




  • We helped to fit him out for a trip to the Baltic

    我们帮他准备了 波罗的海的行装。

  • Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip .

    迈克尔累了,他在长途 旅行以后必须休息。

  • They are planning on a trip to Guyana next month .

    他们计划下个月去圭亚那 旅行

  • I 'm not carrying much with me on this trip .

    这次 出去 旅行我随身带的东西不多。

  • The coach said his club had wiretapped the hotel room of a player during a road trip .

    教练说他的俱乐部曾经窃听了一名开车 旅行的运动员所住宾馆房间的电话。

  • This involved me in a round trip of over 400 miles .

    为此我需要 往返 旅行400多英里。

  • The President 's envoy set off on another diplomatic trip


  • They tripped along with scarcely a care in the world .

    他们 轻快 走着,几乎没有世间的烦恼。

  • He tried to follow Jack 's footsteps in the snow and tripped on a rock

    他想要跟着杰克在雪中留下的脚印走, 一块石头 绊倒

  • You know I wasn 't sold on this trip in the beginning .

    你知道,刚开始我并不同意来 参加 这次 旅行

  • If you enjoy outdoor activities this is the trip for you

    如果你喜欢户外运动,这一 旅行很适合你。

  • England 's footballers are back home after their ill-fated trip to Algeria .

    英格兰足球队结束了倒霉的阿尔及利亚 ,回到了国内。

  • It 's one hell of a train trip about five days there and back

    旅行 来回坐了大约5天火车,受的那个罪就别提了。

  • The cables are all bright yellow to prevent you tripping over them .

    电缆都是亮黄色,以防 绊倒人。

  • She tripped and fell last night and broke her hip

    她昨晚 绊倒 ,摔坏了髋骨。

  • The biggest star perk and the biggest power trip must be the private plane .

    顶级的明星待遇和 无上的权力体验肯定要数私人飞机了。

  • It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner .

    乘坐远洋班轮进行商务 旅行变得不合时宜了。

  • On the Thursday we went out on a day trip


  • Our school chartered three buses for the trip .

    我们学校为那 旅行包了三辆公共汽车。

  • Mark was sent to the Far East on a business trip .

    马克被派往远东 出差

  • There 's such pressure to be happy in Hawaii if you 're unhappy you 're on a guilt trip

    就好像去夏威夷就一定要开心似的,如果你不开心,你会一个劲儿地感到 愧疚

  • He has returned to South Africa from his long overseas trip .

    他结束了漫长的海外 旅行回到南非。

  • A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill

    一个身穿红色罩衫的女孩迈着 轻快 步子下山。

  • One guy stuck his foot out and tried to trip me .

    一个家伙把脚伸出来想要 绊倒我。

  • You 've made that same trip so many times before that you 're on automatic pilot

    这一 行程你以前已经 走过多次了,早就了如指掌了。

  • An anxious or depressed person can experience a really bad trip .

    焦虑或抑郁的人吸毒后可能会有非常糟糕的 幻觉