


  • Isolated eyebrow and eyelash trichotillomania mimicking alopecia areata


  • The condition is considered a good animal model for OCD and it 's similar to the human disorder trichotillomania where people pull out their own hair .

    这一状况被认为是一个极好的强迫症动物模型(一种能 模拟 反应人体 行为的动物),小鼠的状态与人类的 类似, 患有 这种疾病的人会拔掉自己的头发。

  • Purpose : to report a case of bilateral upper lid lash loss caused by trichotillomania .

    摘要目的:报告一因 罹患 而导致两眼上眼睑睫毛缺失的病例。