Conclusion The pain edema and trismus may be developed after extracting mandibular third molar .
结论下颌阻生第三磨牙拔除术后 均有可能 发生 张口 受限、疼痛及肿胀反应。
The 4-year local control rate was 93 3 % 2 cases recurred in the nasopharynx 8 cases developed distant metastases 3 cases developed trismus . No cases occurred perforations in hard and soft palate .
4年局部控制率为93.3%( 28/30),远处转移8例, 张口 困难3例,无1例病人发生硬软腭穿孔。
Method According to extraction difficulty 124 cases whose impacted mandibular third molar should be removed were divided into three groups . The difference of pain edema and trismus was analysed statistically among three groups on the 2nd and 7th postoperative day respectively .
方法收集124例下颌阻生第三磨牙拔除术的病例,按手术难度分为三组,分别于术后第二日及第七日分析三者之间的疼痛、 张口 受限及肿胀差异。
Patients received combination radiotherapy had a lower trismus than those of simple radiotherapy group ( 17.5 % VS 33.8 % P < 0.05 ) .
张口 困难 发生率综合放疗组低于单纯外照射组(17.5%对33.8%,P<0.05)。
The chief complications were : trismus ( 9 2 % ) and soft palate damage ( 5 7 % ) .
主要后遗症为 张口 困难( 9.2%),软腭损伤(5.7%)等。
Results Because of radioactive trismus and the narrow visual field of operation the surgery on these patients was difficult .
结果 鼻咽癌 放疗 后 口腔 颌面 部多 原 发 癌患者因开口受限影响麻醉与手术视野,手术有一定难度;
Complications were : skin ulcer trismus and facial nerve paralysis due to scar contraction .
放疗并发症有皮肤溃疡, 张口 受限及瘢痕增生引起面神经瘫痪。
We present a case of pan-oral submucous fibrosis with severe trismus 17.5 mm in maximal mouth opening ( MMO ) .
本院提供一全口黏膜下纤维化并严重 张口 困难之病酬报告(张口度仅为十七点 五毫米)。