Don 't spill water on your suit .
u4e0du8981u628au6c34u6d12u5230u4f60u7684 u8863u670du4e0au3002
He put on his second best suit
u4ed6u7a7fu4e0au4e86u81eau5df1 u90a3 u5957u7b2cu4e8cu597du7684 u897fu88c5 u3002
Up to 2 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company
u591au8fbe2u540du65e7u804cu5458u4ee5u4e2au4ebau4f24u5bb3u4e3au7531u5411u8be5u516cu53f8 u63d0u8d77 u8bc9u8bbcu3002
Does the hat suit you ?
u8fd9u5e3du5b50u4f60 u53efu5fc3u5417uff1f
Will the date suit you ?
u8fd9u4e2au65e5u671fu5bf9u4f60 u5408u9002u4e48uff1f
Their London house suits them down to the ground .
u4ed6u4eecu5728u4f26u6566u7684u623fu5b50 u5f88 u5408u4ed6u4eecu5fc3u610fu3002
Furniture can also be custom-made to suit your own requirements .
u4f60u4e5fu53efu4ee5 u6309u7167u81eau5df1u7684u8981u6c42u5b9au5236u5bb6u5177u3002
I don 't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me .
u6211u8ba4u4e3au957fu671fu4f0fu6848u7684u751fu6d3bu4e00u70b9u4e5fu4e0d u9002u5408u6211u3002
Today as usual he was wearing a three-piece suit
u50cfu5f80u5e38u4e00u6837uff0cu4ed6u4ecau5929u7a7fu7684u662fu4e09u4ef6 u5957 u3002
These large institutions make u2014 and change u2014 the rules to suit themselves
u8fd9u4e9bu5927u673au6784u603bu662f u968fu610fu5236u5b9au89c4u5b9auff0cu800cu4e14u8bf4u53d8u5c31u53d8 u3002
This suit fits perfectly .
u8fd9 u8eab u8863u670d u7a7fu7740u5f88u4f0fu8d34u3002
Green suits you .
u7effu8272 u5f88 u914du4f60u3002
They should be able to find you the best package to suit your needs .
u4ed6u4eecu5e94u8be5u80fdu63d0u4f9b u6ee1u8db3u4f60u9700u8981u7684u6700u4f73u5957u9910u3002
I was wearing my tweed suit .
u6211u7a7fu7740u6211u7684u82b1u5462 u5957u88c5u3002
The suit was well tailored .
u8fd9 u5957 u8863u670du88c1u5236u5f97u5f88u597du3002
This suit is made of very good material .
u8fd9 u5957 u8863u670du7684u8d28u6599u5f88u597du3002
She was wearing a simple light-grey two-piece suit .
u5979u7a7fu4e86u8eabu6734u7d20u7684u6d45u7070u8272u4e24u4ef6u5f0f u5957u88c5u3002
Shirley flicked a speck of fluff from the sleeve of her black suit
u96eau8389u5f39u6389u4e86u9ed1u8272 u5957u88c5u8896u5b50u4e0au7684u4e00u70b9u5c0fu7ed2u6bdbu3002
He made a dismissive gesture . ' Suit yourself . '
u4ed6u505au4e86u4e00u4e2au5f88u4e0du5c51u7684u624bu52bfu3002u201c u968fu4f60u4fbfu3002u201d
We may be able to design a course to suit your particular needs
u6211u4eecu6216u8bb8u53efu4ee5u4e13u95e8u8bbeu8ba1u4e00u95e8u8bfeu7a0bu4ee5 u6ee1u8db3u4f60u7684u7279u6b8au9700u6c42u3002
A Spanish judge rejected the suit on procedural grounds
u4e00u4e2au897fu73edu7259u6cd5u5b98u57fau4e8eu7a0bu5e8fu4e0au7684u539fu56e0u9a73u56deu4e86 u8bc9u8bbc u3002
Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued .
u8bf4u670du5176u4f59u4ebau8ddfu7740 u6548u4effu7684u52aau529bu4ecdu5728u7ee7u7eedu3002
They will only release information if it suits them
u4ed6u4eecu53eau4f1au53d1u5e03 u5bf9u4ed6u4eec u6709u5229u7684u4fe1u606fu3002
I got myself a new suit .
u6211u7ed9u81eau5404u513fu4e70u4e86u4e00u5957u65b0 u8863u670du3002
The judge dismissed the suit .
u6cd5u5b98u9a73u56deu4e86 u8bc9u8bbcu3002
He wore an ill-fitting green corduroy suit .
u4ed6u7a7fu4e86u4ef6u5f88u4e0du5408u8eabu7684u7effu8272u706fu82afu7ed2 u897fu88c5u3002
He was wearing a light-grey suit over a shirt
u4ed6u5728u886cu886bu5916u9762 u5957u4e86u4e00u4ef6u6d45u7070u8272 u897fu88c5 u3002
Brambles snagged his suit
u8346u68d8u628au4ed6u7684 u897fu670du94a9u4f4fu4e86u3002
Despite the heat he 'd swapped his overalls for a suit and tie
u5c3du7ba1u5f88u70eduff0cu4ed6u8fd8u662fu8131u6389u5de5u4f5cu670du6362u4e0au4e86 u897fu88c5u548cu9886u5e26u3002
Marriage might not suit you
u5a5au59fbu4e5fu8bb8u5e76u4e0d u9002u5408u4f60u3002