trigger gate

[ˈtrɪɡɚ ɡet][ˈtriɡə ɡeit]


  • Chapter 3 principally analyses the key problems in the design of decoder which includes RC oscillator POR ( Power-on Reset ) Schmitt trigger data detect module model control logic module and data output logic module then gate simulation is completed by Verilog_XL tool .

    本文第三章设计了解码芯片的部分电路模块,包括振荡器电路、上电复位电路、 施密特 触发器电路、数据检测模块、型号控制逻辑模块、按键防抖动模块以及数据输出逻辑模块。

  • Through redesigning the structure of the original PFD circuit and based on the traditional D trigger PFD two new PFDs transmission gate D trigger PFD and flip-latch based PFD were proposed .

    通过对原有PFD电路结构进行重新设计,在传统D 触发器PFD的基础上提出了两种新型PFD:传输 D触发器型PFD和基于锁存器的PFD。

  • The digital trigger to silicon controlled rectifier based on field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) has high accuracy and the ability of phase self-adjusting .

    以现场可编程 门阵列(FPGA)作为 触发脉冲生成器,精确性高,并具有相序自适应性。

  • The experiment shows that this trigger scheme can fully collect the whole output signals of the wire chamber for the random cosmic ray events and get rid of the problem of signal loss caused by the delay of sampling gate .

    实验证明, 这种方法能完整地收集随机出现的宇宙线事例信号的全部电荷,解决了由于取样 延迟打开所造成的信号电荷丢失问题。

  • Synchronous trigger and gate trigger are performed for radar data recording .

    本系统提供了雷达数据录取的同步 触发 波门触发两种 触发模式。