


  • The effect of alumina trihydrate on EPDM / PP was studied by the mechanical and flame-retardant properties determination .

    指数测定和力学性能测定方法研究了 水合氧化铝 ATH 用量 对共混物性能的影响。

  • A Study on Impact Properties of γ - Ray Irradiated LLDPE Filled with Alumina Trihydrate

    经γ射线辐照的LLDPE与 氢氧化铝 体系冲击性能的研究

  • As the reaction time and standing time increase the percentage of calcium oxalate trihydrate ( COT ) decreases and the percentage of the thermodynamic stable calcium oxalate monohydrate ( COM ) increases . The metastable calcium oxalate dihydrate ( COD ) is not observed .

    随着反应时间和陈化时间的增加, 三水草酸钙(COT) 直接 转化为稳定态的一水草酸钙(COM),而没有经过亚稳态的二水草酸钙(COD)。

  • Integrated structure SiO2-Al2O3 xerogels and pure Al2O3 xerogels were prepared by the sol-gel method and non-supercritical drying using low-cost inorganic aluminum nitrate trihydrate and organic aluminum-isopropoxide alkoxide as alumi - num sources respectively .

    分别以廉价的硝酸铝无机盐常压干燥法和 异丙醇铝有机醇盐作为铝源,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了结构完整的SiO2-Al2O3干凝胶和纯Al2O3干凝胶。

  • Abstract The new veterinary drug ampicillin compound is composed mainly of two ingredients the ampicillin trihydrate and the hetacillin .

    复方氨苄青霉素是一种复合制剂的抗生素类新兽药,其主要成分是氨苄青霉素 三水化合物和缩酮氨苄青霉素,具有抗菌消炎功效。

  • Experimental Researches for the Heat Storage Performance of Sodium Acetate Trihydrate


  • The effect of additives on the linear crystallization velocity of sodium acetate trihydrate

    添加剂对 水合醋酸钠结晶速率的影响

  • Properties and Crystal Growth of Lithium Perchlorate Trihydrate


  • Effects of Grain Size on Sintering Properties of High Iron Trihydrate Bauxite and Sinter Microstructure

    粒度对高铁 三水铝石型铝土矿烧结性能和烧结矿显微结构的影响

  • Analysis on Contents of Aluminite Trihydrate and Baeyer Stone in Quasi-thin-water Aluminite

    拟薄水铝石中 三水铝石和拜尔石的含量分析

  • Study on Hydrolysis Process of Ampicillin Trihydrate

    氨苄青霉素 三水 水解工艺的研究

  • Phase diagram of the sodium acetate trihydrate & sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate


  • In present paper the Surface electric properties of alumina trihydrate ( ATH ) and its effect on adsorption properties of surfactants on ATH / Water interface were examined .

    本文考察了 氢氧化铝(ATH)的表面电性质及其对表面活性剂在ATH/水界面上吸附性能的影响。

  • The experimental result indicated that the porous magnesium carbonate trihydrate formed in the initial reaction stage was changed gradually to the basic magnesium carbonate hydrate after aging for a period of time .

    实验结果表明:在反应初期 首先形成 空腔 三水碳酸镁,经陈化后逐渐变为碱式碳酸镁。

  • Methods Taking sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate ( NaDDC · 3H_2O ) as chelating agent and ethanol as entrainer the orthogonal test was designed and ICP-MS used to mensurate the contents of Cu As and Pb in chrysoidine under different conditions .

    方法以二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸 (NaDDC.3H2O)作为配合剂,乙醇为夹带剂,设计正交试验,采用ICP-MS测定橘红中Cu、As、Pb的量。

  • A heat storage material with phase change temperature 60 ℃ and supercooling temperature less than 5 ℃ is developed . The material is composed of sodium acetate trihydrate nucleators and suspension mediums .

    水合醋酸钠 CH3COONa · 3H2O 为贮热基质,评选和优化成核剂和抗沉淀剂,组成贮热介质工作温度约60℃和过冷度小于5℃的 热材料。

  • The solubility of such a solvate may markedly differ from the nonsolvated form ; eg anhydrous ampicillin has a greater rate of dissolution and absorption than its corresponding trihydrate .

    例如,无水氨苄西林的溶解速率和吸收比其它相应 水合物的溶解吸收速率都要快得多。

  • The influence of the level of alumina trihydrate plasticizer and coupling agent on the electrical property of EPDM was studied .

    研究了 三水合氧化铝、增塑剂及偶联剂用量对三元乙丙橡胶电性能的影响。

  • The preparation method prepares the potassium trimolybdate trihydrate nanowires through the reaction of hexaammonium molybdate tetrahydrate and potassium ions in water .

    本发明通过四水合七钼酸铵在水中和钾离子反应制备三 水合三钼酸钾纳米线。

  • Objective : To obtain the best value of pH using the hydrolysis process of ampicillin trihydrate .

    目的:获得氨苄青霉素 三水 水解反应需要 控制的最佳pH值。

  • IR identification of principal components in clathrate warfarin sodium and ftibamzone and of ampicillin trihydrate and cloxacillin sodium in compound ampicillin capsule is reported in this paper .

    本文采用红外差谱法测定华法林钠、酞丁胺等包合物(Clathrate)中主体的红外光谱及复方氨苄青霉素胶囊中氨苄青霉素 三水 和邻氯青霉素钠的红外光谱。

  • Study on the Properties of EPDM / PP Flame-retarded by Alumina Trihydrate


  • Phase Change Property of Sodium Acetate Trihydrate as Heat Storage Material


  • The sodium acetate trihydrate & acetamide system

    水合醋酸钠&乙酰胺体系 相图

  • A method using sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate ( DDTC ) as chromogenic agent for determinating micro-amounts of copper in tea was developed by spectrophotometry in aqueous solution .

    研究了以二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠(铜试剂, DDTC)为显色剂水相比色测定茶叶中铜含量的方法。

  • Benzyl acetate is synthesized by catalyzing the esterification of sodium acetate trihydrate and benzyl chloride in the presence of a phase transter catalyst at 105 ℃ to 110 ℃ giving a 65-90 % . yield of the benzyl acetate with its purity higher than 98 % .

    利用相转移催化剂催化 水合 乙酸钠和苄基氯的酯化反应,合成乙酸苄酯,产率为65~90%,酯含量在98%以上。

  • Optimizing Experimental Study on Phase Transition Property of Sodium Acetate Trihydrate

    三水醋酸钠 固液相变性能优化实验研究

  • The study on kinetic model of alumina trihydrate crystal growth prepared from flyash

    粉煤灰制备 氢氧化铝晶核生长动力学数学模型

  • Preventing CPU from overheating by Sodium Acetate Trihydrate

    三水醋酸钠在防止CPU 瞬时过热中的应用

  • The crystal and molecular structures of gadolinium terbium erbium and thulium acetylacetonate trihydrate

    钆、铽、铒、铥的乙酰丙酮 三水 络合物的晶体结构和分子结构