Conclusion The ecological characteristics of Trichobilharzia cercariae have been preliminarily verified in the Huaihe river system .
结论初步探明淮河水系 毛 毕 吸虫尾蚴的生态习性及特征。
Trichobilharzia is one of the important schistosomes threatening human health and causing substantial economic loss in the cultivation of poultry .
毛 毕 属 吸虫是危害人体健康,也给禽类养殖业造成严重经济损失的血吸虫之一。
Natural nidus of Trichobilharzia exists in Huainan area .
淮南地区存在 毛 毕 属 吸虫自然疫源地。
Objective To understand the epidemiologic situation of Trichobilharzia in the region of Taihu Gang in Jingzhou Hubei province .
目的了解 鸭血 吸虫 病在湖北省荆州太湖港地区的流行状况。
Avian Blood - flukes in Jilin Province ⅲ On Four Species of Genus Trichobilharzia and the Association with Human Dermatitis
吉林省的鸟类血吸虫&Ⅳ. 毛 毕属四种的 记述及与人体皮炎的关系
The eggs and imagoes were separated from infected ducklings . Results Radix swinhoei and Radix auricularia were found as the intermediate host of Trichobilharzia in the basin and the natural infection rates were 0.65 % 0.51 % respectively which varied with seasons .
结果椭圆萝卜螺和耳萝卜螺是生活在该地区 毛 毕 吸虫的中间宿主,其自然感染率分别为 0.51%和0.65%。
A survey of the aetiological agent of paddy field dermatitis with studies on the life cycle of Trichobilharzia jianensis Liu et al 1977
吉林省稻田皮炎病因的调查及 集安 毛 毕 吸虫生活史的观察
Preliminary Study on the Ecology of Trichobilharzia Cercariae in the Huaihe River System ;
目的探讨 椎 实 螺 个体 大小对淮河水系 毛 毕 吸虫感染的影响。
[医] 毛血吸虫属