A sunburned face is not stylish .
u64e6 u4e86 u9632u6652 u6cb9u7684u8138u4e0du6f02u4eaeu3002
Got sunburned from lying on the beach .
u6211 u7531u4e8eu8ebau5728u6c99u6ee9u4e0auff0c u76aeu80a4 u7ed9 u6652u9ed1 u4e86u3002
A badly sunburned face or back is extremely painful .
u4e25u91cdu7684u8138u90e8u6216u80ccu90e8 u6652u4f24u4f1au975eu5e38u75bcu75dbu3002
I could see his hair curling over his shirt collar and sunburned skin along the tops of his ears .
u540cu65f6u6211u4e5fu660eu767duff0cu8fd9 u53e5 u8bdd u4e0du4f1a u88abu5176u4ed6u4eba u542cu89c1u3002
He is sunburned from a day on the beach .
u4ed6u5728u6d77u8fb9u4e00u5929 u6652u9ed1 u4e86u3002
Your face and neck are sunburned .
u4f60u7684u8138u8fd8u6709u8116u5b50u90fd u6652u4f24 u4e86u3002
He is sunburned after his travels .
u4ed6u65c5u884cu4e4bu540e u76aeu80a4 u6652u9ed1 u4e86u3002
Love is not hugging your sunburned lover ;
u5f53u4f60u7231u7684u4eba u88ab u70c8u65e5 u6652u4f24 u4e86uff0cu7231u4e0du662fu62e5u62b1u3002
He sunburned easily and he talked loud and if you didn 't move fast enough to suit him he 'd clout you with his stick .
u4ed6u5f88u5bb9u6613 u6652 u5f97 u7ea2u5f64u5f64u7684uff0cu559cu6b22u5927u547cu5c0fu53ebu3002u5982u679cu4f60u7684u52a8u4f5cu914du5408u4e0du4e0au4ed6u8981u6c42u7684u901fu5ea6uff0cu4ed6u4f1au7528u68cdu5b50 u731bu6572u4f60u3002
His left ear was sunburned .
u4ed6u7684u5de6u8033 u6652u4f24 u4e86u3002
But be careful don 't get sunburned .
u4f46u662fu4e5fu8981u5c0fu5fc3uff0cu4e0du8981 u6652u4f24 u4e86 u76aeu80a4 u54e6u3002
He had gray hair a serious eye the sunburned complexion of a laborer the thoughtful visage of a philosopher .
u4ed6u6709u7070u767du5934u53d1uff0cu4e25u8083u7684u76eeu5149uff0cu9762u8272 u7126u9ed1uff0cu8c61u4e2au5de5u4ebauff0c u7cbeu795e u6c89u90c1uff0c u8c61u4e2au54f2u5b66u5bb6u3002
The young man turned his sunburned face around and fixed his limpid eyes on him .
u90a3u5c0fu4f19 u513fu671du4ed6u8f6cu8fc7 u6652 u5f97 u7ea2u7ea2u7684u8138u6765uff0cu6e05u6f88 u5355u7eafu7684u5927u773c u671bu7740u4ed6u3002
He anointed sunburned place with cold cream .
u4ed6u7528 u6da6u80a4 u6cb9 u6d82u5728 u88ab u592au9633 u7099 u4f24u7684u5730u65b9u3002
He had lost40lb and was heavily sunburned but otherwise in incredibly good shape .
u6b64u671fu95f4u4ed6u7626u4e8640u78c5uff0cu5e76u88abu4e25u91cd u6652u4f24uff0cu4f46u5176u4ed6u65b9u9762u7684u72b6u6001u90fdu5f88u597du3002
The color may keep the tongue from getting sunburned .
u90a3u6837u7684u989cu8272u6216u8bb8u53efu4ee5u4fddu62a4u820cu5934u4e0d u88ab u6652u4f24u3002
I can get sunburned through a window .
u7a97u5b50 u7167u8fdbu6765u7684 u5149u7ebf u4e5fu53efu4ee5u628au6211 u6652u4f24uff1f
We were all sunburned from a day on the beach .
u6211u4eecu5728u6d77u6ee9u4e0a u8fc7 u4e86u4e00u5929uff0c u76aeu80a4u90fd u6652u9ed1 u4e86u3002
He is the bald-headed sunburned gentleman who dumped the pail of garbage without any doubt .
u6bebu65e0u7591u95eeuff0cu4ed6u5c31u662fu90a3u4f4du5012 u8fc7u4e00u6876u5783u573eu7684u79c3u5934 u9ed1u8138u7ec5u58ebu3002
Researchers have found numerous cases of sunburned and blistered skin on whales in the wild sparking concern that the thinned ozone layer may be causing skin cancer in these animals .
u7814u7a76u4ebau5458u53d1u73b0u4e86u65e0u6570u7684u9cb8u7c7bu52a8u7269u75c5u4f8buff0cu5b83u4eecu5728u91ceu751fu73afu5883u4e2d u88ab u6652u4f24uff0cu76aeu80a4u4e0au4ea7u751fu4e86u6c34u6ce1uff0cu8fd9u4e00u73b0u8c61u5f15u8d77u4e86u5173u6ce8uff1au7a00u8584u7684u81edu6c27u5c42u53efu80fdu4f1au5bfcu81f4u8fd9u4e9bu52a8u7269u6362u4e0au76aeu80a4u764cu3002
It bewildered her that she should desire to place her hands on that sunburned neck .
u5979u7adfu7136u6e34u671bu7528u53ccu624bu53bbu697cu90a3 u80de u6210 u9752u94dc u8272u7684u8116u5b50uff0cu8fd9u53ebu5979u60f6u60d1u3002
He wore a straw hat to keep his balding head from getting sunburned .
u4ed6u6234u4e86u9876u8349u5e3duff0cu4ee5u514du6b63u5728u8c22u9876u7684u8111u888b u88ab u592au9633 u6652u5230u3002
Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab .
u8bf7u7528u68c9u836fu7b7eu628au836fu818fu6577u5728 u6652u4f24u7684u5730u65b9u3002
The old man looked at him with his sunburned confident loving eyes .
u8001u513fu7528u4ed6 u90a3u53cc u65e5u6652 u98ce u5439u7684uff0cu575au5b9au7684u3001u6148u7231u7684u773cu775bu671bu7740u4ed6u3002
As longer days and warmer weather appear South Louisiana residents should be reminded to avoid getting sunburned .
u968fu7740u767du5929u53d8u957fuff0cu5929u6c14u8d8au6765u8d8au70eduff0cu751fu6d3bu5728u5357u8defu6613u65afu5b89u5a1cu5ddeu7684u5c45u6c11u5e94u6ce8u610fu907fu514d u6652u4f24u3002
The tall young army lieutenant who had just come from the direction of the tracks lifted his sunburned face and his eyes narrowed to note the exact time .
u4e00u4f4du8eabu6750u4feeu957fu7684u9646u519bu4e2du5c09u521au4eceu94c1u8f68u7684u65b9u5411u8d70u8fc7u6765uff0cu4ed6u62acu8d77 u6652u9ed1u7684u8138uff0cu5e76u772fu8d77u773cu775bu6ce8u610fu786eu5207u7684u65f6u523bu3002
But the arms were sunburned too .
u4f46u662f u4ed6u7684u80f3u818au4e5fu662f u6652u9ed1 u4e86u7684u3002