supply and demand

[səˈplaɪ ənd dɪˈmænd][səˈplai ænd diˈmɑ:nd]


  • The heart of the problem is supply and demand

    u95eeu9898u7684u6838u5fc3u662f u4f9bu6c42 u5173u7cfbu3002

  • This shows that the contradiction between supply and demand have been partially alleviated .

    u8fd9u8868u660euff0cu77dbu76feu7684 u4f9bu5e94 u548c u9700u6c42u5df2u7ecfu5f97u5230u90e8u5206u7f13u89e3u3002

  • Some traders and policymakers said the supply and demand imbalance is real this time .

    u4e00u4e9bu4ea4u6613u5546u548cu51b3u7b56u8005u8868u793a uff0cu6b64u6b21 u4f9bu6c42u5931u8861u662fu771fu5b9eu7684u3002

  • Premium price is the relationship between land supply and demand by supply and demand and real estate decisions .

    u767du91d1u4ef7u683cu4e4bu95f4u7684u5173u7cfbu662fu571fu5730 u4f9bu5e94 u548c u9700u6c42u7684u4f9bu5e94u548cu9700u6c42uff0cu4ee5u53cau623fu5730u4ea7u7684u51b3u5b9au3002

  • The commodity price changes in relation to the change in the of supply and demand .

    u5546u54c1u4ef7u683cu4f1au968fu7740 u4f9bu6c42u5173u7cfbu7684u53d8u5316u800cu53d8u5316u3002

  • Higher global supplies have exacerbated the gap between supply and demand and pushed raw materials prices lower .

    u5168u7403u4f9bu5e94u589eu52a0u52a0u5267u4e86 u4f9bu9700u5deeu8dddu5e76u63a8u4f4eu4e86u539fu6750u6599u4ef7u683cu3002

  • Scale real estate development has been effectively controlled the supply and demand imbalances have been alleviated .

    u623fu5730u4ea7u5f00u53d1u89c4u6a21u5f97u5230u6709u6548u63a7u5236uff0cu4ece u4f9bu5e94 u548c u9700u6c42u7684u4e0du5e73u8861u5f97u5230u7f13u89e3u3002

  • According to development situation of mod industry survey mold talent supply and demand situation .

    u9488u5bf9u73b0u4ee3u6a21u5177u884cu4e1au7684u53d1u5c55u72b6u51b5uff0cu5bf9u6a21u5177u52b3u52a8u529bu4ebau624d u4f9bu6c42u72b6u51b5u8fdbu884cu4e86u8c03u67e5u3002

  • I understand the concept of supply and demand .

    u6211u77e5u9053 u4f9bu5e94 u548c u9700u6c42u3002

  • For other commodities supply and demand change more quickly in response to higher prices .

    u5176u4ed6u5546u54c1u7c7bu522bu4e2duff0c u4f9bu9700 u5173u7cfbu5bf9u9ad8u4ef7u683cu7684u53d8u5316u53cdu5e94u66f4u5febu3002

  • As the price advances above resistance it signals changes in supply and demand .

    u7531u4e8eu4e0au8ff0u4ef7u683cu7684u8fdbu6b65u6027uff0cu5b83u7684u4fe1u53f7u53d8u5316uff0c u4f9bu7ed9 u548c u9700u6c42u3002

  • I 've also found later references to supply and demand in describing a component that supports this hypothesis .

    u6211u8fd8u5728u5bf9u4e00u4e2au652fu6301u8be5u5047u8bf4u7684u7ec4u4ef6u7684u63cfu8ff0u4e2du53d1u73b0u4e86u5bf9 supply u548c demandu7684u8bbau8ff0u3002

  • This a complicated question but it boils down to the simple economics of supply and demand .

    u8fd9u662fu4e2au590du6742u7684u95eeu9898uff0cu4f46u5f52u6839u7ed3u5e95u8fd8u662fu5173u4e8e u4f9bu9700 u5173u7cfbu7684u7b80u5355u7ecfu6d4eu5b66u539fu7406u3002

  • A higher degree of marketization of the property market and house prices determined by market supply and demand .

    u7684u5e02u573au5316u7a0bu5ea6u8f83u9ad8u7684u623fu5730u4ea7u5e02u573au548cu623fu4ef7u53d6u51b3u4e8eu5e02u573au7684 u4f9bu5e94 u548c u9700u6c42u3002

  • Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance .

    u8d27u5e01u5e02u573au4e0au7684 u4f9bu6c42u5c06u5927u81f4u6301u5e73u3002

  • In this system when economic forces are unfettered supply and demand establish the prices of goods and services .

    u5728u7ecfu6d4eu529bu91cfu4e0du53d7u9650u5236u7684u60c5u51b5u4e0buff0cu8fd9u4e00u7cfbu7edfu4e2du7684 u4f9bu5e94 u548c u9700u6c42u51b3u5b9au5546u54c1u548cu670du52a1u7684u4ef7u683cu3002

  • Supply and demand is unbalanced in Taiwan 's market for organs ;

    u5728u53f0u6e7euff0cu5668u5b98u5e02u573au662fu4e00u4e2a u4f9bu9700u5931u8861u7684u5e02u573auff1b

  • Both supply and demand are flourishing .


  • According to the current market supply and demand point of view Chengdu housing prices will accelerate the speed .

    u6839u636eu76eeu524du7684u5e02u573a u4f9bu5e94 u548c u9700u6c42u7684u89d2u5ea6u6765u770buff0cu6210u90fdu623fu4ef7u5c06u52a0u5febu901fu5ea6u3002

  • From both supply and demand sides several factors support the prices of these downstream products of corn .

    u65e0u8bbau4ece u4f9bu7ed9 u548c u9700u6c42u4e24u65b9u9762uff0cu6709u51e0u4e2au56e0u7d20u652fu6301u7389u7c73u8fd9u4e9bu4e0bu6e38u4ea7u54c1u7684u4ef7u683cu3002

  • The system has been criticised for creating a mismatch in supply and demand .

    u8fd9u9879u5236u5ea6u4e00u76f4u53d7u5230u4ebau4eecu7684u6279u8bc4uff0cu8ba4u4e3au5b83u9020u6210u4e86 u4f9bu9700u5931u8861u3002

  • The core of market economy is supply and demand determine prices together .

    u5e02u573au7ecfu6d4eu7684u6838u5fc3u662fuff0c u4f9bu7ed9 u548c u9700u6c42u5171u540cu51b3u5b9au4ef7u683cu3002

  • More important though is a change in perceptions about the balance of aluminium supply and demand .

    u4f46u66f4u91cdu8981u7684u662f u4ebau4eecu5bf9u94dd u4f9bu6c42u5e73u8861u7684u770bu6cd5u53d1u751fu4e86u8f6cu53d8u3002

  • Prices change according to supply and demand .

    u4ef7u683cu53d7 u4f9bu6c42 u5173u7cfbu7684u5f71u54cdu3002

  • The supply and demand of regional human resources are two basic macroeconomic variables in human resources of macro-configuration system .

    u6458u8981u533au57dfu4ebau529bu8d44u6e90u7684 u4f9bu7ed9 u548c u9700u6c42u662fu4ebau529bu8d44u6e90u5b8fu89c2u914du7f6eu4f53u7cfbu4e2du7684u4e24u4e2au57fau672cu53d8u91cfu3002

  • Why ? Expert analysis the dislocation between supply and demand is one of the main reasons .

    u4e3au4ec0u4e48uff1fu4e13u5bb6u5206u6790uff0cu4f4du9519 u4f9bu5e94 u548c u9700u6c42u4e4bu95f4u662fu4e3bu8981u539fu56e0u4e4bu4e00u3002

  • When supply and demand are equal prices move sideways as bulls and bears slug it out for control .

    u5f53 u4f9bu7ed9 u548c u9700u6c42u90fdu662fu5e73u7b49u7684uff0cu6a2au5411u7684u4ef7u683cu4e3eu52a8u725bu6d3eu548cu718au6d3eu51b3u4e00u96ccu96c4u4e86u63a7u5236u3002

  • Most businesses work on a supply and demand system .

    u5927u591au6570u7684u5546u52a1u5de5u4f5cu90fdu662fu57fau4e8eu4e00u79cd u4f9bu6c42u4f53u7cfbu3002

  • China 's rapid increase in demand for crude oil breaking the original oil market supply and demand pattern .

    u4e2du56fdu539fu6cb9u9700u6c42u7684u8fc5u901fu589eu52a0uff0cu6253u7834u4e86u539fu6709u7684u539fu6cb9u5e02u573a u4f9bu6c42u683cu5c40u3002