trigger price

[ˈtrɪɡɚ praɪs][ˈtriɡə prais]


  • While there may be scope for import substitution the embargo could in the short term trigger price increases and shortages .

    尽管俄罗斯可以从其它地区找到一些替代品,但禁令在短期内可能会 引发 物价上涨和供应短缺。

  • Stockpiling of copper by a secretive Chinese state organisation has helped trigger an impressive revival in the price of the red metal with a rally of 28 per cent this year .

    中国一家行事隐秘的国家机构囤积铜, 引发 铜价大幅反弹,今年迄今累计上涨28%。

  • Once the SMC arises it will trigger the complete capital chain shrink effect and estimated capital price collapsing effect that will cause great loss of investors fund raisers and other market event participants and have strong negative impact on financial system and entity economy .

    股市危机一旦发生,会 引发股市全面的资金链条紧缩效应、资产 价格预期坍塌效应等,给投资者、融资者及其他市场参与主体造成惨重的损失,对金融系统和实体经济的消极影响都很大。

  • The trigger for the collapse was the bursting of the credit bubble that funded the leverage the asset price inflation and the global consumption boom .

    崩溃是由信贷泡沫破裂 触发的,信贷泡沫促成了杠杆现象、资产 价格通胀和全球消费繁荣。

  • The UN has warned that global food inflation could trigger social unrest and force governments to reintroduce price controls to maintain stability .

    联合国(un)警告称,全球食品价格上涨可能会 引发社会动荡,并迫使政府重新采取 价格控制措施,以保持稳定。

  • By understanding the real estate cycle we can realize that there are price fluctuations in the real estate cycle which may trigger speculation in the property market and produce price bubble .

    通过了解房地产周期,认识到房地产市场在周期循环中会存在价格波动,有可能 引发房地产市场的 投机行为,从而产生泡沫。

  • First and foremost should the non-standard measures trigger risks to price stability we will immediately begin to unwind them and ensure the continued solid anchoring of inflation expectations .

    首先,如果这些非常规措施给 价格稳定 带来风险,我们将立刻着手解除这些措施,确保持续而可靠地锚定通胀预期。

  • If market price is less than trigger price then the order will be place in the market .

    如果市场报价低于或等如 触发 价格,你的买卖指示便会提交给交易市场。