
n.同情,支持同情(心)( sympathy的名词复数 )(感情上的)支持意气相投

  • His sympathies had not been touched .

    他的 同情心没有给 激发

  • Because while you have my sympathies captain .

    因为我跟你 一样也有 同情心,队长。

  • He knows I have strong left-wing sympathies .

    他知道我是积极 支持 左派的。

  • This suburb is a hole you have my deepest sympathies .

    郊外,就是一个深渊,有我最 强大 感召 力量

  • But Yao 's sympathies and initial financial donations haven 't been without criticisms .

    但是,姚之前的资金捐助和这一 同情 举动却没有得到 一致的肯定。

  • I mean that human affections and sympathies have a most powerful hold on you .

    我意思说,人类的爱和 同情最强有力地控制着你。

  • The Greek debt crisis has cost her many sympathies .

    她对希腊债务危机付出了极大的 同情

  • I can sympathies with the actress .

    我能与女演员有 同感

  • Amy 's own Republican sympathies strengthened as the days passed .

    埃米个人对共和党的 支持与日俱增。

  • Her sympathies lay with what we were doing .


  • His speech worked on the sympathies of the audience .

    他的讲演 激起了观众的 同情心

  • His novel is strewn with sympathies on the blind .

    他的小说里充满了对盲人的 同情

  • They make no secret of their leftist sympathies .

    他们毫不掩饰自己对左派的 同情

  • Their sympathies automatically lay with britain 's enemies .

    他们 不假思索地支持英国的敌人。

  • My sincere sympathies to your people for the tragedy this morning .

    我对今早发生的悲剧致上最诚挚的 同情

  • Her present condition was precisely one which would have enlisted the sympathies of old Mr and Mrs Clare .

    她现在的情形,正好可以引起克莱尔先生和克莱尔太太的 同情心

  • Was it the evidence or fashion factors that left my sympathies with the tenants ?

    我下 意识地就把 同情心 放到了房客 一边,这是因为法律证据,还是由于着装因素呢?

  • His sympathies were with the workers .

    他是 同情工人的。

  • Showed generous and broad sympathies ;

    表现出慷慨和宽容的 同情心

  • He is a man of ready sympathies .

    他是个 同情心的人。

  • I wanted to express my sympathies on your resignation .

    对你的辞职我表示 同情

  • His sympathies had been with the liberals .

    以前 支持自由党人。

  • Popular sympathies are on her side .

    一般人的 同情都在她这方面。

  • Our deepest sympathies go out to herhusband and children .

    我们向她的丈夫和孩子们 表示最深切的 同情

  • She has frequently expressed Republican sympathies .

    她多次表达对共和党的 支持 态度