He tried to trick her out of her house .
他试图 设计 骗走她的房产。
Remember that trick roll that you pled out last year ?
还记得你去年干的那起 诈骗案吗?
It was a simple coin trick in which you grab ash out of the air put it in your hand breathe magic into it and there appears the coin .
这是一个简单的硬币 魔术:先从空中抓一 把空气,放到手中,然后轻轻一吹,硬币就 变 出来 了。
So now that you know your personal learning style the trick is to find out how to use your new-found knowledge to help you in your classes .
既然你知道了你个人的学习模式, 诀窍就是去 发现如何利用你新发现的知识来帮助你的功课。
For many people the root of their stress is anger and the trick is to find out where the anger is coming from .
对许多人来说,紧张的根源是生气, 解决 的 办法是要 找出生气的来源。
She play a trick on him out of sheer devilment . The pages are stuck together and I can 't pull them apart .
她 捉弄他完全是为了寻开心。这几页粘在一起了,我弄不开。
Wait a minute this may be some trick to lure us out .
等一下,这可能是引诱我们 出去 的 诡计。
The trick is finding new ways to stand out in an industry ultimately limited by how fast workers can assemble orders collect payment and hand out food to drivers .
这 行 的 成败 系于员工点餐、收钱与出餐给驾车消费者的速度快慢, 诀窍 在于 找出新法致胜。
The aim of the game is to trick the other players out of their hundred million dollars .
游戏的目的是 欺骗 了他们的一亿美元的其他球员。
In fact it seems that the only point in having things stored inside your head is as a sort of party trick to whisk them out to show off in front of colleagues when there is no computer at hand .
事实上,在头脑里储存信息,唯一的用处就是:当手边没有电脑时,可以在同事 们面前卖弄一番,这就像一种聚会上 常用 的 花招。
That financial conjuring trick gets the G20 out of a bind .
这些金融 伎俩使得二十国集团 摆脱框架约束。
So I 'm going to show you a little trick for figuring that out .
因此接下来我会给你们讲一个,算出这个 来的小 把戏。
Because people have different working styles ad there are disagreements at times the trick is to communicate and iron out issues before they escalate .
因为人们有不同的工作作风,时有分歧, 关键在于沟通,并 在问题升级之前就解决它们。
And in particular I 'm going to cheat slightly I 'm going to use a little bit of abusive mathematics but I 'm going to show you a trick to figure it out .
尤其要说明的是,我会有一点不属实在里面,我会滥用一点数学,但是,我会教会你们这个 小 把戏的。
The trick then is not only to figure out all the factors that affect the chemical reactions that enable cells to move around but also to figure out how to control these reactions selectively .
而 关键不仅仅是 找出所有因素影响细胞自由运动的化学反应,还要明白如何能有选择地控制化学反应。
The phone call was a trick to lure her out of the house .
那个电话 不过是把她 骗 出房子的 小花 招 而已。
The trick is to figure out the verbal and non-verbal cues that are masking concealed emotions .
秘诀在于搞 清楚那些笼罩着隐藏情感的语言和非语言的线索。
If Google became more transparent it might become easier to trick Hosanagar points out .
霍桑纳格 指出,如果谷歌更透明,就更有可能被骗。
The trick is figuring out which half .
窍门 是 找出哪一半是真的。
The trick was to find out what they liked and then you were almost done .
这种 把戏是为 找出对方的喜好,一旦能够投其所好,你的交易基本上就算是做成了。
She play a trick on him out of sheer devilment .
她 捉弄他完全是为了寻开心。
The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up .
从井 里 出来 的 窍门就是把身上的土抖落下来并拿它来垫脚。
He was afraid of catching cold I dare say and invented this trick for getting out of it .
我敢肯定,他害怕感冒,于是 就 耍了这个 金蝉脱壳之 计。
It might seem a trick to get it out of france .
这可能会被看作是为了把 画 运出法国的一个 花招。
The trick is to find out where people stand on that spectrum .
诀窍就是 找出人们在这个行为 区间的位置。
The trick to get out of the well is to stop wailing and not let the dirt bury you but to shake it off and take a step up .
逃出井的 唯一办法就是停止哭泣,不要让泥土埋葬了你,抖落掉它们再向上跨越一步。
And you pulled that little trick out in the here and now ?
你现在把那 招 使 出来 了?
Marked for Disposal The trick is played out in a cell process called ubiquitylation .
标记并 欺骗诱导 过分活化一个被称为泛素化的细胞程序。
Rardin and M. Trick pointed out : We believe from our study of Swart 's paper that the various formulations are essentially correct .
Rardin和 M.Trick 指出:从我们对Swart的文章的研究,确信变量公式是正确的,但Swart对关键性引理5.4的证明是错误的。
The clever salesman was able to trick the old lady out of her money with his charm .
这精明的推销商施展魅力 诈取 了老太太的钱。
美[trɪk aʊt]英[trik aut]