The length of the PIN from the radial head to the PIN exit point from the supinator muscle ( LHS );
u6861u9aa8u5934u5230 u65cb u540e u808cu7ba1u4e0b u53e3 u4e4bu95f4 u9aa8 u95f4u80cc u795eu7ecfu7684u957fu5ea6uff08LHSuff09uff1b
Compared the overall curative effect of the supinator position group with neutrality position with small splints fixation group the former is better .
u4e24 u65cb u540eu4f4du56fau5b9au7ec4u540cu5c0fu5939u677fu4e2du7acbu4f4du56fau5b9au7ec4u6bd4u8f83uff0cu603bu4f53u7597u6548u597du4e8eu5c0fu5939u677fu4e2du7acbu4f4du56fau5b9au3002
Objective : To study the possible compression site of the posterior interosseous nerve at the distal of the supinator muscle and its clinical significance .
u76eeu7684uff1au4e86u89e3u9aa8u95f4u540eu795eu7ecf u7a7f u65cb u540eu808c u540eu53efu80fdu7684u5361u538bu4f4du7f6eu53cau4e34u5e8au610fu4e49u3002
Surgical anatomy of the supinator canal
u65cb u540e u808cu7ba1u7684u5916u79d1u89e3u5256u5b66
The cases of which the additional branch to the supinator derived from the deep branch of the radial nerve when it enter into the supinator canal were 41.7 % ( 25 sides ) . It showed this branch to the supinator was not constant .
u6861u795eu7ecfu6df1u652fu8fdbu5165u65cbu540e u808cu7ba1u5185u53d1u51fau53e6u5916u7684u65bdu540eu808cu652fu8005u536041.7%uff0825u4fa7uff09uff0cu7ed3u679cu8868u660eu6b64u65bdu540eu808cu652fu662fu4e0du6052u5b9au7684u3002
Methods : 10 cases of suspected supinator syndromes and20 cases of normal people were tested with deterioration-induced test .
u65b9u6cd5uff1au5bf910u4f8bu53efu7591 u65cb u540e u808cu7efcu5408u5f81u60a3u8005u548c20u4f8bu6b63u5e38u4ebau7fa4u8fdbu884cu4e86u65cb u540e u808cu52a0u5f3au8bf1u53d1u8bd5u9a8cu3002
The dimensions and morphology of the radial tunnel ( RT ) supinator tunnel ( ST ) and the arcade of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle ( AECRM ) were observed and measured with caliper and the surface projection of the entrance and exit of the ST were located .
u7528u5361u5c3au5bf9u6861u7ba1uff08RTuff09u3001 u65cb u540e u808cu7ba1uff08STuff09u548cu6861u4fa7u8155u77edu4f38u808cu8171u5f13uff08AECRMuff09u7684u5f62u6001u548cu5927u5c0fu8fdbu884cu4e86u89c2u6d4buff0cu5e76u5bf9STu5165u53e3u548cu51fau53e3u7684u4f53u8868u6295u5f71u5b9au4f4du3002
In 80 adult upper limbs the fibrous bridge of the extensor carpi radialis brevis and arcade of supinator were all found while the triceps brachii bridge and the brachioradialis bridge were present in 48 sides ( 60 % ) and 34 sides ( 42.5 % ) respectively .
u572880u4fa7u6210u4ebau4e0au80a2u4e2du5747u53efu89c1u5230u6861u4fa7u8155u77edu4f38u808cu7ea4u7ef4u6865u53ca u65cb u540e u808cu5f13uff0cu6709u80b1u4e09u5934u808cu7ea4u7ef4u6865u768448u4fa7uff0860%uff09uff0cu80b1u6861u808cu7ea4u7ef4u6865u768434u4fa7uff0842.5%uff09u3002
The supinator areas were observed in 60 sides of adult cadavers It is found : 1 . The position relationship of the deep branch of the radial nerve to the supinator was as follows type I 21.7 % and type II 78.3 % .
u89c2u5bdfu4e8660u4fa7u6210u4ebau5c38u4f53u7684 u65cb u540e u808cu533au3002u53d1u73b0uff1au2460u6861u795eu7ecfu6df1u652fu4e0eu65cbu540eu808cu7684u4f4du7f6eu5173u7cfbuff1au2160u578bu536021.7%uff0cu2161u578bu536078.3%u3002
The result showes that in the supinator position the pressing stress is produced in medial part and the pulling stress is produced in lateral part .
u7ed3u679cu663eu793auff1a u65cb u540eu4f4du4f7fu9ac1u4e0au5185u4fa7u4ea7u751fu538bu5e94u529buff0cu9ac1u4e0au5916u4fa7u4ea7u751fu62c9u5e94u529buff1b
The length of the radial tunnel with supinator tunnel and the widths of entering with outing of the supinator muscle entrances and exit were measured .
u7528 u6e38u6807 u5361u5c3au6d4bu91cfu6861u7ba1u6bb5u548c u65cb u540eu808cu7ba1 u6bb5u957fu5ea6uff0c u65cb u540e u808cu7ba1u5165u3001u51fau53e3u7684u5bbdu5ea6u3002
Objective : To explore anatomical characteristics of the supinator syndrome and to provide possible treatment mechanism of acupuncture of shou san li ( LI10 ) .
u76eeu7684uff1au63a2u8ba8 u65cb u540e u808cu7efcu5408u5f81u7684u89e3u5256u7279u5f81u4e0eu624bu4e09u91ccu7a74u9488u523au6cbbu7597u7684u53efu80fdu673au5236u3002
Methods : The muscular branches originating from the three parts ( radial tunnel part supinator tunnel part and post tunnel part ) of PIN were observed on 30 sides upper limb specimens .
u65b9u6cd5uff1a30u4fa7u5c38u4f53u4e0au80a2u6807u672cuff0cu5c06PINu5206u4e3a3u6bb5uff08u5373u6861u7ba1u6bb5u3001 u65cb u540e u808cu7ba1 u6bb5 u548c u65cbu540eu808cu7ba1 u540eu6bb5uff09u89c2u5bdfu5176u808cu652fu7684u5206u652fu60c5u51b5uff1b
Relationship between the deep branch of the radial nerve and the supinator
u6861u795eu7ecfu6df1u652fu4e0e u65cb u540e u808cu7684u5173u7cfb
Anatomical Study of the Supinator Tunal and Its Clinical Significance
u65cb u540e u808cu7ba1u7684u89e3u5256u5b66u7814u7a76u53cau5176u4e34u5e8au610fu4e49
In the supinator position there was medial displacement in the medial and lateral sides .
u5728 u65cb u540eu4f4d u80b1u9aa8 u9ac1 u4e0au90e8 u4e0du8bbau662fu5185u4fa7u8fd8u662fu5916u4fa7 u8282u70b9u5747 u5411u5185u4fa7u4f4du79fbuff1b
Method : According to the traditional curative effect evaluation among the treatment group the forearm in neutrality position with small splints fixation group the supinator position with plaster fixation group ;
u65b9u6cd5uff1au901au8fc7 u5b8cu5168u65cb u540e u4f4du5c0fu5939u677fu56fau5b9au7ec4u3001u4e2du7acbu4f4du5c0fu5939u677fu56fau5b9au7ec4u3001u77f3u818f u65cb u540e u4f4du56fau5b9au7ec4u6cbbu7597u540eu4f20u7edfu7597u6548u8bc4u4ef7uff1b
Abstract The morphology of supinator tunnel and its relation with Posterior interosseous nerve ( PIN ) compression were investigated in 50 adult cadavers including 100 upper limbs .
u5bf950u5177u6210u4ebau5c38u4f53100u4e2au80a2u4f53u6807u672cu8fdbu884cu4e86 u65cb u540e u808cu7ba1u5f62u6001u4e0eu9aa8u95f4u80ccu4fa7u795eu7ecfu53d7u538bu5173u7cfbu7684u7814u7a76u3002
The Applied Anatomy of the Lower Opening of the Supinator Channel
u65cb u540e u808cu7ba1u4e0bu53e3u7684u5e94u7528u89e3u5256
Conclusion : The test is helpful with the confirmed diagnosis of supinator syndrome .
u7ed3u8bbauff1a u65cb u540e u808cu7efcu5408u5f81u53efu4f9du636e u65cbu540e u808c u52a0u5f3a u8bf1u53d1u8bd5u9a8cu786eu8bcau3002
A New Diagnostic Test for Supinator Syndromes
u4e00u79cdu65b0u7684 u65cb u540e u808cu7efcu5408u5f81u8bcau65adu8bd5u9a8c