trial lawyer

[ˈtraɪəl ˈlɔjɚ][ˈtraiəl ˈlɔ:jə]


  • Once she became a prosecutor she quickly established herself as a masterful trial lawyer .

    她当了公诉人后便迅速成为一位善于控制局面的 出庭 律师

  • Fortunately you can argue like a trial lawyer . ( You probably are one . )

    幸运的是,你能像 出庭 辩护 律师一般辩论(可能你本来就是 辩护 律师)。

  • His life-story loomed large because the dashing former trial lawyer was short of both substance and political experience .

    这位冲劲十足的前 法庭 律师的个人奋斗史由于欠缺资历和政府经验而罩上阴影。

  • Many lawyers have offered to represent Ms. Zhang in the new trial among them Zhang Wei a Zhengzhou-based lawyer .

    很多律师已经提出在新的 审判过程中担任张姓保姆的代理人,郑州 律师张伟是其中之一。

  • For example a defense lawyer in a court trial may become very emotional in arguing with the government lawyer about evidence affecting the accused .

    例如,在法庭 审判过程中,辩护律师会情绪激昂的争辩公职 律师提出的影响被告的证据。

  • The driver is on trial for criminal homicide in what lawyer Gustavo Ore who is assisting the Dutra family calls the first case of its kind in Peru .

    司机进行 审理的刑事杀人罪什么样的 律师古斯塔沃矿石,谁是协助Dutra家庭,称第一次类在秘鲁。

  • In the trial for murder the lawyer sought to confuse the principal witness but she was armed at all points .

    在谋杀案 审讯中,那位 律师设想使主要证人感到谜惑,但是她有充分准备而对答如流。

  • On the day of trial after the conventional greeting the lawyer began his statements .

    审判的那天,在惯例的问候后, 律师开始他的陈述。

  • The case is highly unusual because Mr Sarkozy is one of 40 plaintiffs in the trial and his lawyer will be able to cross-examine witnesses .

    本案极不寻常之处在于,萨科齐是40名 原告之一,他的 律师将能够盘问证人。

  • During the trial the accused has the right to terminate a lawyer 's action in his defense and entrust another to take it up .

    审判过程中,被告人有权拒绝辩护 继续为他辩护,并另行委托 辩护人辩护。

  • Bob is an excellent trial lawyer with a superior legal acumen .

    鲍勃是一名出色的 辩护 律师拥有超群的法律才智。

  • Throughout its history the punitive damages system always works under the influence of other systems . And every trial that includes punitive damages award is influenced by some legal systems like the lawyer system and the jury system .

    在英美法上的发展历史表明,惩罚性赔偿制度一直都与其他制度息息相关,每一 惩罚性赔偿的判决都受到诸如 律师制度、陪审团制度等制度的影响。

  • At the stage of trial the lawyer 's rights such as acquiring notices arguing proposing evidence inquiring and acquiring judicial documents could be ensured basically as a result of the common participation of the defence the procuratorial authority and the court .

    审判阶段因为有控诉、辩护、审判三方的共同参与, 辩护 律师在此阶段的获得通知权、辩论权、提出证据权、质询权、司法文书获取权基本上能得到保障。

  • The man on trial had been carefully primed by his lawyer .

    这个 受审人已得到他 律师的仔细指点。

  • If individuality is appreciated feel free to be a little more daring than you would be if you were a trial lawyer .

    如果展现个性比较适合,那就放轻松,你可以比一个 出庭 律师的着装大胆得多。

  • That paid off for her at the trial particularly earlier in the week when she was being questioned by her own lawyer .

    庭审 期间,此举为她带来了回报,特别是在她本周早些时候接受己方 律师的讯问时。

  • During the trial the prosecutor and the defense lawyer both present evidence and arguments to the jury .

    审判期间,检察官与被告 律师均向陪审团出示证据,提出论据。

  • Find out whers the trial get a lawyer down there .

    找出 审讯的时间,找个 律师过去。

  • He was brought to trial again by the state of Florida this time represented by a local lawyer appointed by the court .

    他被佛罗里达州 重审,这一次法院为 指派了一名当地的 律师

  • Before the trial recessed today the lawyer read her opening statement .

    今天 庭审休庭之前, 律师宣读了她的开庭陈述。