


  • Mr Berlusconi plans to launch his fourth bid to be prime minister in elections expected to be held in February next year unless the current technocrat Prime Minister Mario Monti decides to run for office .

    贝卢斯科尼计划第四次竞选总理,参加明年二月份举行的大选,除非现任的 专家 治国 总理马里奥•蒙蒂决定参加竞选。

  • Part of the attraction of the term technocrat however is that the label is so stretchy .

    一个关于 技术 官僚的吸引之处在于这个标签很有弹性。

  • Investor confidence in Italy has been restored over the past year by a government led by Mario Monti an unelected technocrat .

    在马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)领导的政府的管理下,意大利投资者的信心在过去一年有所恢复,但蒙蒂本人 却是一个未经选举产生的 技术 官僚

  • The skills of the statesman are different from and by no means compatible with the skills of the technocrat .

    政治家的门道与 技术 官僚不同,而且丝毫不相通。

  • With a degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua a top university and over 30 years experience in steel plants Ms Xie is at heart a technocrat .

    谢女士毕业于高等学府清华大学的土木工程专业,以及三十多年从事钢铁产业的经验,她无疑是一 技术 统治

  • It would be a fatal mistake however to presume that in either case a coalition of the old established political elite led by a technocrat will provide a miracle fix to deeply rooted problems .

    不过,如果有谁以为由一 技术 官僚来领导 传统政治精英组成的联合政府,就能神奇地修复那些根深蒂固的问题,那将犯下一个致命的错误。

  • Learning and grasping computer technology becomes a basic skill of every technocrat the article explores the current computer information technology lesson teaching of advanced vocation technology institute general specialty and declare the own viewpoint of the future innovation .

    学习和掌握计算机应用技术是当今每个 技术 人才的基本技能。本文从高等职业技术学院普通专业《计算机信息技术》课程教学现状进行了分析,并就未来改革措施提出了自己的看法。

  • Covet work of specialized technocrat in high college is a specific economic phenomenon during changed course of economic system .

    高校专业 技术 人员的隐性就业是在经济体制转轨过程中的一种特定的经济现象。

  • Mr Corzine 's biggest obstacle is the perception that he is a distant technocrat who is unable to connect with ordinary voters .

    考尼兹先生最大的障碍在于他的感知力,作为一个冷淡的 技术 官僚,他不能做到与普通选民 息息相通

  • Since when are you a technocrat ?

    你什么时候 专家 政治 了?

  • Mr Monti who was appointed technocrat prime minister 13 months ago and has never fought an election in his life was due to meet prospective coalition partners today to discuss strategy and candidate lists politicians said .

    蒙蒂13个月前被任命为 意大利总理,这位 技术 官僚 平生从未参加过选战。政界人士表示,蒙蒂定于今天会见潜在的联盟合作伙伴,探讨竞选战略和候选人名单。

  • The third prejudice is that Mr Carstens is a humourless technocrat when what is required at the head of the IMF is a nimble politician who can alternately charm or enforce like the elegant French candidate and finance minister Christine Lagarde .

    第三种偏见是,卡斯滕斯是个没有幽默感的 技术 官员,而imf需要一位兼具个人魅力和执行力、灵活机敏的政治家作为领导人,比如举止优雅的法国财长克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christinelagarde)。

  • It is stating the obvious to say that appointing an unelected technocrat is less than ideal .

    任命非选举产生的 技术 官僚 担任总理并非理想之举,这是不言而喻的。

  • South Korean media said Pak Pong-ju a technocrat once seen as a rising star leading the country 's nascent economic reforms may have been disciplined and his movements restricted .

    韩国媒体报道说, 曾经主导新生的经济体制,被视为政坛的新星,现如今可能被软禁(或者说限制活动)。

  • Knowing when to be funny shows people that you are open likeable and not some robotic technocrat says Cary Cooper professor of organisational psychology at Lancaster University .

    懂得在 恰当的时候逗一逗乐子,能让人们知道你很坦诚、可爱,不是什么像机器人 一样 技术 专家,兰卡斯特大学(LancasterUniversity)的组织心理学教授卡里库珀(CaryCooper)表示。

  • A well - respected technocrat he is credited for the economic liberalisation reforms in the 1990s .

    作为一 受尊敬的 专家 官员辛格因上世纪90年代的经济自由化改革而 获得赞誉。

  • Leonard Orban the young Romanian technocrat now serving as the European commissioner responsible for multilingualism says small and medium-sized companies are those most likely to suffer from a lack of language skills .

    罗马尼亚年轻的 技术专家莱昂纳德• 奥尔班(LeonardOrban)目前是欧盟委员会负责多种语言工作的专员。他表示,中小企业最有可能出现语言技能缺乏的情况。

  • The nationality of the technocrat who runs the International Monetary Fund should not matter much to anyone .

    执掌国际货币基金组织(imf)的 那位 技术 官僚 国国籍,对任何人都不应该有太大的关系。

  • Just call it technocrat 's intuition .

    就当是 专家 政治 的直觉