synthetic proteins

[医] 合成蛋白

  • In their tests the chemists were able to develop synthetic enzymes that could selectively bind with proteins and attach tags that would allow biologists to identify them .

    在他们的试验中,化学家能够开发出可以选择性地与 蛋白质结合的 合成酶,并进行标记,以便让生物学家能识别它们。

  • Objective To observe the levels of serum CHE and PA in patients with hepatopathy and to search for an index which can reflect the synthetic proteins function of liver better .

    目的观察血清CHE及PA水平在各组肝病中的表现,探寻能更好地反映肝脏 合成 蛋白功能的指标。

  • By immunization with recombinant viral protein and synthetic antigenic peptides many specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV viral proteins were produced . Now they are applied in SARS clinical serological diagnosis SARS prevention and the viral protein function analysis .

    利用重组 蛋白或者 人工 合成的多肽免疫得到的针对SARS病毒特异性的单克隆、多克隆抗体可以用于SARS病人的临床血清学检测、SARS的预防治疗,还可以用于病毒蛋白的功能性研究。

  • The strategy included ( 1 ) condon usage in synthetic gene should be corresponded with the statisical codon usage in genes of highly abundant proteins in the host ;

    设计合成编码 蛋白质基因的要点为:(1)按照宿主系统中高 表达 蛋白质基因对密码子的使用频率选用氨基酸密码子,以期 合成基因得到高效 表达

  • We also use this method to the determination of synthetic mixtures of proteins the results were satisfied .

    并利用此方法对 蛋白 合成样进行了测定,测定结果令人满意。

  • Organic sulfur compounds especially thiocarbonyl compounds which are important synthetic intermediates of amino acids and proteins play an important role in the bio-sciences .

    有机硫化物尤其是硫代羰基化合物是多种氨基酸及 蛋白质的重要 合成中间体,它在生命科学中起着极其重要的作用。

  • They are composed of many sets of synthetic computer-generated sequences of proteins that can prompt the immune system to respond to a variety of strains .

    它们是由很多人工 合成、计算机生成的 蛋白序列组成,可以促使免疫系统对不同的病毒菌株作出反应。

  • Plasmids are the common vectors for DNA vaccines . By using promoter and terminator on the plasmids and the host cells'transcriptional and translational machinery the synthetic proteins has natural conformation comparing to the prokaryotic systems .

    核酸免疫最常用的载体是质粒DNA,借助其自身的启动子、终止子等以及宿主的转录翻译机制 合成所编码的 蛋白质分子。

  • These results showed that synthetic eDNA was the eDNA of BVDV RNA BVDV and HCV are members of the pestivirus in togaviridae They had some identical antigens so the sequences of RNA coded for viral proteins had the homologous parts of nucleotide sequences The studies proved this conjecture .

    BVDV和HCV同为披 盖科疫病毒属成员,它们具有部分相同的抗原,因此编码病毒 蛋白的RNA序列具有同源序列,本研究证实了这种假设。

  • Purposes : N-hydroxy succinimide and Its Derivatives are synthetic peptides antibiotics amino acids proteins and other important raw materials .

    用途:N-羟基丁二酰亚胺及其衍生物是 合成肽、抗生素、氨基酸、 蛋白质等重要原料。

  • Synthetic rate of nucleic acids and proteins in embryos of recalcitrant wampee seeds were increased gradually in the late developmental stage ( 7190DAF ) .

    黄皮种子发育晚期,胚内核酸、 蛋白质 合成能力增强,而花生胚的核酸、 蛋白质 合成能力在发育晚期则呈下降趋势。

  • Many research detected that post-translational modification of proteins is observed in all known living organisms and it is the chemistry modification to new synthetic polypeptide chains or proteins . Post-translational modification might regulate many functions of proteins ( such as location stability and specificity ) and life .

    研究发现在所有已知物种中均存在蛋白翻译后修饰,它是指对新 合成的多肽链或 蛋白质进行的化学修饰从而调节蛋白质的功能(如定位、稳定性和特异性等)以及寿命。

  • Conclusions In contrast with the level of TP and A the level of CHE and PA in serum could reflect the synthetic proteins function more timely .

    结论血清CHE活性及PA浓度测定较之血清TP及A浓度测定,更能及时地反映肝脏细胞 合成 蛋白能力。