Lionel built a coop so that they could raise chickens and have a supply of fresh eggs .
u83b1u6602u5185u5c14u505au4e86u4e2a u9e21u7b3cuff0cu6253u7b97u517bu4e9bu9e21uff0cu5403u4e0au65b0u9c9cu9e21u86cbu3002
The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen
u5927u8111u9700u8981u6301u7eed u4f9bu6c27u3002
Nowadays that sort of innocence is in short supply .
u73b0u5728u90a3u79cdu5929u771fu70c2u6f2bu5f88 u5c11u89c1u3002
Demand-chain management captures information on consumer behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain .
u9700u6c42u73afu8282u7684u7ba1u7406u5c42u4f1au6355u6349u9500u552eu70b9u987eu5ba2u8d2du7269u884cu4e3au7684u4fe1u606fuff0cu7136u540eu628au4fe1u606fu518du53cdu9988u7ed9 u4f9bu5e94u73afu8282u3002
The demand for these goods exceeds the supply .
u8fd9u4e9bu8d27u7269 u4f9bu4e0du5e94u6c42u3002
Cigarettes are in short supply like everything else here .
u548cu5176u4ed6u6240u6709u4e1cu897fu4e00u6837uff0cu8fd9u91ccu7684u9999u70dfu4e5f u4f9bu5e94u4e0du8db3u3002
Prices change according to supply and demand .
u4ef7u683cu53d7 u4f9bu6c42 u5173u7cfbu7684u5f71u54cdu3002
Food is in short supply all over the country
u5168u56fdu666eu904du98dfu54c1 u4f9bu5e94u4e0du8db3u3002
The supply exceeds the demand .
Exploitable raw materials were in short supply
u53efu5f00u53d1u5229u7528u7684u539fu6750u6599 u4f9bu5e94u4e0du8db3u3002
Supply the missing word ( s ) and you could win a T-shirt .
The blood supply to the skin is reduced when muscles stiffen .
u5f53u808cu8089u53d8u5f97u50f5u786cu65f6uff0cu76aeu80a4u7684 u4f9bu8840 u91cfu5c31u51cfu5c11u4e86u3002
What happens when food and gasoline supplies run low ?
u5982u679cu98dfu7269u548cu6c7du6cb9 u4f9bu5e94u51cfu5c11uff0cu4f1au51fau73b0u4ec0u4e48u60c5u51b5u5462uff1f
They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation .
u4ed6u4eecu76f8u4fe1u63a7u5236u8d27u5e01 u4f9bu5e94 u91cfu4f1au51cfu5c11u901au8d27u81a8u80c0u3002
The bombing campaign appears aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France .
u8fd9u6b21u8f70u70b8u770bu8d77u6765u610fu5728u5207u65adu5fb7u56fdu548cu5360u9886u6cd5u56fdu7684u5fb7u519bu90e8u961fu4e4bu95f4u7684 u8865u7ed9u7ebfu3002
They insisted that a guaranteed supply of Chinese food was written into their contracts
u4ed6u4eecu575au6301u8981u5728u5408u540cu4e2du5199u5165u4fddu8bc1 u4f9bu5e94u4e2du9910u7684u6761u6b3eu3002
The heart of the problem is supply and demand
u95eeu9898u7684u6838u5fc3u662f u4f9bu6c42u5173u7cfbu3002
Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply
u6bd2u70dfu5df2u7ecfu8fdbu5165 u4f9bu6c34 u7cfbu7edfu3002
The actual damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply .
u4e0eu5bf9u8840u6db2 u4f9bu5e94u7684u635fu5bb3u76f8u6bd4uff0cu5bf9u5927u8111u7ec6u80deu7684u5b9eu9645u635fu5bb3u4e0du90a3u4e48u4e25u91cdu3002
Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority
u6e05u6d01 u4f9bu6c34 u7cfbu7edfu662fu4ed6u4eecu7684u5f53u52a1u4e4bu6025u3002
The explosive mixture in a rocket consists of both a fuel and a supply of oxygen .
u706bu7badu4e2du7684u7206u70b8u6027u6df7u5408u7269u7531u71c3u6599u548c u6c27u6c14u6784u6210u3002
Ischia was now connected to the mainland water supply .
Some barbecues can be plugged into a household electricity supply .
u6709u4e00u4e9bu70e7u70e4u7089u80fdu76f4u63a5u63d2u5230u5bb6u7528 u7535u6e90u4e0au3002
Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance .
u8d27u5e01u5e02u573au4e0au7684 u4f9bu6c42u5c06u5927u81f4u6301u5e73u3002
Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain fluoride in varying amounts .
u73b0u5728u7f8eu56fdu5927u90e8u5206u57ceu5e02 u4f9bu6c34u4e2du90fdu5b58u5728u542bu91cfu4e0du4e00u7684u6c1fu5316u7269u3002
The country 's only supplies are those it can import by lorry from Vietnam .
u8fd9u4e2au56fdu5bb6u4ec5u6709u7684 u8865u7ed9u54c1u662fu7528u5361u8f66u4eceu8d8au5357u8fdbu53e3u6765u7684u3002
Non-fat dairy products supply the needed nutrients without excessive calories .
u8131u8102u4e73u5236u54c1u80fd u63d0u4f9bu8eabu4f53u6240u9700u7684u8425u517buff0cu800cu4e0du542bu8fc7u591au7684u70edu91cfu3002
Fresh water and other commodities are in short supply .
u6de1u6c34u548cu5176u4ed6u5546u54c1 u77edu7f3au3002
He announced tough measures to limit the money supply .
u4ed6u516cu5e03u4e86u9650u5236u8d27u5e01 u4f9bu5e94u7684u4e25u5389u63aau65bdu3002