surface mail

[ˈsɚfəs mel][ˈsə:fis meil]


  • These so-called surface deliveries have been the crucial method by which booksellers have sold books to foreign markets because the cost is about one-third that of air mail .

    u56e0u4e3au8fd0u8d39u53eau6709 u7a7au8fd0u7684u4e09u5206u4e4bu4e00uff0cu6240u4ee5u6d77u8fd0u662f u4e66u5546u4eecu5c06u4e66u9500u5f80u56fdu5916u7684u6700u4e3au91cdu8981u7684u8fd0u8f93 u65b9u5f0fu3002

  • This display parallels study of the different types of notations used to signify that the mail was to be carried part way by air then the rest of the way by surface mail .

    u8fd9u6b21u5c55u793au76f8u5f53u4e8eu5bf9u7528u4e8eu90e8u5206u4f7fu7528u822au7a7au65b9u5f0fu3001u53e6u5916u90e8u5206u4f7fu7528 u666eu901a u90aeu4ef6u65b9u5f0fu4f20u9012u7684u90aeu4ef6u7684u4f7fu7528u7684u4e0du540cu7c7bu578bu7684u7b26u53f7u8fdbu884cu7814u7a76u3002

  • In contrast dissemination via alternative methods such as surface mail has recently proved quite effective .

    u76f8u5bf9u6765u8bf4uff0cu901au8fc7u5176u5b83u65b9u5f0fu4f20u64aduff0cu5982 u666eu901a u90aeu4ef6uff0cu8fd1u6765u88abu8bc1u5b9eu76f8u5f53u6709u6548u3002

  • I suppose airmail is faster and more expensive than surface mail .

    u6211u60f3u822au7a7au90aeu5bc4u6bd4 u5e73 u5bc4u8981u5febu4e00u4e9bu4e5fu66f4u8d35u4e00u4e9bu5427u3002

  • Would you like this sent surface air or express mail ?

    u60a8u8981u6211u7528 u5e73 u5bc4u3001u7a7au8fd0u8fd8u662f u5febu9012uff1f

  • Which is better airmail or surface mail ?

    u822au7a7au90aeu4ef6u6216 u666eu901a u90aeu4ef6u54eau4e2au6bd4u8f83u597duff1f

  • If they were really serious about this they would 've pushed back the cancellation of surface mail until they could incorporate these other standards .

    u5982u679cu4ed6u4eecu771fu7684u5173u5fc3u6b64u4e8buff0cu90a3u4e48u76f4u5230u4ed6u4eecu80fdu591fu5c06u5176u4ed6u6807u51c6u5305u542bu8fdbu6765uff0cu4ed6u4eecu4e5fu8bb8u5c31u4e0du4f1au63a5u53d7u53d6u6d88 u6c34u8fd0 u90aeu653f u4e1au52a1u3002

  • She said customized agreements for surface mail are being developed for higher-volume shippers that will be enhanced over the next several months to address the needs of small businesses .

    u5979u8bf4uff0cu5bf9u4e8e u6c34u8fd0u201c u7ea6u5b9au4fd7u6210u7684u5171u8bc6u201du6b63u5728u5236u5b9au4e2duff0cu5b83u4eecu5c06u66f4u6709u5229u4e8eu90a3u4e9bu62e5u6709u5927u7b14u4e1au52a1u7684u53d1u8d27u4ebauff0cu4eceu800cu6ee1u8db3u5c0fu516cu53f8u7684u8981u6c42u3002

  • Surface mail takes longer than airmail .

    u666eu901a u90aeu4ef6u6bd4u822au7a7au90aeu4ef6u6162u3002

  • Designed to minimize the attack surface the Edge Transport server handles all internet-facing mail flow .

    u8fb9u7f18u4f20u8f93u670du52a1u5668u65e8u5728u6700u5c0fu5316u653bu51fb u9762uff0cu53efu5904u7406u6240u6709u9762u5411internetu7684 u90aeu4ef6u6d41u3002

  • How long will it take the package to get there by surface mail ?

    u8fd9u5305u4e66 u5bc4u5230u4e2du56fdu8981u591au957fu65f6u95f4uff1f

  • Goods may be sent by surface mail or airmail .

    u8d27u7269u53efu901au8fc7 u5e73 u5bc4u6216u7a7au8fd0u53d1u9001u3002

  • Surface mail or air mail ? Yes two aerograms ten post cards one roll of fifty 15-cent stamps and five airmail stamps .

    u597du7684u3002u8fd8u8981u4e24u5f20u822au7a7a u90aeu7b80uff0c10u5f20u660eu4fe1u7247uff0cu4e00u672cu88c5u670950u5f2015u7f8eu5206u90aeu7968u7684u90aeu7968u8584uff0c5u5f20u822au7a7au90aeu7968u3002

  • Surface mail or air mail ?

    u666eu901a u90aeu4ef6u8fd8u662fu822au7a7au90aeu4ef6uff1f

  • Clerk : Surface mail from the UK to China . Mmm up to eight weeks !

    u804cu5458uff1a u5e73u4fe1u4eceu82f1u56fdu9053u4e2du56fduff0cu6700u957fu53efu80fdu8981u516bu4e2au661fu671fu3002

  • How long will it take by surface mail to japan ?

    u666eu901a u90aeu4ef6u5230u65e5u672cu8981u591au4e45uff1f

  • Outward surface mail comprised 5424 tonnes of letter mail and 2621 tonnes of parcels representing an increase of 4.7 per cent over 1996 .

    u4ee5 u5e73u90aeu53d1u9001u5f80u5916u5730u7684u4fe1u4ef6u67095424u516cu5428uff0cu5305u88f9u67092621u516cu5428uff0cu8f83u4e0au4e00u5e74u589eu52a04.7%u3002

  • How much does it cost to ship this surface mail to japan ?

    u7528u90aeu8f6eu5bc4u8fd9u4e2a u666eu901a u4fe1u4ef6u8981u82b1u591au5c11u94b1uff1f

  • Airmail letters arrive much quicker than ones sent surface mail .

    u822au7a7au4fe1u4ef6u8981u6bd4 u5e73u90aeu4fe1u4ef6u5febu5f97u591au3002