tricarboxylic acid

[ˌtraɪkɑrbɑkˈsɪlɪk ˈæsɪd][traiˌkɑ:bɔkˈsilik ˈæsid]


  • Crosslinking of Cotton Fabric with Tricarboxylic Acid

    棉织物 羧酸 酯化交联 整理研究

  • In addition about half of the enzymes and coenzymes in the tricarboxylic acid cycle contain iron or need the presence of iron .

    此外, 参加 羧酸循环的酶和辅酶约半数含有铁或需要铁的存在。

  • Orthogonal design was adopted to show the influences of ratio of reactants reaction temperature amount of catalyst reaction time on the synthesis of C_ ( 22 ) - methyl diisoamyl esters of tricarboxylic acid .

    采用正交实验设计探讨了C22- 的甲基二异戊酯的投料比、温度、催化剂用量、反应时间对合成反应的影响。

  • Synthesis of C_ ( 22 ) - triesters of tricarboxylic acid

    C(22)- 三酯的合成

  • C_ ( 22 ) - Tricarboxylic acid was synthesized from the fatty acid of cottonseed oil by converting non - conjugated linoleic acid to conjugated linoleic acid in the presence of iodine as catalyst followed by Diels-Alder reaction between conjugated linoleic acid and fumaric acid .


  • Acetyl CoA into the tricarboxylic acid cycle provides energy for metabolism of organisms .

    然后乙酰辅酶A再进入 羧酸循环为生物体新陈代谢提供能源。

  • Malate dehydrogenase ( MDH ) is the key enzyme of tricarboxylic acid cycle ( TCA ) which is commonly observed in living organisms .

    苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)是 羧酸循环中的一个关键酶,在生物体内普遍存在,MDH以 NADH NAD+ 为辅 因子催化苹果酸盐与草酰乙酸盐的相互转化。

  • All above described changes of the metabolic components indicated that restraint stress led to glycolysis 、 gluconeogenesis capacity 、 tricarboxylic acid cycle as well as the disorder of lipid metabolism disordered .

    这些代谢成分的改变提示束缚应激可导致能量代谢中糖酵解、糖异生能力、 羧酸循环的改变以及肝脏脂代谢的紊乱。

  • The increased recent studies in vitro have showed that Al ( III ) could inhibit the activity of enzyme which catalyzed the tricarboxylic acid cycle ( TCA ) and glycolytic cycle thereby the production of energy generated by mitochondrial cell was badly affected .

    越来越多的体外研究表明,铝能够抑制 羧酸循环和糖酵解过程中酶的活性,因此线粒体细胞供能系统受到严重的阻碍。

  • Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Two-Dimensional Co (ⅱ) Hybrid with Benzene - 1 - Tricarboxylic Acid

    均苯 三酸与钴(Ⅱ) 构筑的二维 网状杂化 聚合物的合成及其晶体结构研究

  • At present we consider NO released by activated macrophages can kill target cells by restraining the tricarboxylic acid cycle electron transfer and composition of DNA in target cells .

    目前认为,经激活的巨噬细胞释放的NO可以通过抑制靶细胞 线粒体 羧酸循环、电子传递和细胞DNA合成等 途径发挥杀伤靶细胞的 效应

  • MtDNA mutation result in insulin deficiency by tricarboxylic acid cycle ( TCA cycle ) obstruction .

    线粒体基因突变可通过 羧酸循环障碍导致 β 细胞分泌胰岛素不足。

  • The results showed that the efficiency of 2 phosphinic acid tetrane 1 tricarboxylic acid ( PBTCA ) was better than that of the hydroxyl ethylidene bis ( 2 ethylhexyl ) phosphoric acid ( HEDP ) and the polybasic alcohol phosphonate ester ( PC 604 ) .

    结果表明,阻垢剂2膦酸丁烷1 羧酸(PBTCA)明显优于多元醇膦酸酯(PC604)和羟基乙叉二膦酸(HEDP),HEDP与PBTCA复配明显优于与PC604复配。

  • The triesters of C_ ( 22 ) - tricarboxylic acid could be prepared by the Diels-Alder adduct using methyl ester of cottonseed oil as raw material change non - conjugated methyl linoleate into conjugated methyl in the presence of catalyst then react with diesters of fumarate .

    C22-三 三酯的合成以棉籽油甲酯为原料,将非共轭的亚油酸甲酯在催化剂作用下转化成共轭亚油酸甲酯,同时与富马酸二酯发生Diels-Alder反应,生成C22- 酯。

  • Tricarboxylic acid ( TCA ) cycle is an important way to generate ATP which is widely distributed in the cells of animal plant or microorganism .

    在动物、植物、微生物细胞中普遍存在的 羧酸循环(TCA循环)是产生ATP的主要途径,它 不仅 参与 分解代谢,也参与 蛋白质 脂肪 分解代谢。

  • Moreover Amino acid as a tricarboxylic acid cycle substate has been proved to be able reduce impairment of reperfusion in infant myocardium protection .

    另外氨基酸作为心肌有 代谢 羧酸循环底物,在婴幼儿心肌保护中因能明显减轻缺血、缺氧心肌的再灌注损伤而日益受到重视。