suck up

[sʌk ʌp][sʌk ʌp]


  • What they had to do at Brookhaven was drill monitoring wells and suck up the water .

    u4ed6u4eecu5fc5u987bu8981u5728uff0cBrookhavenu505au7684u5c31u662fu94bbuff0cu68c0u6d4bu7684u4e95u5e76 u62bd u5b8cu6c34u3002

  • Some are worried that Alibaba literally will suck up too many investment dollars given that bankers expect it to raise around half of the entire 2014 IPO volume .

    u6709u4e9bu516cu53f8u62c5u5fc3u963fu91ccu5df4u5df4u4f1a u5438u8d70u592au591au6295u8d44u8d44u91d1uff0cu94f6u884cu5bb6u4eecu9884u8ba1uff0cu963fu91ccu5df4u5df4u83b7u5f97u7684u6295u8d44u8d44u91d1u5c06u5360u52302014u5e74IPOu603bu989du7684u4e00u534au5de6u53f3u3002

  • Globalisation allowed the US to suck up the savings of the rest of the world and consume more than it produced .

    u5168u7403u5316u4f7fu7f8eu56fdu53efu4ee5 u5438u53d6u5168u7403u5176u5b83u5730u533au7684u50a8u84c4uff0cu5e76u6d88u8d39u9ad8u51fau81eau8eabu4ea7u51fau7684u7269u54c1u3002

  • Instead they pump digestive fluids into their prey then suck up the dissolved body parts .

    u56e0u6b64u5b83u4eecu5411u4ed6u4eecu7684u730eu7269u4e2du6ce8u5165u6d88u5316u6db2uff0cu8fd9u79cdu6d88u5316u6db2u6eb6u89e3u730eu7269u7684u8eabu4f53 u4f9b u8718u86db u5438u98dfu3002

  • What do you think the association pays me to suck up to these people ?

    u4ec0u4e48u4f60u8ba4u4e3au59d4u5458u4f1au7ed9u6211u94b1u53bb u5df4u7ed3u90a3u4e9bu4ebauff1f

  • If we are willing to suck up to the organ grinder it is hypocritical to keep the monkey in prison .

    u5982u679cu6211u4eecu613fu610f u5949u627fu8857u5934u827au4ebauff0cu5374u628au7334u5b50u5173u5728u76d1u72f1u91ccuff0cu90a3u662fu4e00u79cdu4f2au5584u3002

  • Her young ones also suck up blood : and where the slain are there is she .

    u5b83u7684u96cfu4e5f u5482u8840u3002u88abu6740u7684u4ebau5728u90a3u91ccu3002

  • They have to be careful not to suck up young fish or other small creatures .

    u4ed6u4eecu5fc5u987bu975eu5e38u5c0fu5fc3uff0cu4fddu8bc1u4e0du8981 u5438u5165u5e7cu5c0fu7684u9c7cu7c7bu548cu5176u4ed6u5c0fu751fu7269u3002

  • A dozen internal tractor beams suck up huge molecular furnace capable of breaking down or converting virtually any substance into useful materials .

    u5341u4e8cu90e8u5185u7f6eu7275u5f15u5149u675f u5438u6536 u5730u8868 u7269u8d28uff0cu4e3au4e00 u53f0u5de8u5927u7684u8db3u4ee5u628au4efbu4f55u7269u8d28u5206u89e3u5e76u8f6cu5316u4e3au6709u7528u6750u6599u7684u5206u5b50u7194u7089u63d0u4f9bu751fu4ea7u8d44u6599u3002

  • So you don 't have to suck up to him as much as the rest .

    u6240u4ee5u4f60u4e0du7528u50cf u62cdu5176u4ed6u4ebau7684 u9a6cu5c41u4e00u6837u53bb u5df4u7ed3u4ed6u3002

  • And remember if you are uncomfortable talking with strangers your new contact may be just as uncomfortable . 6 . Stoke GetWord ( Stoke ); the ego but don 't suck up GetWord ( suck up ); .

    u5e76u4e14u8981u8bb0u4f4fuff0cu5982u679cu4f60u5bf9u4e8eu548cu964cu751fu4ebau4ea4u8c08u611fu5230u4e0du8212u670duff0cu90a3u4e48u4f60u7684u65b0u670bu53cbu4e5fu4f1au6709u540cu6837u4e0d u8212u670du7684u611fu89c9u3002

  • Now joey you go down there and you suck up to him .

    u4e54u4f0auff0cu73b0u5728u4f60u5f97u53bb u62cdu4ed6u7684 u9a6cu5c41u3002

  • Although blind and deaf he can suck up as much knowledge as those who can see and hear .

    u5c3du7ba1u53c8u804bu53c8 u778euff0cu4ed6u5374u80fdu548cu6b63u5e38u4ebau4e00u6837u9886u4f1au77e5u8bc6u3002

  • Plants suck up moisture from the earth .

    u690du7269u4eceu5730 u91cc u5438u6536u6c34u5206u3002

  • You can suck up all you wish once I 'm warm .

    u4f60u53efu4ee5 u6536u56deu6240u6709u7684u5e0cu671bu4e00u65e6u6211u6696u548cu4e86u3002

  • A few weeks ago for example I learned that collapsing stars called black holes may soon suck up all the matter in the universe .

    u51e0u4e2au661fu671fu524duff0cu4f8bu5982uff0cu6211u4e86u89e3u5230u88abu79f0u4e3au9ed1u6d1eu7684u5d29u6e83u7684u6052u661fu53efu80fdu4e0du4e45 u5438u8fdbu8fd9u4e2au5b87u5b99u4e2du6240u6709u7684u4e1cu897fu3002

  • Stop digging through menus to quickly turn off features that suck up your battery . One tool will do the trick : the Power Control widget .

    u4e0du7528u7ec6u7a76u83dcu5355u4fbfu53efu8fc5u901fu5173u95edu90a3u4e9b u8017u8d39u7535u91cfu7684u529fu80fduff0cu6709u4e00u4e2au5de5u5177u80fdu591fu5e2eu5230u4f60&u7535u91cfu63a7u5236u5de5u5177u3002

  • Never use a vacuum to suck up water or to vacuum a wet animal .

    u7eddu5bf9u4e0du8981u7528u5438u5c18u5668u53bb u5438u6c34u6216u662fu53bb u6e05u7406u4e00u5339u6e7fu6f09u6f09u7684u9a6cu3002

  • We despise toadied who suck up to their bosses ; they are generally the same people who bully their subordinates .

    u6211u4eecu9119u89c6u90a3u4e9b u66f2u610fu9022u8fceu4e0au53f8u7684u4ebauff0cu8fd9u4e9bu4ebau901au5e38u4f1au6043u5f3au51ccu5f31u5730u5bf9u5f85u4ed6u4eecu7684u4e0bu5c5eu3002

  • A whirlwind is small in size and may suck up sand and dust as it moves over the surface of the Earth .

    u65cbu98ceu7684u8303u56f4u5c0fuff0cu5f53u5b83u5728u5730u7403u8868u9762u79fbu8fc7u65f6uff0cu53efu4ee5 u5438u8fdbu6c99u548cu7070u5c18u3002

  • Officials say the thief cut a small hole in the store 's window and then used a vacuum cleaner to suck up the goods .

    u8b66u5bdfu8bf4u5c0fu5077u5728u5546u5e97u7684u6a71u7a97u4e0au94bbu4e86u4e00u4e2au6d1euff0cu7136u540eu7528u771fu7a7au5438u5c18u5668 u5438u8d70 u4e86u73e0u5b9du3002

  • The cleverest students can suck up as much knowledge as you can give them .

    u6700u806au660eu7684u5b66u751fu80fdu591f u63a5u53d7u6240 u4f20u6388u7684u4e00u5207u77e5u8bc6u3002

  • Farmers in certain states can still drill wells to suck up groundwater and tree plantations absorb a lot of rainwater that would otherwise find its way into the river .

    u4e00u4e9bu5ddeu7684u519cu6c11u4ecdu7136u53efu4ee5u901au8fc7u6253u4e95u6765 u5438 u8d77u5730u4e0bu6c34uff0cu800cu4e14u4ebau5de5u6797u5438u6536u4e86u5927u91cfu672cu53efu4ee5u6d41u5411u6cb3u4e2du7684u96e8u6c34u3002

  • Patients with various bronchial blockages asthma and breathing problems are sent to the mines by the Solotvyno 's allergological hospital to suck up the curative air .


  • In the long-distance races they suck up to leaders through all means and make emotional investments like providing hospitality gifts and help to solve problems of their bosses .

    u5728u957fu8dd1u4e2duff0cu4ed6u4eec u4f1au901au8fc7u5404u79cdu624bu6bb5 u5df4u7ed3 u5949u627fu9886u5bfcuff0cu5e76u4e14u4f1au8fdbu884cu4ebau60c5u6295u8d44uff0cu6bd4u5982u62dbu5f85u4e0au53f8u3001u9001u793cu4ee5u53cau5e2eu52a9u4e0au53f8u89e3u51b3u95eeu9898u3002

  • I can 't stand the way that you suck up to her .

    u4f60 u8001 u62cdu5979u7684 u9a6cu5c41uff0cu8fd9u79cdu4f5cu6cd5u53efu771fu8ba9u6211u53d7u4e0du4e86u3002

  • She kept sucking up to the teachers especially Mrs Clements .

    u5979u4e0du505cu5730 u5df4u7ed3u8001u5e08uff0cu5c24u5176u662fu514bu83b1u95e8u7279u592bu4ebau3002

  • It never hurts to suck up to the boss .

    u6559u6761 33uff0d u8c04u5a9au8001u677fu6ca1u6709u574fu5904u3002