The students ' next goal is to be enrolled in a university . The college entrance examination is like a sword of Damocles .
这些学生的下一个目标便是考上大学。高考就像是一 把 达摩 克里斯 的 利剑 高悬的这些学生 头 上。
It is a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads and it is a fantastic handicap against our only competitor Boeing w_636 in commercial aircraft .
这是悬在我们头 上 的 达摩 克利斯 之 剑,面对商用飞机方面的唯一竞争对手(波音),这是一大障碍。
However video-sharing websites are faced with copyright problems since the inception . The copyright issues have become Sword of Damocles to the websites developments .
然而,白视频分享网站诞生以来,就一直面临版权问题的困扰,版权问题成为伴随其发展的 达摩 克利斯 之 剑。
Government threats to cut the budget by50 % are hanging over the opera house like a sword of damocles .
政府扬言要削减50%预算使歌剧院 感到 危在旦夕。
The Latin American debt overhanging American banks like the sword of Damocles ( Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. )
拉丁美洲的债务, 犹如 达摩 克利斯 剑一样 威胁着美国诸银行(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)
Perjury the Sword of Damocles put China 's lawyers in a dilemma
对于像律师 这样 的 聪明人来说, 绕开职业 陷阱 也 并非 易事,伪证这个 悬在 头顶 上 的 达摩 克利斯 之 剑让转轨时期的中国律师行业面临两难
As a Grand Prix driver you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment .
作为国际汽车大奖赛的 车手,随时都有可能发生 事故。
The likelihood of lay-offs has been a sword of Damocles over the department for months .
部门可能要裁员的消息让这几个月 来 每个人都 提心吊胆。
Unemployment like the sword of Damocles was always accompanying the workers .
失业 犹如 达摩 克里斯 剑,随时都在 威胁着工人。
The threat hanging like the sword of Damocles over the head of the members was meant to get their attention .
评级 下调威胁就如同 达摩 克利斯之 剑悬在成员国的头顶,意在引起相关国家的注意。
These bills now hang over people like the Sword of Damocles .
现在这些债务 就像 达摩 克利斯之 剑一样悬在人们 头 上。
Bertram : It is . I 've had the sword of Damocles hanging over me for months and now I can finally relax .
伯群:没错,我已经 提心吊胆好几个月了,现在终于可以放轻松了。
In addition the 306 item of crime arising from the vindicator lawsuits agent 's participation in fraudulence of evidences defined in the state 's criminal law has become the sword of Damocles over the head of lawyer .
而刑法第306条规定的“辩护人、诉讼代理人帮助伪造证据罪”更是 悬在律师头 上的“ 达摩 克利斯 之 剑”。
The magic of the assessment of student academic achievement makes the assessment become the sword of Damocles to schools teachers students and parents .
为什么需要促进学习的课堂评价结果处理 ?学生学业成就评价的魔力, 就像 悬挂在学校、教师、学生和家长 头 上 的 达摩 克利斯 之 剑。
The current imbalance of economic interests in China is not only the obstacle to economic development but also is the sword of Damocles as a treatment to social harmony and stability .
当前我国经济利益关系失衡,不仅是 生产力 提升和经济发展的阻碍,而且是一 柄 威胁着社会和谐稳定的 达摩 克利斯 之 剑。
The possibility of being made redundant has been a sword of Damocles hanging over me for several months now .
裁员的可能性好几个月来一直 使我 大难临头 的 危险。
The newspaper reported that the army was very discontent and that this was a sword of Damocles hanging over the government .
报纸上报道说军队有不满情绪,因此这是一 把悬在政府 头 上 的 达摩 克里斯 剑。
美[sɔrd ʌv ˈdæməˌkliz]英[sɔ:d ɔv ˈdæməkli:z]