Triticum aestivum


  • The ecotoxicological effects of oxytetracycline ( OTC ) on the germination of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) seeds and the early development of wheat seedlings were investigated .

    研究了土霉素对 小麦种子发芽以及早期幼苗生长发育的生态毒性效应。

  • Low-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunits ( LMW-GS ) of Triticum Aestivum Cloning and Sequence Analysis

    普通 小麦低分子量谷蛋白亚基( LMW-GS)基因克隆及序列分析

  • Interspecific Cross-incompatibility between Triticum aestivum and Its Related Species and Their F_1 Kernel Characters

    小麦 及其 种间杂交的不亲和性及其F1籽粒性状 研究

  • The herbicidal activity of 67 families 152 genus 188 species plant samples in the seeds germination of Sorghum vulgare Cucumis sativus Triticum aestivum and Brassica campestris were determined .

    以油菜、 小麦、黄瓜、高梁等4种作物种子为供试对象,用种子萌发法初步选择性地测定了采自西北地区的67科152属188种植物样品的除草作用。

  • Molecular Cloning and Analysis of Histone H3 Genes from Triticum Aestivum

    普通 小麦 编码组蛋白H3基因的克隆与分析

  • Aseptic Culture of the Hybrid Seeds of Different Ploidy Phalaenopsis Segregations of Chromosome and Trait in Hybrid Generations Derived from Cross between Triticum aestivum and Amphidiploid of Aegilops ventricosa × Aegilops cylindrica

    不同倍性蝴蝶兰杂交种子的离体培养偏凸-柱穗山羊草双二倍体与 普通 小麦 不同杂种世代的染色体及性状分离特点

  • The effect of disinfectors on triticum aestivum tissue culture

    消毒剂对 小麦组织培养的影响

  • Genetic Variation of Progeny Seed Glutenin from Triticum aestivum × Pisum sativum


  • Effect of shading on biomass allocation and chlorophyll content in leaf of Triticum aestivum at different developmental stages

    遮光处理对不同生育期 小麦生物量分配和叶片叶绿素含量的影响

  • Adsurgens culture filtrate on the seedling growth of radish ( Raphanus sativus ) and wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) .

    并采用玻璃皿滤纸培养法,进行了培养滤液对萝卜和 小麦幼苗生长干扰作用的 研究

  • The Differences of Protein Component in Root and Leaf between Triticum durum and Triticum aestivum during Their Development

    硬粒小麦和 普通 小麦根、叶片发育过程中蛋白质的变化

  • Study on Transfer of Genetic Material from Triticum aestivum X Pisum sativum


  • Until now the research about phytochelatins synthase genes only focuses on two heavy metal sensitive plant : Arabidopsis thaliana and Triticum aestivum .

    迄今为止,关于植物络合素合酶基因的研究主要集中在两种非重金属的植物中:拟南芥与 小麦

  • Genetic Toxicity Effect of Lead Nitrate on Root Tip Cells of Triticum aestivum


  • Identification of Alien Addition Line from Triticum aestivum × Leymus multicaulis by C-banding and FISH

    FISH和C-分带相结合的方法鉴定 小麦-多枝 赖草异附加系

  • Preliminary study on hybrid chromosome composition and relationship in symmetric hybridization between Triticum aestivum and intergeneric grasses


  • Ecotoxicological Effects of Oxytetracycline on Wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) Based on Seed Germination and Seedling Development

    土霉素对 小麦种子发芽与幼苗生长发育的生态毒性

  • Cloning and Analysis of Disease Resistance and Stress Tolerance Relative Genes in Triticum Aestivum


  • Molecular cytogenetics fertility and scab resistance of the intergeneric hybrid F_1 and BC_1 between Triticum aestivum and Roegneria kamoji

    普通 小麦 鹅观草属间杂种F1及BC1的分子细胞遗传学、育性和赤霉病抗性研究

  • Effect of NaCl on growth and distribution of inorganic ions in roots of Triticum aestivum seedlings

    NaCl对 小麦根生长和无机离子分布的影响

  • Triticum aestivum seed embryos of 7 different drought-resistance varieties and 1 countrywide comparative drought variety were researched in the paper .

    本课题以抗旱性不同的7个 小麦品种和全国抗旱对照品种的 成熟种胚为 材料进行抗旱性研究。

  • In such acidified soil the generation of biomass and physiological activities of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) seedlings were reduced .

    酸化土壤对根系生物量和某些生理活动的影响 大于对地上部的影响。

  • The combining ability and heritability of amylose contents and swelling power derived from a 6 × 6 incomplete diallel cross involving 12 winter wheat varieties ( Triticum aestivum ) were studied .

    研究了12个冬 小麦品种直链淀粉含量和膨胀势的平均表现及6×6不完全双列杂交的配合力和遗传力等。

  • The changes of the nucleolus during cell cycle in Triticum aestivum were studied by Bernhard staining method .

    运用 Bernhard染色方法研究了 小麦根端分生组织细胞核仁在细胞周期中的变化。

  • Relationship between ultrastructural changes and zearalenone in Triticum aestivum during Vernalization

    小麦低温春化过程中 细胞超微结构的变化与玉米赤霉烯酮的关系

  • Segregations of Chromosome and Trait in Hybrid Generations Derived from Cross between Triticum aestivum and Amphidiploid of Aegilops ventricosa × Aegilops cylindrica

    偏凸-柱穗山羊草双二倍体与 普通 小麦 不同杂种世代的染色体及性状分离特点

  • The effect of Onobrychis viciaefolia and spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) on the content of soluble salt was studied by field experiment .

    通过田间试验,测定了种植牧草和春 小麦对土壤可溶性盐分和盐离子的影响。

  • Effects of Extracts from Root of Rheum tanguticum on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Triticum aestivum and Elymus nutans

    唐古特大黄药材提取物对 小麦和垂穗披碱草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响