Members can choose to study either one or two subjects per trimester .
会员可以选择每一 个 学期学习一门或两门课程。
The skull is opened in this third trimester stillborn fetus to reveal hydranencephaly .
此处打开颅骨来自一 个 7-9 月的死产胎儿,以显示积水性无脑畸形。
Objective : To study the efficacy of rivanol in combination with mifepristone for termination of mid trimester of pregnancy .
目的:探讨利凡诺与米非司酮联合用于中期 妊娠 引产的临床效果。
Objective To investigate the influence of hepatitis B virus on the trace elements in the second trimester pregnant woman .
目的探讨乙肝病毒(HBV)对 孕 中期孕妇微量元素的的影响。
Cervix lymphatic hygroma ; Ultrasonic checkup ; Mid trimester of pregnancy ; Late pregnancy ; Foetus .
颈淋巴水囊瘤;超声检查; 妊娠 中期;妊娠末期;胎儿。
I start my second trimester next week and will be going for a scan we are hoping for a girl .
我开始我的第二 学期下星期并将在去扫描,我们在期待一个女孩。
Clinical impact of first and early second trimester fetal echocardiography on high risk pregnancies
早期与 中期 妊娠 早期胎儿超声心动图检查对高危妊娠的临床影响
Potential Roles of the Endometrial Glands in Human Placental Development During the First Trimester of Pregnancy
合胞体性子宫内膜炎子宫内膜腺体对 妊娠早期胎盘发育的潜在作用
Methods Forty-five pregnant women during the second and third trimester as well as45 non-pregnant women underwent color Doppler ultrasound .
方法选取健康妊娠妇女45名,分别于中期妊娠和 晚期 妊娠进行彩色多普勒超声检查,另选取45名健康非妊娠妇女。
Conclusion The twin pregnancy and singleton pregnancy have different growth patterns in the third trimester pregnancy .
结论双胎妊娠胎儿与单胎 妊娠胎儿在 晚孕期有着不同的生长发育规律。
Treatment during the third trimester to prevent transmission to the newborn may be considered .
在 怀孕第三期间对新出生实施治疗防止新生儿传染也许应该考虑。
After the first trimester your morning sickness will disappear !
过了头 三 个 月,你晨吐症状就会消失!
Results : Unexpected or repeated painless vaginal bleeding and postpartum hemorrhage were main symptoms in late trimester of pregnancy .
结果: 前置 胎盘对孕产妇的 影响以 妊娠 晚期突发无痛性阴道反复出血、产后出血者为多。
Not in your first trimester !
不要头个 学期就 这样!
Objective To study the pregnancy outcome and the clinical value of NST in polyhydramnios in the last trimester .
目的探讨 妊娠 晚期羊水过多的妊娠结局及无激惹试验的临床应用价值。
Gestational diabetes is defined as glucose intolerance that typically occurs during the second or third trimester of pregnancy .
妊娠期糖尿病是指典型的发生在 妊娠中晚期的葡萄糖不耐受。
ObjectiveTo study the ways for pregnancy termination of second trimester in a scarred uterus .
目的探讨不同 孕龄瘢痕子宫(均为子宫下段剖宫产术后) 中期 妊娠 引产的治疗方法。
The Influence of HPV Latent Infection during the Third Trimester of Pregnancy on Vaginitis and Pregnancy Outcome
妊娠 晚期HPV潜伏感染对阴道炎及妊娠结局的影响
But what is actually happening is a hormonal change as her body enters a new trimester of pregnancy .
但是这实际上只是荷尔蒙的变化,这是因为 母猫的身体进入了一个新的 妊娠 阶段。
Mothers completed questionnaires within a few months after delivery regarding alcohol use during the first trimester .
这些孩子的妈妈们在产后几个月内完成了有关“ 怀孕最初 三个 月是否有过饮酒经历”的调查问卷。
Some women experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy .
有些妇女在怀孕的头 三 个 月里,早上有恶心感。
By the time I reached the third trimester I was so over it .
等到了后期的 时候我实在受不了。
The misdiagnosis has8 cases which the second trimester has2cases ;
漏误诊共8例,其中 孕 中期漏误诊2例;
Conclusion The second trimester is the highest stage to detect the fetal malformations by colored B ultra .
结论 孕 中期是彩色B超对胎儿畸形检出率最高的阶段。
Pregnant women should not fold forward after the first trimester .
孕妇在 怀孕 三 个 月后不要 前屈。
Objective To evaluate the value of ultrasonic monitoring in induced abortion during the first trimester .
目的评估超声监测在 早孕 电 吸人工流产手术中的应用价值。
Clinical manifestations of preeclampsia can appear anytime between the second trimester and the first few days postpartum .
先兆子痫的临床特征可以表现在 妊娠 中期到产后数日间的任何时间。
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