A foray to your supermarket will supply all the ready-made foods for an excellent picnic .
u53bbu4e00u8d9f u8d85u5e02u5c31u53efu4ee5u5c06u4e00u6b21u5b8cu7f8eu91ceu9910u6240u9700u7684u73b0u6210u98dfu7269u7f6eu529eu59a5u5f53u3002
Would a check-out person at a large supermarket return money to a customer ?
u4e00u4e2au68c0u67e5u4ebau4f1au5728u4e00u5bb6u5927u7684 u81eau9009 u5e02u573au5f52u8fd8u94b1u7ed9u4e00u4e2au5ba2u6237u5417uff1f
How do those prawns find their way from Norway to the supermarket shelf ?
u8fd9u4e9bu5bf9u867eu662fu5982u4f55u4eceu632au5a01u8dd1u5230 u8d85u5e02u8d27u67b6u4e0au6765u7684u5462uff1f
We got in the car and went down the supermarket and started buying food .
u6211u4eecu4e0au8f66u524du5f80 u8d85u5e02uff0cu7136u540eu5f00u59cbu8d2du4e70u98dfu7269u3002
Large supermarket chains determined the nature of the economies of scale of large supermarket chains to be set up distribution centers .
u5927u578bu8fdeu9501 u8d85u5e02u7684u89c4u6a21u7ecfu6d4eu6027u8d28u51b3u5b9au4e86u5927u578bu8fdeu9501u8d85u5e02u5fc5u987bu5efau7acbu914du9001u4e2du5fc3u3002
Why should Melissa have to slog around the supermarket on her own ?
u4e3au4ec0u4e48u6885u5229u838eu4f1au4e00u4e2au4ebau5728 u8d85u5e02u91ccu9762u8d39u52b2u5730u8f6cu6765u8f6c u53bbuff1f
My sister and I went to the supermarket and bought some apples .
u6211u548cu6211u59b9u59b9u53bb u8d85u5e02u4e70u4e86u4e9bu82f9u679cu3002
A well-known UK supermarket launches more than 1 new product lines each year .
u4e00u5bb6u8457u540du7684u82f1u56fd u8d85u5e02u6bcfu5e74u6295u653e1u591au79cdu65b0u4ea7u54c1u3002
Supermarket chains have crowded out the smaller shops .
It 's between the supermarket and the hospital .
u5b83u5728 u8d85u5e02u548cu533bu9662u4e4bu95f4u3002
Fresh salmon is a bargain at the supermarket this week .
u8fd9u5468 u8d85u5e02u7684u65b0u9c9cu9c91u9c7cu7279u4ef7 u9500u552eu3002
Library is between the restaurant and the supermarket .
u56feu4e66u9986u5728u9910u5385u548c u8d85u7ea7u5e02u573au4e4bu95f4u3002
Supermarket lines are often cheaper than branded goods .
Supermarket chains have shaved prices .
This paper introduces the designs and implements of the small supermarket management system .
u672cu6587u8bbau8ff0u4e86u4e2du5c0fu578b u8d85u5e02u7ba1u7406u7cfbu7edfu7684u8bbeu8ba1u548cu5b9eu73b0u3002
Salespeople in this supermarket must wear name badges when on duty .
u8fd9 u5bb6 u8d85u5e02u7684u552eu8d27u5458u5fc5u987bu6302u724cu4e0au5c97u3002
Other people went to the supermarket .
u5176u5b83u7684u4ebau53bbu4e86 u8d85u5e02u3002
Those who have lost their jobs struggle to pay their supermarket bills .
u90a3u4e9bu5931u4e1au7684u4ebau4eecu60f3u65b9u8bbeu6cd5u4ee5u652fu4ed8 u8d85u5e02u7684u8d26u5355u3002
Yesterday I bought some bread from the supermarket .
u6628u5929u6211u5728 u8d85u5e02u4e70u4e86u4e9bu9762u5305u3002
Most of us do our food shopping in the supermarket
u6211u4eecu5927u591au6570u4eba u53bb u8d85u5e02u8d2du4e70u98dfu54c1u3002
She bought bread butter vegetables and many other things from the supermarket .
u5979u4ece u8d85u5e02u4e70u4e86u9762u5305u3001u9ec4u6cb9u3001u852cu83dcu548cu8bb8u591au5176u4ed6u4e1cu897fu3002
They met and fell in love in a supermarket of all places .
u90a3u4e48u591au5730u65b9uff0cu4ed6u4eec u504fu504fu5c31u5728 u8d85u5e02 u91ccu76f8u9047u5e76u76f8u7231u4e86u3002
So I had to go to the supermarket .
u6240u4ee5u6211u4e0du5f97u4e0du53bbu4e86 u8d9f u8d85u5e02u3002
Our flagship stores and shops have adopted the complete model of the supermarket management and operations .
u6211u4eecu7684u5356u573au548cu65d7u8230u5e97u5747u91c7u7528u5b8cu5168u7684 u8d85u5e02u5316u6a21u5f0fu7ba1u7406u548cu8fd0u8425u3002
This supermarket has three outlets in beijing .
u8fd9 u5bb6 u8d85u5e02u5728u5317u4eacu6709u4e09u5bb6u95e8u5e97u3002
On Thursday I go to the supermarket .
u661fu671fu56dbu7684u65f6u5019u6211u53bbu4e86 u8d85u5e02u3002
Li Ping and his mother go to the supermarket .
u674eu5e73u548cu4ed6u7684u5988u5988u53bbu4e86 u8d85u5e02u3002
She defeated developers who wanted to bulldoze her home to build a supermarket .
u5979u6253u8d25u4e86u90a3u4e9bu60f3u63a8u5012u5979u5bb6u623fu5c4bu5174u5efa u8d85u5e02u7684u5f00u53d1u5546u4eecu3002
Running the supermarket absorbs all his energies .
u7ecfu8425u8fd9 u5bb6 u81eau9009 u5546u573au5360u53bbu4e86u4ed6u7684u5168u90e8u7cbeu529bu3002
He openly shoplifted from a supermarket
u4ed6u516cu7136u5728 u8d85u5e02u5077u7a83u3002