table knife

[ˈtebəl naɪf][ˈteibl naif]


  • You are expected to have knowledge of table manners such as what folk or knife to use as these are essential in western dining .

    你要懂得 餐桌礼仪,比如 刀叉的使用,这些在西方宴会中是必不可少的。

  • Lonely Planet : Your wrists should be placed on the edge of the table while eating fork in left hand knife in the right .

    孤独星球:用餐时手腕要放在 桌子边缘,左手拿叉,右手

  • In each group Orthogonal Latin Spare table is used to arrange the experiments so that the influences of the factors of cutting depth moisture content of bamboo and rake angle of knife on the chip formation could be studied .

    在每个小组内,运用 正交试验设计方法安排试验,研究了在不同切削厚度、含水率和 刀具前角下切削竹材的切削力和 屑形成情况。

  • On the table guests would find bread and often a knife a spoon and a napkin but not a fork : fingers or pieces of bread were used to pick up food not eaten with a spoon .

    餐桌 ,客人可以发现面包,常常还有一 、一个勺子和纸巾,但是没有叉子;

  • A sharp table knife used in eating steak .

    吃牛排时使用的锋利的 餐刀

  • A small table knife with a spatula blade used for eating fish .

    吃鱼时使用的有压舌的小 餐刀

  • Just as we can invent a rule to separate a pasty from a sandwich a deposit from an investment and a table knife from a dangerous weapon .

    正如我们可以发明一些规则,来区分馅饼与三明治、存款与投资、 餐刀与危险武器。

  • As well he ate his meals at a table using a knife and fork .

    此外,他在 桌子 和叉吃饭。

  • Not long after learning to walk and talk they can set the table with impressive accuracy & one knife one spoon one fork for each of the five chairs .

    孩子们在学会走路和说话后不久,就能以令人惊叹的准确布置 桌子五把椅子前面分别摆上一 、一个汤匙、一把叉子。

  • In the mineral table of hardness it has a rating of 8 which means that a knife cannot cut it and that topaz will scratch quartz .

    在矿石硬度 ,它的硬度为8,这表明 刀子不能割开它而它可在石英上划痕。

  • The fish was put on the kitchen table and a servant cut it open with a knife .

    这条鱼被放在厨房的 ,一位仆人用 刀把它切开。

  • He regaled us with stories of being chased around the dining room table with a knife by his ex-wife and how he had taped her screaming at him .

    他用他以前在餐厅被他前妻拿着 刀子沿着 桌子围追的故事以及他是如何录下她对他的尖叫的故事来逗我们开心。

  • Non-folding table knife with cutting blade whether or not serrated of base meta


  • He has made marks on the table with that knife .

    他用 刀子桌子 刻上了记号。

  • But the Western country abstained from that delivers with the table knife food like in the mouth in plate 's food cannot be disorderly otherwise lets the human lack the training .

    而西方国家忌讳 用餐 将食物送如口中,盘中的食物不能凌乱,否则让人是缺修养的。

  • Things-car bus truck boat train bed desk doll bell drum table book spoon knife fork door clock chair bench stool brush comb sock shoe .

    物体-小汽车,公共汽车,卡车,轮船,火车,床,桌子,娃娃,铃,鼓, 桌子,书,匙, 小刀,叉子,门,钟,椅子,长椅,工具,刷子,梳子,短袜,鞋。

  • When eating western-style food if you leave the table without finishing the dinner you should put the knife and fork crossed beside the plate let the edge of the knife faces inside .

    吃西餐时,如 席间用餐未完但有事离座,应将 、叉交叉放在盘边,刀口朝内;