786eu5b9au4e3au80bfu7624u4e2du72ecu7279u7684 u4e9a u7fa4uff0cu62e5u6709u542fu52a8u80bfu7624u751fu957fu548cu7ef4u6301u80bfu7624u81eau6211u66f4u65b0u7684u80fdu529buff0cu6709u7814u7a76u663eu793au80c3u764cu4e2du5b58u5728u7740u5bf9u5316u7597u8010u836fu7684u80bfu7624u5e72u7ec6u80deu3002
[化] 主族, A族