synthetic resin

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈrɛzɪn][sinˈθetik ˈrezɪn]


  • Cloth treated on one side with a drying oil or synthetic resin .

    一边用烘干油或 合成 树脂处理过的布料。

  • Some plastic is essentially composed of synthetic resin non-or less containing additives such as acrylic polystyrene and so on .

    有些塑料基本上是由 合成 树脂所组成,不含或少含添加剂,如有机玻璃、聚苯乙烯等。

  • Reflective material is made from high refractive index glass beads and a special synthetic resin through a combination of complex processes .

    反光材料是由高折射率的玻璃微珠和特殊的 合成 树脂通过复杂的工艺组合而成的。

  • Under this condition synthetic resin at room temperature measuring absorption deionized water rate .

    在此条件下 合成 树脂于室温下测吸去离子水的倍率。

  • The test level evaluation of the melt mass-flow rate of synthetic resin of petrochina

    中国石油 合成 树脂熔体流动速率测试水平评价

  • The development of domestic synthetic resin and plastics industry in the upcoming five years was forecasted .

    展望了十一五规划中我国 合成 树脂与塑料工业的发展形势。

  • Synthetic resin emulsion have a wide range of application in coating adhesive fiber and paper processing etc.

    合成 树脂乳液在涂料,粘接剂,纤维,纸加工等领域都有非常广泛的用途。

  • Research of Web Log Mine Technology Based on Synthetic Resin Product System

    基于 合成 树脂产品系统的web日志挖掘技术的研究

  • Synthetic resin emulsion paints ( interior )

    合成 树脂乳化漆(内部用)

  • The application progress on carbazoles and its derivation were described which were mainly in the field of photoelectric material medication pesticide dye and synthetic resin and so on .

    综述了咔唑及其衍生物在光电材料、医药、农药、颜(染)料和 树脂等领域的应用研究进展。

  • Strengthening research-production-marketing links and promoting development of novel synthetic resin products

    强化研-产-销合作环节推进 合成 树脂新产品开发

  • A cheap hard material made from wood chips that are pressed together and bound with synthetic resin .

    由木屑压制在一起再用 合成 树脂束缚而制成的又便宜又硬的材。

  • A valve box a valve pillar and a water meter basin shall be of cast iron synthetic resin and concrete etc.

    阀门箱,阀门柱和水表井应由铸铁, 合成 树脂和混凝土等构成。

  • Synthetic materials of polymer include synthetic resin and plastics synthetic fibre and synthetic rubber .

    高分子合成材料主要指 合成 树脂和塑料、合成纤维、合成橡胶这三大合成材料。

  • A method for the determination of Lead in synthetic resin latex dope is studied .

    研究了 合成 树脂乳液内墙涂料中铅含量的分析方法。

  • The so-called plastic it is in fact a kind of synthetic resin the shape with the natural resin of pine resin in the similar but has the power to synthesize chemically and is called plastic .

    所谓塑料,其实它是 合成 树脂中的一种,形状跟天然树脂中的松树脂相似,但因又经过化学的力量来合成,而被称之为塑料。

  • In the program sand and synthetic resin are mixed in the spiral feeder and extrude out to the cloth .

    首先,石英砂和 合成 树脂在螺旋给料器中混合,再由螺旋给料器挤出落进兜砂布中。

  • Combined use of artificial synthetic resin bone and claw-like rib bone plate for treating multiple ribs fracture

    联合应用 合成 树脂人工骨和肋骨爪形钢板治疗多发性肋骨骨折

  • Three focuses on the development of synthetic resin and plastic industry - new catalysts compounding technology and recycle of waste plastics are discussed systematically in this paper .

    本文指出当前 合成 树脂与塑料工业中的三个发展热点&新型催化剂的研制、多种复合技术和废塑料回收,并系统论述了它们的发展现状及前景。

  • The utility model discloses a double-twist spindle which is characterized in that a cradle ( 1 ) is made of synthetic resin and is particularly molded by the thermoplastic resin .

    倍捻锭子的特征为其锭座(1)是用 合成 树脂制成的,特别是用热塑性树脂经模塑而制成。

  • Rotation type valve suppressed by high phenolic aldehyde synthetic resin and nanometer materials .

    采用旋转移动式滑阀,滑阀材料采用高级酚醛 合成 树脂和纳米材料模压而成;

  • In1868 the founder of Batter set up the first synthetic resin factory in California .

    1868年拜特在加利福尼亚建立第一间 合成厂。

  • Synthetic resin molding compound

    合成 树脂成型化合物

  • A plastic ( synthetic resin ) made from amino compounds ; used as an adhesive and as a coating for paper and textiles .

    一种塑料( 合成 树脂),由氨基化合物制成,用作粘合剂及纸张、纺织品的涂层。

  • The impact of Asia financial crisis on world 's synthetic resin industry

    亚洲金融危机对世界 合成 树脂业的影响

  • A trademark used for a variety of high-pressure laminated plastic sheets of synthetic resin employed especially as a heat-resistant and chemical-resistant surface on tables and counters .

    一商标名称,用作一种高温压薄的塑料 合成 树脂,尤用作桌子和柜台的能耐高温和抗化学物质的桌面。

  • As the first commercial synthetic resin phenolic resins have been extensively studied for nearly one century .

    酚醛树脂作为第一个商业用 合成 树脂,在过去的一个世纪里一直都是人们广泛研究的对象。

  • The impact of the crisis on China 's synthetic resin industry is analyzed and some suggestions are presented .

    分析了此次金融危机对我国 合成 树脂的影响,并提出了一些建议。

  • Para-xylene is the basic material of producing polyester fiber synthetic resin and plastic .

    对二甲苯是生产聚酯纤维、 合成 树脂和塑料等的基础原料。

  • The utility model relates to an improved flexible drain pipe which comprises a metal flexible coil wherein the surface of which is provided with a coat of synthetic resin .

    一种改良的可挠曲排水管,包括一金属弹性线圈,其表面上具有一 合成 树脂涂层;