The government said this week it will cut salaries and profits tax rates as well as reimburse low-income earners in order to ease the additional tax burden created by the GST .
但政府说将会减低薪俸税和利得税的税率,以及向低入息人士给予补偿,以便纾缓销售税所造成的额外 税项 负担。
This will effectively lower the tax burden of corporate China .
这将有效缓解中国企业的 税务 负担。
These proposals would only increase the tax burden on business .
这些提议只会加重企业 税款 的 负担。
The tax burden will impact our EBITDA significantly and will influence strategic decision on M & A project .
税收 负担将严重影响我们利息税贬值前利润和分期偿付利润,同时也将影响M&A项目的战略性决策。
I think it is important to tell you our principle of lighter tax burden greater preference .
我们的原则是 关税 从轻、优惠从宽。我觉得告诉您这一点是很重要的。
Aiming to study the effect of enterprise 's scale and location on actual tax burden this paper analyzes the correlations between enterprise 's scale as well as location and actual tax burden .
分别对企业实际税收负担与企业规模及企业所处区域进行了相关性分析,旨在研究企业规模及所处区域对企业 税收 负担的影响。
Because of coal industry particularity after improving taxation value added tax has added to enterprise tax burden .
由于煤炭行业的特殊性,税改后现行增值税 加重了煤炭企业 税负。
Macro Tax Burden in China : An Analysis on the Base of Tax Revenue Caliber of IMF and OECD
我国宏观 税负 水平评析:基于IMF和OECD税收收入口径
Guangdong s macro tax burden is too high or not ? There are two views .
针对广东的宏观 税收 负担到底有没有过高问题,目前社会上有两种观点。
The government has promised to reduce the tax burden on small businesses .
政府许诺减轻小型企业的 税务 负担。
So tax burden optimization is very serious in firms finance management .
因此, 做好 税负优化已成为企业财务管理工作的一项重要内容。
Tax burden is an important factor for government to develop tax system and adjust the tax structure .
宏观 税负 水平是一国政府制定税收制度、调整税制结构的一个重要依据。
There are several strategies you can use to offset the tax burden associated with an investment gain but there is not much you can do about a loss in investment value .
你可以使用几种策略抵销和投资盈利相关 纳税,但是如果你的投资亏本了,这几中方法可能用处不大。
And the unified added-value tax is broken by the problems on tax burden production operation collection and management .
税收 负担问题、生产经营问题及征管上的困难打破了增值税的统一性。
Tax burden and interest burden ratios ;
税务 负担和利息负担比例;
The disfigurement of market mechanism and the windage of fiscal and tax policy cause huge converse of value and tax burden between middle and west China and east China .
内容提要市场机制的缺陷和财税政策的偏差,导致中西部与东部地区价值和 税负逆向运行,中西部地区 承受着 税负剪刀差。
It kept income tax unchanged for years but introduced dozens of stealth taxes and gradually increased many other minor taxes to boost the overall tax burden significantly .
它多年来保持所得税不变,但开征了十几种“隐形”税收,并逐渐提高许多其它“小”税种的税率,大幅增加了整体 税负。
Optimal tax burden and tax structure adjustment with sustained economic growth
持续经济增长目标下的最优 税负和税收结构调整
The result is the combination of the two internal contradictions of the real estate and the real estate agents ( tax burden shifting and price monopoly ) .
房地产价格坚挺是房地产的两个内在矛盾与房地产商的两个 手段( 税负转嫁和垄断定价)相结合的结果。
The OECD recently published a report comparing the tax burden on wages in the world 's developed economies .
经济合作与发展组织(以下简称经合组织)近日发布了一份报告,对世界发达国家的工资 税收 负担进行了比较。
This imposes a heavier tax burden on them and makes them vulnerable to accusations on accounting errors .
这使它们背负了更沉重的 税务 负担,并容易因会计问题而遭到指控。
A sales tax is an indirect tax because the tax burden can be shifted to other consumers .
销售税是一项间接税,因为这个 税项 的 负担可转嫁其他消费者。
In order to unify the tax system balance the tax burden improve the investment environment of our country and cater for the need of establishing and developing the socialist market economy the following resolutions were specifically made .
为了统一税制,公平 税负,改善我国的投资环境,适应建立和发展社会主义市场经济的需要,特作如下决定。
Tax on tax is unavoidable where the employee 's tax burden is borne by the employer .
答:只要雇员的 税负由雇主承担,“税上税”就无可避免。
It is time to reawaken this industrial giant to get government back within its means and to lighten our punitive tax burden .
现在到了唤醒这个工业巨人、让政府回归本位和减少惩罚性 税收 负担的时候了。
In economic terms shifting the tax burden from income to capital makes sense .
从经济角度来说,将 税务 负担从收入转移到资本是合理的。
This would allow for both a lower tax burden and for investments in education research and development and infrastructure .
这种办法既考虑到了降低 税收 负担,又考虑到了教育、研发和基础设施方面的投资。
Institutional Analysis and Optimized Design on Tax Burden of China
中国 税负 水平的制度分析与优化设计
Income cost tax and asset as four main factors have an effect on tax burden rate .
主营业务收入、主营业务成本、应交税费、总资产是影响汽车制造业 实际 税 负率的主要因素。
We will conscientiously implement the revised Individual Income Tax Law and lower the tax burden on low-and middle-income people .
认真实施修改后的个人所得税法,减轻中低收入者的 税负。
美[tæks ˈbɚdn]英[tæks ˈbə:dən]