
[医] 端脑的

  • In one patient with additional telencephalic lesions the right side of the pons was hyperintense on long TR / TE images that did not cross the midline suggestive of an arterial lesion ( Fig3 ) .

    还有1例患者 病灶 ,右侧脑桥于T2像也见高信号病灶,但未超越正中线,提示可能系动脉病变所致(图3);

  • The aggregate of cytoplasmic or extranuclear genetic material in an organism . According to the degree of seperation of the telencephalic grey matter and formation of the anterior horns severity of the malformation can be estimated .

    胞质团有机体中细胞质或核外基因物质的集聚物根据 灰质 团块 分裂和前角形成的程度可判断畸形的严重程度。