The theoretical and experimental results show that this kind of transducer has low input power loss and relatively short pulse echo .
理论和实验结果均表明,该复合 结构 的 超声 换能器具有较小的输入功率 损耗和相对较短的回响。
The Design of a Transducer to Simulate Human Heat Loss to Evaluate Thermal Environment
模拟人体热 损失来评价热环境的 传感器设计
According to the equivalent circuit net analysis method it calculated the functional relationship between transducer loss TL and normalized frequency f / f_0 for the x-cut LN / Hg_2I_2 acousto-optic devices with different metal coating materials and thickness .
根据换能器等效电路网络分析法,就x切LN/Hg2I2声光器件的电极层各种金属材料和厚度计算了 换能器 损耗TL随归一化频率f/f0的变化关系。
The equivalent parameter of piezoelectric transducer is measured . In order to make output the most efficient decrease the reactive power loss tuning matching is designed . And in order to output maximum power and raise power factor impedance matching is designed .
本文对负载压电 换能器的有关等效参数进行了测量,设计了匹配网络,通过调谐匹配使得电源输出效率最高,减小无功 损耗;通过阻抗匹配,实现超声波电源功率的最大输出,提高功率因数。
美[trænsˈdusɚ lɔs]英[trænzˈdju:sə lɔs]