summary conviction

[ˈsʌməri kənˈvɪkʃən][ˈsʌməri kənˈvikʃən]


  • Commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $ 100000 and to an additional fine of $ 500 for each day on which the magistrate is satisfied that the failure continued .

    u5373u5c5eu72afu7f6auff0cu4e00u7ecfu5faa u7b80u6613 u7a0bu5e8f u5b9au7f6auff0cu53efu5904u7f5au6b3e$100000uff0cu6b64u5916uff0cu5728u88c1u5224u5b98u4fe1u7eb3u8be5u9879u7f6au884cu6301u7eedu671fu95f4uff0cu53e6u52a0u6bcfu65e5u7f5au6b3e$500u3002

  • Any person who contravenes any of these by-laws shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $ 2000 .

    u4efbu4f55u4ebau8fddu53cdu672cu9644u4f8bu7684u4efbu4f55u4e00u6761uff0cu5373u5c5eu72afu7f6auff0cu4e00u7ecfu5faa u7b80u6613 u7a0bu5e8f u5b9au7f6auff0cu53efu5904u7f5au6b3e$2000u3002

  • Commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $ 20000 .

    u5373u5c5eu72afu7f6auff0cu4e00u7ecfu5faa u7b80u6613 u7a0bu5e8f u5b9au7f6auff0cu53efu5904u7f5au6b3e$20000u3002

  • Any person who wilfully obstructs the authority or any public officer in the exercise of any power conferred upon him by this Ordinance shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $ 20000 and to imprisonment for6 months .

    u4efbu4f55u4ebau6545u610fu59a8u5c40u6216u4efbu4f55u516cu4ebau884cu4f7fu672cu4f8bu5411u4ed6u6388u4e88u7684u529buff0cu5373u72afu7f6auff0cu4e00u5faau6613 u7a0bu5e8f u5b9au7f6auff0cu53efu6b3e$20000u53cau79816u6708u3002

  • Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $ 1000 .

    u4efbu4f55u4ebau8fddu53cdu672cu6761u4f8bu7684u6761u6587uff0cu4e00u7ecfu5faa u7b80u6613 u7a0bu5e8f u5b9au7f6auff0cu53efu5904u7f5au6b3e$1000u3002