summary procedure

[ˈsʌməri prəˈsidʒɚ][ˈsʌməri prəˈsi:dʒə]


  • The Criminal Procedure Law of China has established the summary procedure in process of revision .

    我国刑事诉讼法修改时确立了 简易 程序

  • When Intellectual Property Court tries cases a single judge alone shall try the case in which litigation procedure and administrative litigation summary procedure are followed .

    智慧财产法院审判案件,民事第一审诉讼程式及行政诉讼 简易 程式,以法官一人独任行之;

  • Summary procedure for civil lawsuit is one of the important parts in the civil procedure .

    民事 简易 程序是民事诉讼法的一个重要组成部分,在民事审判实践中发挥着十分重要的作用。

  • The civil summary procedure is not only the measure of boosting the speed of tackling the civil case but also the inevitable request of the principle of law .

    民事 简易 程序并不仅仅是法院为提高办案速度的权宜之计,还是诉讼法理之必然要求。

  • Summary Procedure is a hotspot in the reforms of civil trial procedures .

    在我国的民事审判方式改革中, 简易 程序一直是改革的热点问题。

  • Part Four : Offer suggestions through analyses of problems in summary procedure .

    第四部分,结合我国 简易 程序中存在的问题,提出对我国 简易 程序 适用的建议。

  • Author approaches some related problems in criminal summary procedure with the methods and conclusions mentioned before .

    这一部分具体运用前面的方法和结论对我国刑事 简易 程序的相关问题进行研究。

  • Then the paper analyses two value targets : justness and efficiency of criminal summary procedure .

    然后对刑事 简易 程序公正与效率两大价值目标进行分析。

  • The theoretical codes of criminal summary procedure include code of subject simplification and code of pattern simplification .

    刑事 简易 程序的理论模式包括主体简化模式和方式简化模式两种。

  • Where the assets of an estate do not exceed $ 200000 the official receiver is usually appointed the trustee or the liquidator by way of a summary procedure order .

    如果接管的财产不超过20万元,破产管理署署长一般会藉 简易 程序令获委任为受人或清盘人。

  • Summary Procedure of Administrative Litigation The method is simple and easy .

    行政诉讼 简易 程序研究方法简易。

  • Focusing on the shortages of weak theory base and social results the paper puts forward rational suggestions to summary procedure action system .

    但是其具有理论基础薄弱、社会效果欠显著等弊端,文章对完善 简易 程序诉讼制度提出了合理化建议。

  • At last the author demonstrates the basic theory of the summary procedure & economic effect and the whole justice .

    最后论述了 简易 程序的理论基础一经济效益理论和整体正义理论。

  • For the development of our criminal summary procedure was discussed .

    对我国刑事 简易 程序的发展进行展望。

  • The principle clarifying summary procedure and common procedure coordination to lay equal stress on in the meantime .

    同时阐明了 简易 程序与普通程序协调并重的理念。

  • For cases with receiving orders made debtors are adjudged bankrupt upon the making of orders of adjudication or summary procedure orders against them .

    就已发出接管令的个案而言,在判决令或 简易 程序令发出后,债务人即被裁定为破产。

  • Article 146 The people 's court trying a case in which summary procedure is followed shall conclude the case within three months after placing the case on the docket .

    第一百四十六条人民法院适用 简易 程序审理案件,应当在立案之日起三个月内审结。

  • This chapter though two parts of the legal basis and practical foundation of criminal summary procedure .

    本章从刑事 简易 程序的法理基础和现实基础两部分来进行论述。

  • CHAPTER XIII Summary Procedure

    第十三章 简易 程序

  • It includes the reason of bankruptcy the condition the application bankruptcy conciliation and the summary procedure .

    第一部分为程序性制度,分别对个人破产原因、破产申请条件、破产和解、 简易破产 程序提出了设想;

  • On Doctrines of Categorization of Procedures-Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Summary Procedure ; The theory be simplify to make it easier to understand .

    程序类型化理论: 简易 程序设置的理论根源这理论被简化以使其明了易解。

  • The standard of summary procedure 's application scope is a key of design on summary procedure .

    简易 程序 案件适用范围标准是简易程序设计的关键。

  • This summary procedure shall also apply to cases where the amount of the claim totals more than RMB1000000 yuan provided that the parties agree or one party applies for and the other party agrees to it in writing .

    争议金额超过人民币100万元的案件,双方当事人同意的,或者经一方当事人书面申请并征得另一方当事人书面同意的,亦适用本 简易 程序

  • Then to our country criminal summary procedure is introduced legislation .

    再对我国刑事 简易 程序的立法情况进行介绍。

  • Secondly the author summarizes the main reason of the criminal summary procedure produced .

    其次,笔者总结了刑事 简易 程序产生的主要原因。

  • This section contains the concept of criminal summary procedure on paper with value foundation .

    本部分包括对刑事 简易 程序的概念与价值基础的论述。

  • The Criminal Summary Procedure plays a great role in Criminal litigation in China .

    刑事 简易 程序在我国刑事诉讼中具有重要的地位。

  • Because of historical and social factors Chinese administrative lawsuit procedure always rejects the summary procedure .

    因为历史原因和社会原因,我国行政诉讼排斥了 简易 程序

  • On the aspect of lightness it expounds the criminal summary procedure is in line with proper procedure demand ;

    在正当性方面,通过对法律的正当程序的内涵阐述,论证了刑事 简易 程序符合正当程序的要求;