Believe me I will succeed in the future !
u76f8u4fe1u6211u7684u8bdduff0cu6211u4f1a u6210u529fu7684uff0cu8fd9u5c31u662fu6211u4eecu4ecau5929u7684 u8bddu9898u3002
If you want to succeed in this business you should be more ~ .
u5982u679cu4f60u60f3 u5728u8fd9u4e00u884cu4e1a u53d6u5f97 u6210u529fuff0cu5c31u5fc5u987bu66f4u52a0u679cu65adu3002
If you want to succeed in your studies and in work the first qualification is honesty .
u5982u679cu4f60u60f3 u5728u5b66u4e60u548cu5de5u4f5cu4e2d u6210u529fuff0cu8981u6c42u7684u7b2cu4e00u54c1u8d28u5c31u662fu8bdau4fe1u3002
If they succeed in court they will be fully recompensed for their loss .
u5982u679cu4ed6u4eec u80fd u5728u6cd5u5eadu4e0a u80dcu8bc9uff0cu4ed6u4eecu7684u635fu5931u5c06u4f1au5f97u5230u5168u989du8d54u507fu3002
Here 's one : how do we succeed in life ?
u8fd9u513fu6709u4e2au95eeu9898uff1au6211u4eec u5728u751fu6d3bu4e2du662fu600eu6837 u6210u529f u5730uff1f
Only after they had performed hundreds of experiments did they succeed in solving the problem .
u53eau662f u5728u505au4e86u51e0u767eu6b21u5b9eu9a8cu4e4bu540euff0cu4ed6u4eecu624d u6210u529f u5730u89e3u51b3u4e86u8fd9u4e00u95eeu9898u3002
Did you succeed in the interview ?
u4f60u9762u8bd5 u6210u529fu4e86u5417uff1f
He went to law and did not succeed in his claim against us .
u4ed6u544au4e0au4e86u6cd5u5eaduff0cu4f46u6ca1u6709 u544au8d62u6211u4eecu3002
How did your mother succeed in keeping the peace between these two very different men ?
u4f60u6bcdu4eb2u662fu5982u4f55u505au5230u8ba9u8fd9u4e24u4e2au6027u683cu8fe5u5f02u7684u7537u4eba u76f8u5b89u65e0u4e8bu7684uff1f
Supporters say the standards provide clear goals to prepare students to succeed in college and in jobs .
u652fu6301u8005u79f0u8fd9u4e9bu6807u51c6u4e3au5b66u751fu51c6u5907 u5728u5927u5b66u548cu5de5u4f5cu4e0a u53d6u5f97 u6210u529fu63d0u4f9bu4e86u660eu786eu7684u76eeu6807u3002
Some people think to succeed in this world you have to be ruthless .
u6709u4e9bu4ebau8ba4u4e3au4f60u82e5u60f3 u5728u8fd9u4e2au4e16u754cu4e0a u6210u529fuff0cu4f60u5c31u5fc5u987bu51b7u9177u65e0u60c5u3002
There can be no doubt that you will succeed in your scientific research .
u6bebu65e0u7591u95eeu4f60 u5728u79d1u7814u65b9u9762u4f1a u53d6u5f97 u6210u529fu3002
But if you continue to put in the same effort you will succeed in achieving your next goal .
u5979u7684u4f8bu5b50u544au8bc9u6211u4eecuff1au4f60u7684 u6210u7ee9u53eau80fdu8868u660eu4f60u8fc7u53bbu6709u591a u6210u529fu3002u7136u800cuff0cu5982u679cu4f60u7ee7u7eedu52aau529buff0cu4f60u5c06u5b9eu73b0u4f60u7684u4e0bu4e00u4e2au76eeu6807u3002
We will walk with you on your way to succeed in building your publishing empire .
u6211u4eecu4f1au8d70u8defu5bf9u4f60u7684u65b9u6cd5 u6210u529f u5730u5efau7acbu4f60u7684u51fau7248u5e1du56fdu3002
If they can succeed in America and Europe then they can succeed here too .
u5982u679cu4ed6u4eec u5728u7f8eu56fdu548cu6b27u6d32u90fdu80fd u53d6u5f97 u6210u529f u7684 u8bdduff0cu90a3u4e48u5728u8fd9u513fu4e5fu4e0du4f8bu5916u3002
I had always impressed upon the children that if they worked hard they would succeed in life
u6211u603bu8ba9u5b69u5b50u4eec u7262u8bb0u52aau529bu5de5u4f5cu5c31u4f1a u6210u529fu3002
Though we will face up to more difficulties I believe we will succeed in the near future .
u867du7136u6211u4eecu4f1au9762u5bf9u66f4u591au7684u56f0u96beuff0cu6211u76f8u4fe1u6211u4eecu4f1a u5728u4e0du4e45u5c06u6765 u53d6u5f97 u6210u529fu3002
It 's very applied science and I think we succeed in using it in many different applications .
u8fd9u662fu975eu5e38u9002u7528u7684u79d1u5b66uff0cu6211u60f3u6211u4eec u6210u529f u5730u4f7fu7528u5728u8bb8u591au4e0du540cu7684u5e94u7528u9886u57dfu3002
He did not succeed in committing suicide .
u4ed6u81eau6740 u672au9042u3002
With mere politicians I have no right to expect to succeed in this motion .
u548cu5341u8db3u7684u653fu5ba2u76f8u6bd4uff0cu6211u65e0u6743u671fu671b u5728u8fd9u4e2au52a8u8baeu4e2d u6210u529fu3002
I believe ( that ) he will succeed in the coming exam .
u6211u76f8u4fe1u4ed6 u5728u672au6765u7684u8003u8bd5u4e2du4f1a u6210u529fu3002
If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons our work will not be done .
u5373u4f7fu6211u4eec u6210u529f u5730u5e9fu9664u4e86u6838u6b66u5668uff0cu6211u4eecu7684u5de5u4f5cu4e5fu4ecdu672au5b8cu6210u3002
We all succeed in the English examination last week .
u4e0au5468u6211u4eec u90fdu901au8fc7u4e86u82f1u8bedu8003u8bd5u3002
If you 're going to succeed in this job you will need allies .
u5982u679cu4f60u8981 u5728u8fd9u4e2au5de5u4f5cu4e0a u6210u529fuff0cu4f60u5c31u9700u8981u652fu6301u8005u3002
He was lucky enough to succeed in his first attempt .
u4ed6u591fu5e78u8fd0u7684u4e86uff0cu7b2cu4e00u6b21u5c1du8bd5u5c31 u6210u529fu4e86u3002
I hope he will succeed in his work .
u6211u5e0cu671bu4ed6u7684u5de5u4f5cu4f1a u6210u529fu3002
Some people will succeed in their efforts to stop smoking
u4e00u4e9bu4eba u7ecfu8fc7u52aau529bu53efu4ee5 u6210u529fu6212u70dfu3002
If marriage is to succeed in the 1990 's then people have to recognise the new pressures it is facing .
u572820 u4e16u7eaa90u5e74u4ee3u4ebau4eecu8981u60f3u5a5au59fb u7f8eu6ee1uff0cu90a3u5c31u4e0du5f97u4e0du8ba4u8bc6u5230u5b83u6240u9762u4e34u7684u65b0u538bu529bu3002
美[səkˈsid ɪn]英[səkˈsi:d in]