CD10 expression in trichoepithelioma and basal cell carcinoma
CD10在 毛发 上皮 瘤和基底细胞癌中的表达
Image analysis technique was applied to detect the nuclear DNA content of similar portion of basal cells from keratinized type of basal cell epithelioma and trichoepithelioma .
利用图像分析技术对30 例角化型基底细胞癌及 30 例 毛发上皮瘤组织病理相似部分基底样细胞瘤块进行细胞核DNA含量分析。
Quantitative analysis of DNA content showed 30 speciments from trichoepithelioma were all diploid . While 16 of 30 specimens from keratinizing basal cell epithelioma were aneuploid .
毛发 上皮 瘤组30例均为二倍体,角化型基底细胞癌组有异倍体16例。
Identification of the Disease Gene of Multiple Familial Trichoepithelioma
多发性家族 性 毛发 上皮 瘤致病基因的确定
Results 10 cases of multiple trichoepithelioma ( 83.3 % ) 9 cases ( 75 % ) occured before twenty years old .
结果多 发 性 毛发 上皮 瘤10例(83.3%),20岁 以下 发病9例(75%)。
Methods : We collected 23 cases of trichoepithelioma from 23 patients All the specimen was fixed in 4 % liquer formaldehydi . The entire specimen was serially cut processed routinely for paraffin embedding and stained with hematoxylin eosin stains . Analysis the clinicopathology feature of trichoepithelioma .
方法:收集23例 毛发 上皮 瘤标本,所有标本均用4%甲醛溶液固定,常规组织脱水、石蜡包埋、切片、HE染色,分析总结其临床病史及病理改变特点。
A case of desmoplastic trichoepithelioma is reported .
报告1例结缔组织增生性 毛发 上皮 瘤。
Objective To study clinical and genetic features of multiple familial Trichoepithelioma ( MFT ) in Chinese .
目的了解国人多发性家族 性 毛发 上皮 瘤(MFT)的临床表现和遗传特点。
Sparse positive staining was observed within the areas showing bowenoid change in eccrine poroma proliferating trichilemmal cyst and trichoepithelioma .
小汗腺 汗孔瘤、增殖性外毛根鞘囊肿和毛囊孔 上皮 瘤标本中多在鲍温病样组织变化的区域内见稀疏阳性表达的肿瘤细胞。
The area patients of trichoepithelioma can be treatmented by methods of lasers operation and so on .
对于 毛发 上皮 瘤患者可采用激光、手术等治疗手段。
Mutation of cylindromatosis tumor-suppressor gene in a family of multiple familial trichoepithelioma
一家族性 毛发 上皮 瘤家系 CYLD1基因突变的研究
A Clinicopathologic Observation of 12 Patients with Trichoepithelioma
毛发 上皮 瘤12例临床病理学观察
Quantitative determination of DNA content and its clinicopathological significance in keratinized type of basal cell epithelioma and trichoepithelioma
角化型基底细胞癌与 毛发 上皮 瘤 细胞核DNA含量测定
While in family III a missense mutation was caused by substitution of an adenosine with a thymidine in CDS 2822 . We successfully identified the disease gene for multiple familial trichoepithelioma through mutation analysis .
家系III中的病人在基因CYLD的CDS区域的的2822位由腺嘌呤突变为胸腺嘧啶,发生了错义突变。通过突变检测,我们成功地克隆了多发性 毛发 上皮 瘤的致病基因。