texture structure

[ˈtɛkstʃɚ ˈstrʌktʃɚ][ˈtekstʃə ˈstrʌktʃə]

[计] 纹理结构

  • Making use of the innovation sequence different texture and structure of the Image were detected and the Kalman estimation of the Image gray levels of the different texture and structure was corrected directly .

    该方法用新息序列对影象的不同 纹理 结构进行检测,用Kalman估计对影象的灰度直接进行校正。

  • But their texture structure can be improved greatly by properly reduced the frozen storage temperature The frozen storage time also affected their texture structure remarkably .

    冻藏时间对文蛤和波纹 巴非蛤贝肉组织结构的影响显著;添加抗冻剂后,可以大大减少 组织 结构的变形,有效改善冻品的 品质

  • In the high resolution remote sensing image the details of objections are more clear than TM and MSS images showing great texture and structure information .

    在高分辨率卫星影像中,目标地物的细节比TM和MSS影像更为清晰,呈现出大量的 纹理 结构信息。

  • The composition of the ore is complicated and the texture and structure of the ore is various .

    矿石组分复杂, 结构 构造多样。

  • Experimental results indicate that the method can be well effective to fill the texture and structure of the damaged areas of image simultaneously and to remove the undesired objects on images .

    实验结果表明,该方法能同时有效地修补图像受损区域的 纹理 结构,还能较好地去除图像上不需要的物体。

  • Texture and structure of uranium ores

    铀矿石的 结构 构造

  • The texture structure and ASR features of zeolitic pearlite and siliceous gravel were studied by optical microscope and SEM / EDS. The influences of the physical structure and particle size of aggregate on ASR process and expansion were discussed .

    用光学显微镜和SEM/EDS研究了沸石化珍珠岩和硅质砾岩的 结构 构造及ASR反应特征,讨论了集料的物理构造和颗粒尺寸对ASR过程和膨胀的影响。

  • The relation between different packaging materials and customer 's emotional appeal and the skin texture structure and tactility characteristic of different material was introduced .

    反映了不同 触感的包装材料对人们消费心理产生不同的影响。

  • The result indicates by this method speckle noises can be decreased effectively and the texture structure of SAR images can be preserved .

    结果表明,这种方法能够有效地去除斑点噪声,较好地保持雷达图像的 纹理 结构

  • Fancy yam with irregular shape complicated texture and structure and multicolor is difficult to model and simulate .

    花式纱线不规则的外形、复杂的 材质 结构以及丰富的色彩变化,造成对其进行计算机模拟的困难。

  • The phase transition temperature texture structure and thermal stability of the polymer were studied by DSC hot stage polarized optical microscopy ( HS-POM ) and TGA .

    采用DSC、热台偏光显微镜(HS-POM)和TGA对聚合物的相转变温度、液晶态的 织构和热稳定性进行了研究。

  • In this paper I choose 13 ' vanward ' pieces during this period and make some study and analysis on harmony scale tonality texture structure and so on .

    本文选取了他这个时期的13部较为先锋性的作品,从和声、音阶、调式与调性、 结构等方面对其开创性的技法进行了研究和分析。

  • But facing with so complicated texture structure there is lack of detailed and in-depth theoretical study .

    而面对如此纷繁复杂的 肌理 构成关系,目前却缺乏较为细致和深入的理论研究。

  • This article attempts to make a research on the device of Title Symphony on analyzing the harmony instrumentation texture and structure on the introduction to Movement One of Symphonie Fantastique .

    通过分析《幻想交响曲》第一乐章引子部分的和声、配器、 体和 结构,来探讨标题交响音乐的表现手法。

  • Then the texture structure of rock and seepage manner of groundwater were studied further . The application ranges of turbulent theory were also analyzed .

    后重新研究了岩石的 结构 构造及地下水的渗透方式,分析了紊流理论的应用界限。

  • High Resolution Imagery contains lots of detail information of texture and structure .

    高分辨率影像中蕴涵了 林种的细节 纹理信息。

  • A drink of fermented rice prepared by a certain lactic acid bacteria with very good sense and texture structure was prepared .

    以大米为原料,经过糊化等预处理后接入一定的乳酸菌进行发酵,最终获得了感官、 组织 状态良好的发酵型米乳。

  • Skin Texture Structure in Packaging Design

    包装设计中的 肌理 构成

  • Therefore we can use fully the direction of local relevance to select adaptively three or four points which makes the image representation of edges part and the texture structure sparser .

    因此,自适应地选择三点或四点来实现预测过程,充分利用了局部的方向相关性,使得图像的边缘部分和 纹理 结构能够得到较稀疏的表示。

  • The improved enhancement algorithm has a better robust and can preserve texture structure of singular area effectively .

    改进后的增强算法具有一定的鲁棒性,同时还能较好的保持奇异区原有的 纹理 结构

  • Simulation experiments proved the satisfactory performance of the algorithm in complex images with both texture and structure information .

    仿真实验表明,对同时存在 结构信息和 纹理信息的复杂 自然图像,利用本文算法能够取得满意的修复效果。

  • Texture and structure study of crystals in diamond films by combustion flame method

    火焰法合成金刚石薄膜中晶体的 组织 结构研究

  • An Analysis on Texture and Structure Property of Cold Rolled Non-Oriented Silicon Steel

    冷轧无取向硅钢的 织构 组织性能分析

  • Effect of Heat Treatment on Texture and Structure of Silica Xerogels

    热处理对二氧化硅干凝胶 组织 结构的影响

  • Now the research aim on Ziegler-Natta catalyst for olefin polymerization is not only high activity but also high performance and texture structure of Ziegler-Natta catalyst .

    目前对Ziegler-Natta催化剂研究开发的目标已经不仅仅局限于催化剂的高活性,而更注重于催化剂的高性能和催化剂的 结构

  • The experiment shows that the texture structure information added in desertification classification can raise the classification accuracy greatly .

    利用 纹理 结构参与土地荒漠化遥感分类,大大提高了土地荒漠化分类的精度。

  • The desertification change may be reflected by the hue shape texture structure shadow etc.

    土地荒漠化可通过RS图像的色调、形态、 纹理 结构等的变化反映出来。

  • The subaerial and subaqueous volcanic rocks have significant differences in lithology texture and structure alteration occurence contact with underlying strata pore and fissure development .

    在充分考虑火山岩储层 特征 地层非均质性的基础上,运用常规测井信息、气测录井及测井新技术对火山岩储层进行综合评价。

  • The study of the geological characteristics of the deposit the mineralogy texture and structure of ores ;

    矿床地质特征、矿石矿物学和 学研究;