Be sure to get your daily dose by eating a Brazil nut or tuna sandwich sunflower seeds whole grain cereals or swordfish .
保证每天都有 足够 的 硒摄入量,可以吃巴西坚果,金枪鱼三明治,葵花籽,全麦谷物或者 剑鱼。
Flesh of swordfish usually served as steaks .
剑鱼的肉,常用 来做鱼片。
People will go miles out of their way to eat fresh seafood such as tuna swordfish and sardines .
人们会不惜走几公里的路,只为了吃到新鲜的海鲜,比如金枪鱼、 旗鱼 或者是沙丁鱼之类。
Concerns about the safety of eating sushi were raised this week after reports surfaced over the high levels of mercury in tuna and swordfish .
在一篇关于金枪鱼和 剑鱼 体内汞含量过高的报道发出之后,本周,有关对于吃寿司安全问题的担忧被提了出来。
People may soon be paying Germany or the US to look after their money said Gary Jenkins head of Swordfish Research a credit analysis company .
不久以后,人们为了让德国或美国政府照看自己的资金,甚至可能要付钱给 柏林或 华盛顿方面,信贷分析公司 Swordfish Research 的 主管盖瑞詹金斯(GaryJenkins)表示。
Thick firm Atlantic swordfish steak grilled to perfection and garnished with crispy almond sliver and tomato .
厚而紧实的大西洋 箭鱼烤至恰到好处,并点缀着清脆的杏仁和番茄。
Were you thinking Holy shit holy shit a swordfish almost went through my head ? If so then yes .
你要是在想“ 要命,真 要命,这条 剑鱼差点 戳穿我脑袋了”的话,那我们就想一块儿去了。
The food arrives swiftly and we start eating Greenspan taking small forkfuls of swordfish dipped in Dijon mustard .
菜很快就上来,我们开始用餐,格林斯潘用叉将小块 箭鱼蘸法国芥末,然后送入口中。
But they should avoid shark marlin and swordfish because these fish are particularly high in mercury and other pollutants .
但是她们要避免进食鲨鱼、马林鱼和 旗鱼,因为这些鱼中汞的含量及其他污染物的含量特别高。
Eschewing elaborate formulations such as black ink tagliatelle with crabmeat Ragu Greenspan opts for a more ascetic dish : Grilled swordfish with roasted organic vegetables .
格林斯潘避开了蟹肉酱黑墨意大利面等较为考究的菜式,而点了更具苦行者风格的菜:烤 箭鱼和烤有机蔬菜。
This applies to all species from mussels and clams to tuna and swordfish said Boris Worm lead author of the study which was published in the current edition of the journal Science .
研究该问题的带头人BorisWorm指出这些 濒临 危机的物种有蚌类,蛤,金枪鱼,和 旗鱼。 他的相关研究内容已经发表在本期的科学日报上。
( A six-ounce serving of swordfish contains 170 micrograms the magazine said . )
(该杂志还称,一份6盎司的 箭鱼中含有170微克的汞。)
Many of these-such as Atlantic swordfish wild Atlantic salmon and North Sea cod-take a long time to reach breeding age and so stocks have been decimated very rapidly .
很多这类鱼类-如大西洋 金枪鱼,野生大西洋鲑鱼和北海鳕鱼-都需要很多年才能到达繁殖的年龄,所以它们的数量正在急剧减少。
Swordfish oven dried tomatoes cherry tomatoes black olives oregano .
Swordfish steak is not on the menu today ; furthermore it is out of season now .
今天菜单上没有 剑 鱼片。而且,现在不是剑鱼季。
I think I 'll have green salad and the swordfish steak .
我想要沙拉和 剑 鱼片。
Striped bass and North Atlantic swordfish have returned along America 's east coast for instance .
例如,条纹鲈和北大西洋 剑鱼已经沿美国西海岸返回。
One of the problems was an increase in notifications for mercury with swordfish and shark being vulnerable to breaches in the legal limit .
其中一个问题在于汞通报数量的增加& 旗鱼和鲨鱼的汞含量都很容易突破法定上限。
Most of the income of the island is from three fishes : cod halibut and swordfish .
岛上大部分的收入得自鳕鱼、大比目鱼和 旗鱼 等三种鱼类。
B : Will you try swordfish ?
要不要试试 剑鱼?
The fish most at risk are predators high in the pelagic food chain such as swordfish and sharks ( see chart ) .
最危险的鱼是处于海洋上层食物链中最高级的食肉鱼,比如 旗鱼和鲨鱼(见图表)。
I 'd prefer swordfish steak .
我想要 箭 鱼片。
Man : We 're ready . She 'd like to have Grilled Pacific Swordfish .
男:我们已经准备好了。她想要一份烤的太平洋 旗鱼。
Over time large fish sharks and swordfish accumulate high levels of mercury .
随着时间的推移,鲨鱼和 箭鱼 等大型鱼类 体内就积累了高浓度的汞。
They should avoid big predatory fish such as shark swordfish tilefish or king mackerel which have higher mercury levels .
应避免食用大型食肉鱼如鲨鱼、鱼、头鱼及国王 鲭,这些鱼含汞量很高。
All day he met cod and mackerels and swordfish and groupers but every time he made his short speech they turned their backs and would have nothing to do with him .
接下来整天它遇到过鳕鱼、鲭鱼、 旗鱼和鲈鱼。每次它发表完简短的谈话,那些鱼都是转身就走,没打算和它打什么交道。
The report also acknowledges the risk of mercury exposure from certain kinds of seafoods and notes that women who are pregnant nursing or may become pregnant should avoid certain kinds tilefish shark swordfish and king mackerel because of their high mercury content .
其报告承认某些种类的海产品存在汞暴露风险,并指出孕妇、哺乳期或备孕女性应避免食用某些汞含量偏高的鱼类:方头鱼、鲨鱼、 箭鱼和王鲭。
It might be their survival technique to avoid being eaten by mackarel marlin swordfish tuna and the shark of course .
这也许就是他们的生存之道:他们跳跃着以防M,马林鱼, 旗鱼,金枪鱼,当然还有鲨鱼的捕食。
Freshwater fish of Central America having a long swordlike tail ; popular aquarium fish . flesh of swordfish usually served as steaks .
中美洲有剑一样长尾巴的淡水鱼;养鱼池中很常见。 剑鱼的肉,常用 来做鱼片。