The son of a musician father and a school-teacher mother Ryan Tedder grew up in a religious family in rural Oklahoma .
Ryan Tedder,这个音乐家父亲和教师母亲的儿子,在俄克拉荷马州乡下的一个宗教家庭中长大。
JIM TEDDER : The American Pet Products Association says pet ownership in the United States has reached an all time high .
据美国 宠物商品 制造协会称,养宠物的 人 比以往任何时候都要多。
Mr Tedder did not think it proper to enter his answer on the records .
In1950 a contest between Lord Tedder and Jawaharlal Nehru then prime minister of India was a non-event after Nehru made it clear he was too busy building a country to accept even if elected .
在一九五零年 泰德 勋爵和当时的印度总理的 尼赫鲁那次竞争,在尼赫鲁说明自己由于忙于 建国 而 无暇参加 而 作罢。
JIM TEDDER : Summertime in America : ice cream baseball games and yes blip blip blip ) fireflies at the close of another day .
美国的夏日意味着吃冰淇淋和看棒球赛,而在 夏夜 即将 来临 时,没错,我们还可以看萤火虫。
As we hear from Jim Tedder those groups are reported to be seeking new members .
来自吉姆泰德 (Jim Tedder ) 的 消息 称,据报道,这些组织正在寻求新成员。