


  • The concussion of Commerce has led to the philistinism of the art accordingly led to the corrupt of community aesthetic values and values tropism .

    商业的冲击导致了艺术的庸俗化,从而导致了社会审美观念、价值 取向的堕落。

  • Conclusions : The method was important to the analysis of channel tropism of Chinese medicine prescriptions .

    结论:较准确的确定方剂 量化 ,对中药方剂 量化研究有着一定的 指导意义。

  • Discussion about the content tropism in the thought and political education work in the high education school under financial crisis

    论金融危机下高校思想政治教育工作的内容 取向

  • The character of cell receptors is one of the key factors contribute to virus tropism .

    细胞受体是决定 口蹄 病毒 宿主 特异性和组织特异性的主要因素之一。

  • On the Relation between the Value Tropism of the New Medical Reform and Scientific Outlook on Development

    论新医改的价值 取向与科学发展观关系

  • See Archaic Literati Aesthetic Tropism through Stone-Scene Construct in Suzhou Garden

    从苏州园林中的石景营造看古代文人的审美 取向

  • On Existentialism Tropism of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature Teaching

    论中国现当代文学教学的生存论 转向

  • Chemotropism ( chemotropic movement ) A TROPISM in which the stimulus is chemical .

    刺激物是化学物质的一种 性。

  • Tropism of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in neurogenic differentiation for C6 conditioned medium and SDF-1 α

    成神经分化的骨髓间充质干细胞 C6细胞条件培养基和SDF-1α的趋化 迁移研究

  • County Fiscal State Que Dilemma and Reform Tropism in China

    中国县域财政的现状、困境与改革 取向

  • Klinostat ( clinostat ) An apparatus used in tropism experiments to remove the unidirectional influence of a stimulus on a plant organ .

    回转仪(器):在 实验中用来消除植物器官上的刺激产生的单向性影响的一种仪器。

  • The view of teacher-student of the postmodernism with aesthetic tropism gives us a brand-new approach for the free and harmonious association between students and teachers .

    审美 取向的后现代师生观为师生之间自由、和谐的交往开辟了新的可能路径。

  • The internal working conditions of the kindergarten have great influence on kindergarten teachers tropism intension and duration of the teaching motivation .

    幼儿园的内部工作环境对幼儿教师教学动机的 价值 取向、动机强度、持续时间都有十分重要的影响。

  • Further on this essay under the principleof systematism tropism and relativity displays the concrete conceives of tourism development in shennongjia .

    在此基础上,文章以系统性、 取向 、主题性以及相关性原则为 指导,提出了神农架旅游产品开发的具体构想。

  • Tropism of Economic Growth : Comparison among Four Countries and China 's Orientation

    经济增长方式 取向:四个国家比较与中国的定位

  • From Harmony to Compromise & the tropism of moral principle and value sense in modern china

    从和谐走向和解&现代化中国道德原则与价值观的 取向

  • Vindicating and realizing social equity is not only essential demand of China socialism system but also is value tropism of constructing harmonious society .

    维护和实现社会公正是中国社会主义制度的本质要求,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的价值 基础

  • Adenovirus is the main candidate for expressing and delivering therapy genes because of its intensive tissue tropism .

    因其具有广泛的组织 亲和 ,腺病毒成为表达和传递治疗基因的主要候选者。

  • Objective : To discuss the meridian tropism of Tibetan drug Yuganzi .

    目的:探讨 余甘子的药物

  • On Reform of Governmental Conduct under the Tropism of Social Equity

    社会公平 取向下的政府行为变革探析

  • Intrinsic Guarantee : On the Developing Tropism of the Higher Education in the Autonomous Regions

    内源性保障:民族自治地区高等教育发展的 应然 取向

  • Receptors play a crucial role in determining the host specificity and tissue tropism of virus .

    病毒受体是病毒宿主范围和组织 的一个决定因素。

  • Tropism of adult liver stem cells toward hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro

    成体肝干细胞向肝癌细胞 趋向 迁移的体外实验

  • The Dodder 's effect flavor and meridian tropism and the modern pharmacology relevant research

    菟丝子功效、性味 与现代药理学的相关性研究

  • The General Strategic Framework of China 's Transformation and Its Practical Tropism on the Context of Globalization

    全球化条件下中国转型的总体性战略框架与现实 取向

  • Objective : To understand the related pharmacological research progress of perilla with meridian tropism in lung and spleen and provide reference for theoretical research on meridian tropism .

    目的:了解紫苏 肺、脾经相关药理研究进展,为归经的理论研究提供参考。

  • Self-interest demand of state actor makes it form foreign policy tropism of isolation and nonalignment under the special culture ideas .

    国家行为体的自我利益需求使该国在其特定文化观念中形成孤立与不结盟的外交 倾向

  • Effects of Acupuncture on Paclitaxel Liposome Tropism of Tumor Organization in Vivo in Lung Cancer Rats

    针刺对肺癌大鼠体内紫杉醇脂质体 趋向 的影响

  • In the view of the purpose of penalty or value tropism non-confinement penalty is propitious for the criminals to return to the society compared with the imprisonment penalty which mainly reveals the guarantee of the development rights of criminals .

    从刑罚目的或价值 取向上看,它较监禁刑政策更有利于罪犯重返社会,它重点体现了对罪犯发展权的保障。

  • The tropism of administration in universities is the centralization of political or power and bureaucrat management .

    政治中心、度集权、僚治校是大学行政权力的 价值 取向