The superstitious regard it as a bad omen .
u8ff7u4fe1 u7684 u4ebau8ba4u4e3au90a3u662fu4e00u79cdu6076u5146u3002
The first one screamed back This is no time to be superstitious !
u7b2cu4e00u4e2au5c16u53ebu7740u56deu656cu4ed6uff1au90fdu4ec0u4e48u65f6u5019u4e86uff0cu8fd8 u8fd9u4e48 u8ff7u4fe1uff01
Never on the floor because I 'm superstitious .
u7b54uff1au4eceu4e0du653eu5730u4e0auff0cu56e0u4e3au6211 u8ff7u4fe1u3002
Knew a superstitious Ranger once .
u6211u4ee5u524du8ba4u8bc6u4e00u4e2a u8ff7u4fe1u7684u6e38u9a91u5175u961fu5458u3002
In the countryside as a young doctor she encountered ancient superstitious beliefs and prejudices .
u4f5cu4e3au4e00u540du5e74u8f7bu533bu751fuff0cu5979u5728u4e61u4e0bu89c1u8bc6u4e86u53e4u8001u7684 u8ff7u4fe1u601du60f3u548cu504fu89c1u3002
Attila was famous for his superstitious beliefs .
u540cu65f6u963fu63d0u62c9u4e5fu662fu4e00u4e2au5f88 u8ff7u4fe1 u7684 u4ebau3002
A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople
There is a revival of superstitious practices in the countryside .
u519cu6751 u8ff7u4fe1u6d3bu52a8u6709u6240u56deu6f6eu3002
She 's very superstitious person .
u5979u662fu4e00u4e2au5f88 u8ff7u4fe1u7684u4ebau3002
A new house . I 'm not superstitious but I hope he 's right .
u65b0u623fu5b50u3002u6211u5e76u4e0d u8ff7u4fe1uff0cu4f46u6211u5e0cu671bu4ed6u8bf4u7684u662fu771fu7684u3002
I 'm not usually superstitious but yesterday was a VERY unlucky day .
u6211u901au5e38u5e76u4e0d u8ff7u4fe1uff0cu4f46u6628u5929u5b9eu5728u8fd0u6c14u592au4e0du597du4e86u3002
Gamblers and adventures are generally superstitious .
u8d4cu5f92u548cu5192u9669u5bb6u5f80u5f80 u5f88 u8ff7u4fe1u3002
I 'm not a superstitious person but I got hooked .
u6211u4e0du662fu4e2a u8ff7u4fe1u7684u4ebauff0cu4f46u662fu6211u88abu5438u5f15u4e86u3002
I think it 's just superstitious nonsense that13is an unlucky number .
u6211u8ba4u4e3au628a13u770bu4f5cu4e00u4e2au4e0du5409u5229u7684u6570u5b57u5b8cu5168u662f u8ff7u4fe1u7684u65e0u7a3du4e4bu8c08u3002
Surely you are not superstitious ?
u5f53u7136u4f60u4e0d u8bb2 u8ff7u4fe1u5427uff1f
So do you think we 're a bunch of superstitious natives or what ?
u90a3u4e48uff0cu4f60u4f1au89c9u5f97u6211u4eecu662fu4e00u7fa4 u8ff7u4fe1u7684u571fu8457u8fd8u662fu522bu7684u4ec0u4e48u5417uff1f
I 'm not in any way superstitious and I don 't think I have any fear of life .
u6211u6ca1u6709u4efbu4f55 u8ff7u4fe1uff0cu6211u8ba4u4e3au6211u5bf9u751fu6d3bu4e5fu6ca1u6709u6050u60e7u3002
So if you are superstitious you do not eat at a table with twelve other people .
u56e0u6b64uff0cu5982u679c u8ff7u4fe1 u7684 u8bdduff0cu4f60u5c31u4e0du4f1au548cu5176u4ed612u4e2au4ebau5728u4e00u5f20u684cu5b50u4e0au5403u996du3002
Tina : You know that I 'm superstitious .
u8482u5a1cuff1au4f60u77e5u9053u6211u5f88 u8ff7u4fe1u7684u3002
She 's very superstitious about black cats and things like that .
u5bf9u9ed1u732bu4e4bu7c7bu7684u4e8bu60c5u5979u975eu5e38 u8ff7u4fe1u3002
Too superstitious to them what will bring about the low vulgarization of culture and speech is graceless change .
u5bf9u4ed6u4eecu8fc7u4e8e u8ff7u4fe1u5c06u4f1au5bfcu81f4u6587u5316u7684u4f4eu4fd7u5316u548cu8bddu8bedu7684u7c97u91ceu5316u3002
All these old novels bear the religions and superstitious characters of the feudal society .
u6240u6709u8fd9u4e9bu65e7u5c0fu8bf4u90fdu5177u6709u5c01u5efau793eu4f1au7684u5b97u6559 u8ff7u4fe1u6027u3002
They are a superstitious and devout people seeing their culture and beliefs as both infallible and inseparable .
u4ed6u4eecu662f u8ff7u4fe1u800cu8654u8bdau7684uff0cu8ba4u4e3au81eau5df1u7684u6587u5316u548cu4fe1u4ef0u4eceu65e0u8c2cu8befu5bc6u4e0du53efu5206u3002
Are you superstitious ? I guess I am a fatalist .
u4f60 u8ff7u4fe1u5417uff1fu6211u731cu6211u662fu4e2au5bbfu547du8bbau8005u3002
As a kid I wasn 't superstitious .
u5c0fu7684u65f6u5019u6211u4e0d u8ff7u4fe1u3002
The new religion is an amalgam of superstitious beliefs and modern science .
u65b0u7684u5b97u6559u662f u5c01u5efa u4fe1u6761u548cu73b0u4ee3u79d1u5b66u7684u7ed3u5408u3002
Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck .
u743cu5341u5206 u8ff7u4fe1uff0cu5979u8ba4u4e3au7effu8272u4e0du5409u5229u3002
Have you ever found the superstitious beliefs interesting ?
u4f60u6709u6ca1u6709u89c9u5f97 u8ff7u4fe1 u7684 u4e00u4e9bu60f3u6cd5u6709u8da3u5462uff1f
' I get very superstitious about things like that ' she said by way of explanation .
u201cu5728u90a3u79cdu4e8bu513fu4e0au6211u4f1au5f88 u8ff7u4fe1uff0cu201du5979u89e3u91cau9053u3002