When the judge summed up it was clear he wanted a guilty verdict
u5f53u6cd5u5b98u4f5cu7ed3u6848 u9648u8bcdu65f6uff0cu4ed6u660eu663eu60f3u4f5cu51fau6709u7f6au88c1u51b3u3002
Let me sum up the last lesson After that we 'll take up a new lesson .
u8ba9u6211u6765 u603bu7ed3 u4e00u4e0bu4e0au8282u8bfeu5185u5bb9uff0cu4e4bu540eu6211u4eecu5c06u7ee7u7eedu65b0u8bfeu3002
How shall I sum up my life ?
u8981u600eu6837u6765 u603bu7ed3u6211u8fd9u4e00u751fu5462uff1f
How would you sum up your music ?
u4f60u5bf9u4f60u7684u97f3u4e50 u603bu7ed3 u4e00u4e0bu5417uff1f
To sum up we have to work still harder .
Will you please sum up the main ideas of this article ?
u8bf7u628au8fd9u7bc7u6587u7ae0u7684u5927u610f u5f52u7eb3 u4e00u4e0bu3002
To sum up the US and China may both be repositioning and trying out new policies with Burma .
u6982u62ec u5730 u8bf4uff0cu7f8eu56fdu548cu4e2du56fdu90fdu53efu80fdu88abu91cdu65b0u5b9au4f4duff0cu5e76u5c1du8bd5u4e0eu7f05u7538u7684u65b0u653fu7b56u3002
I will sum up all we have said .
u6211u4f1au628au6211u4eecu6240u8bf4u7684u505au4e2a u603bu7ed3u3002
To sum up the plan falls into seven categories .
u8be5u9879u8ba1u5212 u7efcu8ba1u6709u4e03u4e2au65b9u9762u3002
We can sum up the main point of the lesson in three sentences .
u6211u4eecu53efu4ee5u7528u4e09u53e5u8bddu6765 u6982u62ecu672cu8bfeu8981u70b9u3002
So to sum up we 've got to pay more attention to profitability and cost control .
u6240u4ee5uff0c u603bu800cu8a00u4e4buff0cu6211u4eecu5fc5u987bu66f4u52a0u6ce8u610fu83b7u5229u80fdu529bu548cu6210u672cu63a7u5236u3002
To conclude this rather long line of reasoning let us first sum up the main points .
u4f5cu4e3au8fd9u4e00u6bb5u76f8u5f53u957fu7684u8bf4u7406u7684u603bu7ed3uff0cu8ba9u6211u4eecu5148 u5f52u7eb3 u4e00u4e0bu4e3bu8981 u4e4bu70b9u3002
' I love my wife my horse and my dog ' he said and that summed him up
u4ed6u8bf4uff1au201cu6211u7231u6211u7684u59bbu5b50u3001u6211u7684u9a6cu548cu6211u7684u72d7u3002u201du4ed6u5927u81f4 u4e0au5c31u662fu8fd9u4e48u4e00u4e2au4ebau3002
This essay analyzed the common troubles in the signal circuit and sum up the accumulated on-spot experience as reference .
u5bf9u65adu8defu5668u4fe1u53f7u56deu8defu7684u5e38u89c1u6545u969cu8fdbu884cu4e86u5206u6790uff0cu5bf9u73b0u573au7ecfu9a8cu8fdbu884cu4e86 u603bu7ed3uff0cu4ee5u4f9bu5927u5bb6u53c2u8003u3002
I 'll sum up briefly and then we 'll take questions .
u6211u5148u7b80u5355u505au4e2a u603bu7ed3uff0cu7136u540eu6211u4eecu4f1au63a5u53d7u63d0u95eeu3002
To sum up : We welcome the statement of the Government and appreciate its willingness and commitment to work cooperatively with us .
u6700u540euff0cu6211u4eec u6b23u7136u63a5u53d7u653fu5e9cu7684u58f0u660euff0cu5e76u611fu8c22u5176u613fu540cu6211u4eecu5408u4f5cu7684u610fu613fu548cu627fu8bfau3002
We can make use of the event firing sequence to sum up and calculate the data .
u6211u4eecu53efu4ee5u4f7fu7528u4e8bu4ef6u5e8fu5217u6765 u603bu7ed3u548cu4f30u7b97u6570u636eu3002
Sum up : Who can give a proper name to this kind of decimal ?
I 'll sum up the steps here .
u6211u5c06 u628a u6240u6709u7684u6b65u9aa4u5199u5728u8fd9u91ccu3002
Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd : a little bit more .
u56dbu4e2au7b80u77edu7684u8bdd u603bu7ed3 u4e86u4ec0u4e48u89e3u9664u4ee5u4e0au7684u4ebau7fa4u4e2du6700u6210u529fu7684u4e2au4ebauff1au591au4e00u70b9u70b9u3002
Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points ?
u4f60u53efu4ee5u5c06u4f60u7684u5b66u4e60u4e60u60ef u603bu7ed3 u6210u51e0u70b9u5417uff1fu7b80u8981u8bf4u660eu4e00u4e0bu3002
Well to sum up what is the message that you are trying to get across ?
u90a3u4e48uff0c u6982u62ec u6765u8bf4uff0cu4f60u60f3u8981u4f20u8fbeu7684u4fe1u606fu5230u5e95u662fu4ec0u4e48uff1f
Sadly the feud sums up the relationship between Lord Bath and the man who succeeds him .
u4e0du5e78u7684u662fuff0cu5df4u601du52cbu7235u548cu4ed6u7684u7ee7u4efbu8005u4e4bu95f4u7684u5173u7cfbu53eau80fdu7528u201cu79efu6028u5df2u4e45u201d u6765 u6982u62ecu3002
I can best sum up the advantages of the system by describing some recent encouraging results .
u901au8fc7u63cfu8ff0u6700u8fd1u53d6u5f97u7684u4ee4u4ebau9f13u821eu7684u6210u679cuff0cu6211u80fdu5f88u597du5730 u6982u62ecu8be5u7cfbu7edfu7684u957fu5904u3002
You can sum up the main findings of happiness research in a few sentences .
u51e0u53e5u8bddu5c31u53efu4ee5 u6982u62ec u51fau5e78u798fu7814u7a76u7684u4e3bu8981u8c03u67e5u7ed3u679cu3002
In the long-term medical practice the first people to sum up a lot of valuable experience .
u5728u957fu671fu7684u533bu7597u5b9eu8df5u4e2duff0cu5148u4ebau4eec u603bu7ed3 u4e86u8bb8u591au5b9du8d35u7684u7ecfu9a8cu3002
To sum up the proposals fall into nine categories .
u8fd9u9879u5efau8bae u7efcu8ba1u6709u4e5du4e2au65b9u9762u3002
Sum up what you have learned in your notebook .
u628au4f60u6240u5b66u7684 u6982u7565u5730u5199u5728u4f60u7684u7b14u8bb0u672cu4e0au3002
One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood u2014 ' Politicians have lost credibility ' he complained
美[sʌm ʌp]英[sʌm ʌp]