tension suture

[ˈtɛnʃən ˈsutʃɚ][ˈtenʃən ˈsu:tʃə]


  • Conclusion : For some comminuted fracture the modified tension band wire is not suitable then the circular wire and Maxon tension band wire suture are the best . The method is reliable and responsible to early function exercise .

    结论:对某些骸骨粉碎骨折,不适合改良张力带固定,则钢丝环扎加Maxon线 张力缝合效果最佳,该方法可满足早期功能锻炼,尽早恢复膝关节功能。

  • Methods 3-0 absorbable suture was used to transfix horizontally the levator palpebrae superior tarsus aponeurosis and to the periosteum of supraorbital margin through a tunnel of frontalis flap transfer an aniso-edge frontalis muscle flap with tension relaxing suture .

    方法用3-0可吸收缝线横向贯穿睑板上缘提上睑肌腱膜组织2针,经额肌瓣隧道缝至眶上缘骨膜上,转移不等边额肌瓣使之无 张力 缝合

  • Objective To evaluate effects of absorbable screw fixation and tension band by PDS - ⅱ suture instrumentation on treatment of patella fracture .

    目的评价可吸收螺钉及普迪斯( PDS-Ⅱ) 线 张力带捆绑治疗髌骨骨折的效果。

  • Experience of patellar fracture treated with minimally invasive tension band wire suture for 30 cases

    微创 张力固定治疗 髌骨骨折30例体会

  • Application of tension suture in the treatment of severe blepharoptosis with transfer of frontalis muscle flap


  • Simultaneously an operative technique of trans-anastomotic duodenal tube and tension suture of fascial space of abdominal wall was applied in 6 cases when necessary .

    有6例术中将鼻胃管插入至空肠作为经 合口的十二指肠支架管,并加作腹壁 缝合

  • Tension Band and Bone Suture for Treating Patellae Fracture of the Elderrs ( Reporting 30 Cases )

    张力带与骨 缝合对老年髌骨骨折的手术治疗(附28例报告)

  • The expansion and expansion of the affected skin area ( equivalent to the volume expansion capsule tension ) suture postoperative day 1 no significant changes in skin color suture incision without edema and exudation .

    将扩张后皮瓣与扩大的受区(等于扩张囊的容积 张力缝合,术后第1天,皮瓣皮肤表面红润,皮温正常,缝合切口轻度水肿,无渗出。

  • Conclusion The relieving tension suture with its definite effect is helpful for nerve regeneration .

    结论 神经 缝合 效果确切,利于神经的再生。

  • Objective To improve healing quality of hypertensional incisions under subcutaneous excessive tension by adapting the suture method .

    目的:通过 缝合方法的改进,提高高 张力切口直接缝合的愈合质量。

  • The Effect of Prophylactic Tension Suture on Abdominal Wound Healing in Elderly Patients The Study on Relief Incision and Anastomosed of Internal Anal Sphincter in Low Anal Fistula

    预防性 缝合对影响高龄患者腹部切口愈合质量的临床研究内括约肌减 缝合 修补 在低位肛瘘手术中的 应用研究

  • Clinical application of retrograde tension suture of abdomen

    逆行 合法在腹部外科中的应用

  • Experimental study of circular wire and maxon tension band wire suture treated fracture of patella

    钢丝环扎加Maxon线 张力缝合治疗髌骨骨折的实验研究

  • Objective In order to prevent the recurrence of the severe blepharoptosis treated with transfer of frontalis muscle flap the tension suture which could reduce the tension of anastomosis was applied .

    目的为防止因额肌瓣转移治疗重度上睑下垂术后复发,我们采用眉上 ,以避免吻合口因 张力大影响愈合的弊端。

  • Application of tension reducing suture to repair skin defect on limbs

    改良 缝合治疗四肢皮肤缺损